100字范文 > 搭配意义 collocative meaning英语短句 例句大全

搭配意义 collocative meaning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-19 10:21:48


搭配意义 collocative meaning英语短句 例句大全

搭配意义,collocative meaning

1)collocative meaning搭配意义

1.Words acquire theircollocative meanings when used together with other words in different contexts.同一个词在与不同的词搭配使用时往往会有不同的意义,即词的搭配意义。

2.The sexism reflected from thecollocative meanings of English words can be examined from the following three aspects: conventional collocation,special collocation and particular collocation.搭配意义是一个词所获得的各种联想意义,而这些联想则产生于与这个词经常同时出现的一些词的意义。

3.Based on the fact that meaning differentiation is not effective enough in guiding the use of English synonyms, the present article put forward that synonyms be further studied in terms of their pragmatic patterns and tried a corpus analysis of the collocative pattern andcollocative meaning of two synonyms, wish and hope .:针对单纯的辨义研究不足以指导英语近义词的有效使用的实际 ,文章提出了在原有的语义辨析的基础上着手近义词的语用研究的看法 ,并通过调查分析 Cobuild语料库中提供的真实语料 ,试着对英语中容易误用的两个近义词 wish和 hope从搭配形式 (包括语法形式及词汇形式 )及搭配意义的角度进行全面的对比研究 ,希望能为这两个词的区分及有效使用提供指导 ,也希望能抛砖引玉 ,让更多的研究者致力于这方面的工


1.Patterns·Expression,On the Construction of the Museum of Art with the Meaning形态·神态——论艺术馆建筑中的搭配意义

2.The Sexism Reflected in the Collocative Meanings of English Words;英语词汇的搭配意义所影射的性别歧视

3.[Odd pairings that to the casual observer make absolutely no sense at all]如不仔细观察,这些搭配毫无意义

4.Pragmatic Function and Aesthetics Meaning of Zeugma;英语轭式搭配的语用功能及美学意义

5.On the Collocative Meaning of Words ──Also on Leech s Theory of Collocative Meaning;论词的搭配语义——兼评Leech的搭配语义观

6.On the Collocational Patterns of More and less withthe Construction of than,the Meanings of these Collocationsand the Ways to Translate them;谈more和less与than结构搭配的形式、意义及译法

7.Some intransitive notional verbs plus adjectives form the sentence patterns, which are active in form but passive in meaning.一部分不及物实义动词与形容词搭配构成主动形式被动意义句型。

8.Tracing the Development of L2 Word Knowledge--A Longitudinal Study of Meaning & Collocation on BBA-in English Students;对全英班学生二语词汇知识(意义和搭配)发展的跟踪研究

9.A Cross-sectional Study on Word Meaning and Collocation in Second Language Vocabulary Knowledge Acquisition;第二语言词汇知识习得:对意义及其搭配的横断研究

10.The Comparative Study of Synonyms Which Mean Army in Ancient Chinese;上古汉语含“军队”义位的同义词比较研究——兼谈词汇意义制约词语搭配的问题

11.The Analysis of Semantic Collocation of N1 and N2 in the Structure "N1 Plus 的 plus N2";“N1+的+N2”中N1N2语义搭配研究

12.An Investigation Into the Semantic Collocation of Abstract Nouns;抽象名词语义搭配情况调查(之一)

13.Cognitive Context and Meaning Inference of Supper-collocative Phrases;认知语境与超常搭配词组的语义推导

14.The Semantic Features of Measure Words "Dui、Shuang、Fu" from the Pespective of Collocation从搭配角度看量词“对、双、副”的语义特征

15.A great wine with lamb, beef and pasta dishes.非常适合搭配羊排、肉或意大利面食。

16.An excellent accompaniment to seafood, chicken and pasta.搭配海鲜、鸡肉及意大利面鲜美无比。

17.Effects of attention on second language acquisition of verb-noun collocations;注意在二语动名词搭配习得中的作用

18.Noticing Theory & English Collocation Acquisition注意理论对英语词语搭配教学的启示


collocational meaning搭配意义

1.conceptual, stylistic, grammatical, andcollocational meanings), making it better suited to the p.词典对词项的概念意义、搭配意义、语体意义、语法意义等多种功能意义进行了精当的阐释,使之更加符合读者的实际需要。

2.Therefore, the analysis of semantic orientation is a dynamic one based on thecollocational meaning of semantic structure.因此 ,一个句法结构也同时并存着两种语义关系 :句法意义和搭配意义。

3)collocation awareness搭配意识

4)semantic collocation语义搭配

1.After simply analyzing of puzzles in locating Chinese phrases boundaries with syntax,a method utilizingsemantic collocations to parse phrases is presented.简单分析了语法上界定汉语短语的困扰,提出一种利用语义搭配关系界定汉语短语的方法。

2.This paper mainly discusses three common deviation methods in English and Chinese deviantsemantic collocation: zeugma,transferred epithet and oxymoron.文章归纳出英汉两种语言在语义搭配变异层面的几个共有现象:轭式搭配、转移修饰和矛盾修饰,对其不同的搭配格式和搭配习惯作了比较,并根据英汉语言体系和文化背景等方面各自特点,分析出其语用效果和对比的意义。


6)collocation in its broad sense广义搭配


茶树品种搭配茶树品种搭配varieties protortion in tea planting茶树品种搭配(varieties proportionin tea Planting)一个茶场在栽培方式中选用具有不同发芽期和不同特性的茶树品种进行搭配种植的方法。品种搭配种植能提高茶场的经营管理和经济效益。在茶园布局中,茶树品种搭配方式主要根据以下三个因素综合考虑:①按发芽期早、中、晚的搭配,使各茶园的采摘期错开,防止采叶量过分集中,可做到采茶劳动力的妥薛安排和生产设备的充分利用,②按制茶品质不同特色的搭配,以起到产品原料拼配和品质互相补充的作用。③按茶树抗性强弱的搭配,可防止或减少自然灾害的损失。品种搭配的比例,随各地气候、土城和茶类等特点不同而异。据福建省农业科学院茶叶研究所的经验是:早芽品种占37.5%(包括福抓大白茶和云南大叶种系列品种),中芽品种占44.7%(包括毛公、梅占、坦洋菜茶等),迟芽品种占14.3%(包括政和大白茶等).其他占3.5%。湖南省涟原茶场从品质和发芽期两方面综合制订的搭配方案是涟茶1号占10%(发芽早,茶叶香气高,白毫多),涟茶2号占50%(中芽类型,产量最高,品质全面,但均不突出),涟茶5号占10%(发芽期偏晚,香气清香持久较突出,白毫亦多),涟茶7号占20%(发芽期偏早,叶片最小,其特点是多酚类含t高,所制的红碎茶滋味浓强)。(陈炳环)
