100字范文 > 线性回归算法 Linear regression algorithm英语短句 例句大全

线性回归算法 Linear regression algorithm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-22 13:04:25


线性回归算法 Linear regression algorithm英语短句 例句大全

线性回归算法,Linear regression algorithm

1)Linear regression algorithm线性回归算法


1.A method of nonlinear regression based on rational interpolation spline基于有理插值样条的非线性回归算法

2.Evaluation of Teacher"s Education Informationization Based on Inearity Regression Arithmetic利用线性回归算法评价教师教育信息化问题

3.Application of GL Algorithm on Weighed Parameters to Linear Regression ModelGL算法在线性回归模型的权值计算中的应用

4.The model parameters are estimated by linear regression.用线性回归的方法计算出相应的模型参数。

5.The Restricted EM Algorithm for Regression Coefficients of the Linear Model with Missing Data;含缺失数据的线性模型回归系数的约束EM算法

6.Multiple Linear Regression Application on the Inter-network Settlement of Internet;多元线性回归法在互联网网间结算中的应用

7.The Research of POPs Software Estimation Based on Multiple Linear Regression Model基于多元线性回归模型的POPs软件估算方法研究

8.Study on nonlinear regression based on ant colony optimization and neural network基于蚁群算法和神经网络的非线性回归研究

9.Application of Linear Regression Computing Method of Excel in the Environmental MonitoringExcel中线性回归计算法在环境监测中的应用

10.A New Algorithm for Actuator Fault Diagnosis based on Unitary Linear Recursive Analysis基于一元线性回归分析的舵机故障诊断算法

11.Application of Triangle Evolution in Nonlinear Regression Model Generating三角进化算法在非线性回归模型建立中的应用

12.Secure Algorithm of Linear Regression under Private Information Protection基于私有信息保护的线性回归安全算法

13.Returns the standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in a regression返回通过线性回归法计算纵坐标预测值所产生的标准误差

14.Using PSO Algorithm to Solve Nonlinear Multiregression Based on Generalized Choquet Integrals;粒子群算法求解基于广义Choquet-积分的多元非线性回归模型

15.The Paramerter Estimation and Aplication on the Self adaptable Linear Regression Model of the Gradually Weaken Memory;渐消记忆型自适应线性回归模型参数估计算法及应用

16.Research on the Gene Regulatory Network Reconstruction Algorithm Based on Linear Regression Model基于线性回归模型的基因调控网络重构算法的研究

17.Research of Algorithm in Video Digital Watermarking Based on the Linear Support Vector Regression基于线性支持向量回归机的视频数字水印算法研究

18.Algorithm of Support Vector Machine Based on Nonlinear Problems of Regression and Classification Function基于非线性分类和回归问题中的支持向量机算法


pseudo linear regression algorithm伪线性回归算法

1.To suppress the power frequency signal and other harmonic components in earth capacitance of resonant grounded system, an adaptive filtering algorithm based onpseudo linear regression algorithm is proposed.为抑制谐振接地系统对地电容中的工频信号和其它谐波成分,提出了一种基于伪线性回归算法的自适应滤波算法。

3)multiple linear regression arithmetic多元线性回归算法

1.Academic research of market clearing price modeling withmultiple linear regression arithmetic;基于多元线性回归算法预测上网清算电价建模的理论研究

4)Genetic Algorithms-Multiple linear regression遗传算法—多元线性回归

5)linear regression method线性回归法

1.Preliminary discuss on the estimation of the uncertainty measurement oflinear regression method(LRM)and single point external standard method(SPESM);关于线性回归法与单点外标法测量不确定度评估的初步探讨

2.Application oflinear regression method and Matlab in measuring gravity acceleration of compound pendulum线性回归法和Matlab在复摆测重力加速度实验中的应用

3.The error t-test results showed that COD determined by spectrometric method of catalysis-free microwave digestion are identified with classical determination method,and test results of thelinear regression method showed that they are identical.采用差数t检验法对无催化-微波消解光度法测定的炼油污水COD与传统回流法所测的COD进行检验,结果无显著差异;采用线性回归法检验,结果亦显著相关,表明无催化-微波消解光度法适用于炼油污水各处理装置出水COD的快速测定及预报。

6)linear recursive method线性回归法

1.Thelinear recursive method was used to do with the experiment data in the quantified analytical chemistry.将线性回归法引入定量分析化学的实验数据处理中,以邻二氮菲测定微量铁实验数据为例,讨论了与传统的绘制标准曲线方法的差异,并基于线性回归法导出了处理结果的误差计算公式,同时开发出了简化分析过程的软件。


