100字范文 > 混合核函数 mixtures of kernels英语短句 例句大全

混合核函数 mixtures of kernels英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-02 12:53:46


混合核函数 mixtures of kernels英语短句 例句大全

混合核函数,mixtures of kernels

1)mixtures of kernels混合核函数

1.Extremum Decomposition Based Mixtures of Kernels and Its Improvement基于极分解下的混合核函数及改进

2.In this paper,we give some regulations about how to select a kernel function by using themixtures of kernels and a model of mathematical programming with equilibrium constraints for selecting the param.本文从混合核函数着手研究,建立若干选取规则,得到关于核函数选取的方法。

3.A novel edge detection method based on the combination result of gradient and zero crossings is presented,the im- age intensity of neighborhood region of pixel is well estimated by Least Squares Support Vector Machines(LS-SVM)withmixtures of kernels,the gradient operator and zero crossing opertator are obtained by LS-SVM based on mixtures kernel function.研究了基于混合核函数的最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)的图像边缘检测技术,利用LS-SVM对图像像素邻域的灰度值进行了曲面拟合,通过混合核函数推导出了图像的梯度算子和零交叉算子,并结合梯度算子和零交叉算子实现了图像边缘定位。


1.Parameter Selection and Application of SVM with Mixture Kernels Based on IPSO基于IPSO的混合核函数SVM参数优化及应用

2.The Application of Hybrid-Kernel Function Support Vector Machine in Credit Evaluation;混合核函数支持向量机在信用评估中的应用

3.Using mixture of kernels to improve the classification performance of support vector machines混合核函数对支持向量机分类性能的改进

4.Research on Face Recognition Methods Based on Mixture Kernels Function Support Vector Machine基于混合核函数支持向量机的人脸识别方法研究

5.Application of SVM based on Mixtures of Kernels in soft-sensor for Rare Earth Countercurrent Extraction Process混合核函数支持向量机在稀土萃取过程软测量建模中的应用

6.Edge Detection Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine with Mixtures of Kernels基于混合核函数最小二乘支持向量机的图像边缘检测研究

7.Hybrid-kernel SOM neural network and its application in remote-sensing image data classification基于混合核函数的自组织神经网络遥感图像分类

8.Edge Detection Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine with Mixtures of Kernels;基于混合核函数的最小二乘支持向量机方法在图像边缘检测的应用研究

9.Hybrid mean value on some Smarandache functionsSmarandache函数的混合均值(英文)

10.quasi-prenex conjunctive kernel normal form function拟前束合取核范式函数

11.Rather, the wave function is time-independent mixture of covalent and ionic functions.的确,波函数是一个与时间无关的共价函数和离子函数的混合。

12.Notes on Second Mixed Partial Derivative of Binary Function;关于二元函数二阶混合偏导数的注记

13.Applying MATLAB Mathematic Function Library in Mixed Programming Using MATLAB and VC++MATLAB数学函数库在混合编程中的应用

14.Aairhmetical Function and Its Hybrid Mean Value一个算术函数和它的混合均值(英文)

15.A New Bridge Function for Binary Lenard-Jones Mixture二元Lenard-Jones流体混合物的桥函数

16.Frequency Shaping of Mixed Weighted Sensitivity Function for BTT MissileBTT导弹加权混合灵敏度函数频域整形

17.A hybrid mean value formula involving Smarandache function一个包含Smarandache函数的混合均值

18.Unifom Strong Consistency of Kernel Estimator for the Probability Density Funtion;概率密度函数核估计的一致强相合性


hybrid kernel function混合核函数

1.Support vector machines based onhybrid kernel function;一种混合核函数支持向量机算法

3)mixture of kernels混合核函数

1.Usingmixture of kernels to improve the classification performance of support vector machines混合核函数对支持向量机分类性能的改进

4)mixed function混合函数

1.Quadraticmixed functional uniform B splines with shape parameters;带形状参数的二次混合函数均匀B-样条

5)blending functions混合函数

1.Based on the research of shape control methods of discrete Coons surfaces, the shape control method of continuous Coons surfaces using onlyblending functions is presented, while taking the first type blended Coons surface as an example.提出了在固定边界条件下通过改变Coons曲面的混合函数来使曲面变形,并达到预期变形目的的方法,并指出混合函数对Coons曲面形状的影响要受到包括边界曲线在内的边界条件的制约,缺乏必要的边界条件就无法仅凭混合函数来达到所需的变形。

6)blending function混合函数

1.A method for achieving the aim of a desired deformation for a curved surface by means of changing theblending function of Coons surface under fixed boundary conditions was put forward.提出了在固定边界条件下,通过改变Coons曲面的混合函数来使曲面变形,并达到预期变形目的的方法。


混合热力学函数分子式:CAS号:性质:把n1mol组分1和n2mol组分2混合形成均相系统(如溶液)时的热力学函数变化。以焓(H)为例:ΔmixH=H混合后-H混合前=(n1H+n2H2)-(n1+n2);其中,H1及H2分别为组分1及组分2的偏摩尔焓,及分别为纯组分1和纯组分2的摩尔焓。Δmix在定压下叫混合热(heat of mixing)。对于由两个纯液态组分形成的理想溶液:ΔmixH=0,ΔmixS=-R[n1lnx1+n21nx2],ΔmixV=0,ΔmixG=RT[n1lnx1+n2lnx2]
