100字范文 > 系统误差补偿 system error compensation英语短句 例句大全

系统误差补偿 system error compensation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-21 05:48:30


系统误差补偿 system error compensation英语短句 例句大全

系统误差补偿,system error compensation

1)system error compensation系统误差补偿


1.Research on Error Compensation Technology of Mechanically Dithered Ring Laser Gyro SINS;机抖激光陀螺捷联惯导系统误差补偿技术研究

2.Research on the software error compensation in machining center on-line inspecting system;加工中心在线检测系统误差补偿技术研究

3.Parametric Identification and Error Compensation of MEMS Inertial Sensors and IMUMEMS惯性器件参数辨识及系统误差补偿技术

4.Error Compensation Methods for Inertial Navigation System in Deep Sea深海环境惯性导航系统误差补偿方法的研究

5.Charging and Weighing Error Compensation System for No. 3 BF Xin-Yu Steel Works新钢3~#高炉上料和称量误差补偿系统

6.Analysis and Study for the Compensating System of Thermal Errors in Grinding;磨削热分析及其误差补偿系统的研究

7.Design and Research on the System of Gear-grinding Machining Errors and Compensation;磨齿加工误差补偿系统的设计与研究

8.Study on Sag Error Compensation of SINUMERIK 840D CNC SystemSINUMERIK 840D数控系统垂度误差补偿技术研究

9.Research on vibration error compensation of FOG SINS光纤陀螺捷联系统振动误差补偿研究

10.A Practical Algorithm for Speed Error Compensation of SINS捷联惯导系统速度误差补偿实用算法

11.Study on Pitch Error Compensation of SINUMERIK 810D/840D CNC SystemSINUMERIK810D/840D数控系统螺距误差补偿技术研究

12.Error analysis and compensation of 2D precision positioning system二维精密定位系统的误差分析与补偿

13.IMU Error Coefficient Compensation in Free-field Segment of Ballistic Missile弹道导弹惯导系统误差系数自由段补偿

14.Dynamic Error Analysis and Numerical Compensation of Pressure in Bore Measuring System膛压测试系统动态误差分析及其数字补偿

15.Pitch Error Compensation of CNC Machine Controlled by Closed-loop数控机床闭环控制系统的螺距误差补偿

16.Research on Real-Time Error Compensation for Aerospace Vehicle Control System航天飞行器控制系统误差实时补偿方案研究

17.Research on Machining Error Inspection and Compensation of Open Loop NC System;开环数控系统的加工误差检测及补偿的研究

18.Radial Run-out Measuring System Improvement and Error Compensation of Cylindrical Gear;圆柱齿轮径向跳动检测系统改进及误差补偿


relative system error compensation相对系统误差补偿

1.This paper analyzes the source of error in the guidance radar network, sets up the model of error compensation, and gives arelative system error compensation method through studying therelative system error compensation.通过对制导雷达网中误差源的分析,分别建立了距离、方位角、高底角的误差补偿模型,在此基础上,提出了一种制导雷达组网相对系统误差补偿方法。

3)error compensation control system误差补偿控制系统

4)error compensation误差补偿

1.Xwfd pre-stack depth migration based on dual-complexity witherror compensation correction;双复杂条件下带误差补偿的频率空间域有限差分法叠前深度偏移

2.Feeding Error Compensation of EDM Machine Based on Finite Element Analysis;基于有限元分析的线切割机床进给误差补偿

3.Research on Cutting Parameters Optimization and Error Compensation in Slender Bar Turning;细长轴车削用量优化与加工变形误差补偿技术的研究

5)Errors compensation误差补偿

1.Finite-difference pre-stack depth migration with errors compensation;带误差补偿的有限差分叠前深度偏移方法

2.This dissertation applies the kinematic calibration principle and computer vision technique to improve the X-Y table accuracy via geometrical parameters identification and errors compensation.本文分析了定位平台的主要误差源;利用计算机视觉技术进行了相机的标定,设计实验分析评估了其精度,并且利用该相机完成测量任务;针对此引线键合机设计了标定实验分步对该引线键合机定位平台的相关参数进行辨识;利用辨识结果通过修正系统输入对系统误差进行了补偿,设计实验并验证了通过误差补偿可以提高系统的精度,从而说明了基于计算机视觉的运动学标定技术应用于该引线键合机的可行性和有效性。

3.This paper deduced precisely the errors formula of AC synchronous sampling to voltage,solved the lower precision problem caused by changing-frequency signal,and put forward errors compensation.导出了电压交流同步采样的准确误差公式,解决了被测信号频率变化时采样精度降低的问题,并提出了误差补偿方法。

6)error compensating误差补偿

1.This paper introduces the construction and application in manufacturing wheel cutter of the single chip computer controllederror compensating system ,discusses emphatically collection and processing beforehand of error data as well as analysis of compensating precision .介绍了由单片机控制的逐点误差补偿控制系统的组成以及该系统在滚刀精加工过程中的应用 ,着重讨论了误差数据的采集、预处理以及补偿精度分析。

2.After analysing the error of pitch, this paper put forward a method oferror compensating without theerror compensating mechanism in a numerical controlled lathe.通过对车床加工丝杠螺距误差的分析,提出了应用自适应控制原理,在数控车床上不另设误差补偿机构,利用微机实现螺距误差在线动态测量和实时补偿校正。


