100字范文 > 嗅觉通路 olfactory pathway英语短句 例句大全

嗅觉通路 olfactory pathway英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-21 14:59:51


嗅觉通路 olfactory pathway英语短句 例句大全

嗅觉通路,olfactory pathway

1)olfactory pathway嗅觉通路

1.Mechanisms of Eugenol improving learning and memory througholfactory pathway on Kunming mice;丁香酚通过嗅觉通路改善昆明鼠学习记忆的机制


1.Effects on SD rat"s blood pressure through olfactory medication of lavender oil薰衣草精油通过嗅觉通路对大鼠血压的影响

2.Mechanisms of Eugenol Improving Learning & Memory Through Olfactory Pathway on KM Mice;丁香酚通过嗅觉通路改善昆明鼠学习记忆的机制研究

3.Effect of Essential Oils on Blood Pressure with Olfactory Medication in Rats芳香精油通过嗅觉通路调节大鼠血压的实验研究

4.The Nanoparticle-Quantum Dots Distribution in the Olfactory Bulb of Mice after Nasal Inhalation;纳米颗粒—量子点经嗅觉通路进入中枢神经系统的实验研究

5.Application of 3.0 Tesla MR in Olfactory Pathway Imaging3.0T磁共振在嗅觉传导通路成像中的应用

6.dogs scenting their prey.通过嗅觉追踪猎物的狗

7.The Tantric path encompasses beauty, sensitivity, and exhilaration through eating, drinking, tasting, smelling, touching.坦陀罗的道路通过吃,喝,味觉,嗅觉,触觉而达成,包围着美丽、敏感和令人愉快。

8.Of, relating to, or contributing to the sense of smell.嗅觉的嗅觉的,与嗅觉有关的或有助于嗅觉的

9.a sense of sight [ hearing, smell, taste, touch ]视觉[听觉, 嗅觉, 味觉, 触觉]

10.Conclusions: The uncus of hippocampus, lateral medial nucleus of thalamus and orbitofrontal gyrus are the olfactory centre and important tract.结论:1.本研究进一步验证了海马回钩、丘脑内侧背核、眶额回为嗅觉中枢及其重要通路。

11.Cobalt Lysine Filling Technique for Tracing Olfactory Sensory Neurons within Antenna into the Central Nervous System触角嗅觉神经束路示踪的赖氨酸钴填充方法

12.keen [dull] sense of smell敏锐[迟钝]的嗅觉

13.Tasting. Determining the quality and characteristics of wine by means of the organs of taste and smell.品尝:通过味觉和嗅觉器官确定葡萄酒品质与风格的过程。

14.Of or relating to odors or the sense of smell.气味的,嗅觉的与气味或嗅觉有关的

15.An apparatus for measuring the acuity of the sense of smell.嗅觉器用以测量嗅觉灵敏度的仪器

16.All dogs have good noses , but the noses of hunting dogs are best .狗的嗅觉都很灵,而猎狗的嗅觉最灵。

17.recognize or detect by or as if by smelling.使用嗅觉认出或者察觉。

18.A sensation, stimulation, or perception of the sense of smell.嗅觉的感受、激发或感觉


Intranasal delivery via the olfactory pathway鼻嗅觉通路

3)Olfactory communication嗅觉通讯

1.Based on the experimental research of olfactory communication of Brandt s voles (Microtus brandti) in enclosure,especially on intraspecific discrimination during nonbreeding season,it was evident that Brandt s voles had the ability of discrimination between the substrate with vole s odour and the clean one.通过对观察箱内处于非繁殖期的成年布氏田鼠(Microtusbrandti)嗅觉通讯,特别是种内识别的研究表明:布氏田鼠对带有鼠味的底物和清洁底物有分辨能力,并能够辨别自身气味和陌生个体气味,但对群体气味和不同性别的陌生个体气味在探究时间上没有表现出差异。

2.A large number of studies demonstrated that urine played an important role in the olfactory communication.大量研究表明尿液在动物的嗅觉通讯中具有重要作用,血液是尿液的根本来源,但对其嗅觉通讯功能的研究较少。

4)olfactory pathway嗅觉路径

5)Olfactory Pathways嗅通路

6)olfactory pathway嗅神经通路

1.【Objective】To study the feasibility of transferring foreign gene by HSV- 1 vector into central nervoussystem byolfactory pathway in rats.结论HSV-1载体可通过大鼠嗅神经通路将外源基因导入中枢神经系统并在其中表达。

2.Objective:To study the feasibility of transfering foreign gene by herpes simplex virus type Ⅰ(HSV—1) vector into central nervous system byolfactory pathway in monkeys.目的:研究用HSV-1载体经猴嗅神经通路将外源基因导入中枢神经系统的方法。


开辟通路开辟通路breachingkaiPi tonglu开辟通路(br eaching)在障碍区中排除障碍物以开辟通道的行动。工程保障任务之一。包括陆上开辟通路和水中开辟通路。目的是确保人员、车辆、舰艇、登陆输送工具等安全通过障碍区。中国战国时期,在进攻城池的作战中,已用人工清除鹿碧、铁羡黎等障碍物。明代中后期,采取了爆破法排除地雷、水雷。第一次世界大战时期,广泛采取了爆破法在地雷、铁丝网等障碍区中开辟通路。第二次世界大战时期,还使用炮兵、航空兵等火力开辟通路,严密组织火力、烟幕掩护开辟通路。开辟通路须运用各种力量,充分发挥工程兵的骨干作用;预先查明障碍物配系和敌火力控制等情况,做好开辟通路的各项准备;根据任务、时间、敌情选择开辟的方法,明确规定开辟通路的数量和宽度。使用人工和机械开辟通路时,还须周密组织火力与烟幕掩护,尽量利用能见度不良时实施。基本方法有爆破法、机械法和人工法。有时炮兵、航空兵、舰艇部队的火力也用于开辟通路。通常以扫雷滚、爆破器、探雷器和手工作业排除地雷、铁丝网;用推土装置和爆破装置排除壕、坑、桩紫等障碍物;使用扫雷舰艇、直升机和潜水员排除水中障碍物。在沾染区和化学障碍物中开辟通路须穿戴防护器材;排除电障碍物、火障碍物时须防止触电和烧伤。开辟通路时,根据情况,灵活运用各种手段和器材,采取秘密开辟与强行开辟相结合的方法实施。秘密开辟通常在火力准备前进行,强行开辟在火力准备开始后实施。通路开辟完毕,进行标示和伪装,并以火力加以控制。当开辟的通路被敌封闭后,重新组织开辟。随着障碍物的发展,障碍物设置能力的增强,开辟通路的任务将更加艰巨,对专业技术的要求更高;由于大量使用高效、遥控排除障碍物的装备器材,作业速度将提高。(陈运鸿)使用爆破器开辟通路李子亮摄
