100字范文 > 热散失 heat loss英语短句 例句大全

热散失 heat loss英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-04 02:16:51


热散失 heat loss英语短句 例句大全

热散失,heat loss

1)heat loss热散失

1.Aimed at the influence of boreheat loss on projectile muzzle velocity, the mathematical model of boreheat loss was built up, and its quantitative analysis and numerical caculation were accomplished.就身管热散失这一因素对弹丸初速的影响作了定量分析,建立了身管热散失的数学模型,并进行了数值计算;基于拉格朗日假定的内弹道模型,从弹丸初速的解析解出发,通过理论推导,给出了热散失对弹丸初速的敏感系数理论表达式。

2.The results show that the error between corrected wholeheat loss and theoretical wholeheat loss is less than 10%,and the burning rate pressure index of SF-3 propellant obtained is close to the expected value.结果显示该模型修正出的总热散失与理论值的误差在10%以内,对双芳-3发射药修正得到的燃速压力指数(0。


1.To reduce heat losses the pipes are covered by thermal insulators.为了减少热散失,管子外包保温层。

2.Heat Loss Correction in Closed Bomb Tests密闭爆发器实验过程中的热散失修正研究

3.Friction usually results in unwanted heat that flows into the atmosphere and is wasted.摩擦导致产生不必要的热,这些热散失在大气中浪费掉了。

4.Smoke has no value in preventing heat-loss.烟对于防止热量散失没有作用。

5.To cause to lose(energy, such as heat) irreversibly.消耗,使耗散不可逆地失去(能量,如热)

6.With tears of joy, he enfolded his long-lost daughter in his arms.他热盈眶,紧紧地抱住失散多年的女儿。

7.because they are insulated so that the heat is not lost.因为它们都作了隔热 处理,使热量不致散失.

8.Insulation used to prevent heat diffusion, as from a steam pipe.绝热材料用来防止热量散失的绝热材料,如从蒸汽输送管上

9.With tears of joy, the old woman enfolded her long-lost son in her arms.老妇人热泪盈眶,紧紧拥抱住失散多年的儿子。

10.The Calculation and Analysis of Heat Loss and Studies of Load Forecasting of the Steam Piping Network蒸汽管网散热损失计算分析与负荷预测研究

11.Radiator fins plugge散热器散热片堵塞。

12.Radiator Upper Isolator to Radiator散热器绝缘体至散热器

13.They set him to work on a project for insulating rooms against loss of heat.他们叫他去设计一个房间隔热方案,以防止室温散失。

14.Don"t use blinds. Heavy curtains keep in more heat in winter.不要使用百叶窗。冬天使用厚窗帘,可减少热量散失。

15.The manager set him to work on a project for insulating rooms against loss of heat.经理叫他去设计一个防止室温散失的房间隔热方案。

16.Heat loss can be reduced by enclosing the boiler in walls made of firebricks.把锅炉放在用耐火砖制成的墙中可以减少热量的散失。

17.These animals show weight loss despite greatly increased food consumption, suggesting excessive heat loss.这些动物虽然会大增其食量,体重却会下降,意味著体热过度散失。

18.The Clinical Observation of Treating Pelvic Inflammatory Disease of Dampness and Hotness Associating with Stasis of Bloodsyndrome for Hongpusinishixiaosan红蒲四逆失笑散加味治疗湿热瘀结型盆腔炎的临床观察


Heat loss散热损失

1.By testing the steam heat supply pipeline of SPC,this paper explicates the test method and heat loss calculation method in details.通过对上海市石油化工股份有限公司公用事业公司蒸汽输热管道的测试,详细说明了测试方法、散热损失的计算方法。

2.Based on the thermal balance equations,a calculation model of the influence of heater s heat loss on heat economy of unit is derived.基于热平衡方程,提出了加热器散热损失对机组热经济性影响的计算模型。

3)lose heat散失热量

4)heat losses热损失,散热

5)loss of heat热耗,热损失;散热

6)dispersed heat散失的热量


