100字范文 > 古籍利用 the exploitation of ancient books英语短句 例句大全

古籍利用 the exploitation of ancient books英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-17 22:27:19


古籍利用 the exploitation of ancient books英语短句 例句大全

古籍利用,the exploitation of ancient books

1)the exploitation of ancient books古籍利用

1.The article analyses the question such as management, catalogue, personnel quality andthe exploitation of ancient books in libraries.通过对图书馆古籍管理、编目、人员素质和古籍利用问题的分析 ,认为古籍的保护固然重要 ,但目的是利用 ,应重视古籍目录的编写 ,更好地为读者服

2)the ancient books" protection and development古籍保护与利用


1.Talk about Value of the Ancient Books"s Protection and Development in Social Working Responsibility of Library论古籍保护与利用在图书馆社会职能拓展中的价值

2.The Protection and Exploiture of China Minorities Ancient Books;中国少数民族古籍文献的保护与开发利用

3.The Exploitation and Protection of Tibetan Ancient Books Under Network Environment网络环境下藏文古籍的开发利用与保护

4.Discussion on the Protection and Exploitation of Ancient Book in Library of Higher Learning of Traditional Chinese Medicine--Take Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Library as Example简述高等中医院校图书馆古籍保护与开发利用──以南京中医药大学图书馆为例

5.Publishment of Chinese Monggol Language Ancient Books Comprehensive Table of Contents and Exploitation of Monggol Language Ancient Book and Documents;《中国蒙古文古籍总目》的出版与蒙古文古籍文献的开发利用

6.Analysis on the Protection and Utilization of Ancient Cities in World Heritage Tourism--A Case Study of Pingyao Ancient City;世界遗产地——平遥古城的保护与利用

7.Ji An Mei Pei Ripple Village with the Protection and Use of Value吉安渼陂古村的保护与利用价值研究

8.II.Cultural Relics and Ancient Books and Records Are Well Preserved and Utilized二、文物、典籍得到有效保护和积极利用

9.Discussion on the Important Functions of Local Universities in Protection of Ancient Books浅论地方高校在古籍保护中的重要作用

10.On the Present Situation,Protection and Inheritance of Ancient Books in Public Library of Chuxiong Prefecture彝州公共图书馆古籍文献的现状、保护与传承

11.Problems in management and protection of ancient traditional Chinese medicine books and their solution measures中医药古籍管理与保护中存在的问题及其对策

12.Talking about the Restoration and Protection of Ancietnt Books--"Direct Interpretation on Golden Chamber Synopsis" Repair Column浅谈古籍的修复与保护——《金匮要略直解》修复随笔

13.Design and Implementation of Protection System of Ancient Ethnic Literatures Based on J2EE基于J2EE的民族古籍文献保护系统设计与实现

14.Study on the Preservation Development and Utilization of the Ancient Town Qikou in Shanxi;山西碛口古镇的保护性开发与利用研究

15.A study of the conservation and reutilization of famous towns and ancient villages:Taking Hangzhou for example;名镇古村的保护与再利用研究——以杭州为例

16.The Research of Daxing"anling Wetlands" Protection and Utilization内蒙古大兴安岭湿地保护与利用问题研究

17.The Study on Commercial Space of XiDi Village and the Protection and Use of Ancient Residences西递村落的商业空间研究与古民居保护利用

18.A Study of Urban Waterfront Landscape --The Significance of Preservation and Utilization of City moat in Historical Town in Jiangsu;城市滨水空间景观研究——江苏历史古城护城河的保护与利用的意义


the ancient books" protection and development古籍保护与利用

3)papers used in ancient books古籍用纸

4)ancient books古籍

1.An Introduction to the Manual Repair and Paper-pulp Patching of Ancient Books;浅谈古籍的手工修复与纸浆补书

2.Talking about the significance and future development trend of the collation ofancient books;浅谈古籍整理工作的意义及未来发展趋势

3.The function of our forefathers taboo on something in the edition ofancient books appraisal;试析古人避讳在古籍版本鉴定中的作用

5)Chinese ancient books古籍

1.ObjectiveCollecting the recordation of bryophytes inChinese ancient books,we listed the resources of bryophytes.收集和整理了古籍中所记载的苔藓植物并对其进行分析。

2.It is a complex cross-discipline issue to make electronic products ofChinese ancient books.古籍电子化是一个非常复杂的跨学科问题。

3.Focusing on the situation and prospect of computeri zation ofChinese ancient books research, the article elaborates orderly in thre e parts: 1.本文从计算机汉字大字符集和通用工作平台、计算机古籍资料库的建设、古籍整理辅助研究系统等三个方面,就古籍整理研究手段现代化问题阐述了自己的看法和思路。

6)Ancient book古籍

1.Ode to Plum Blossom by Emperor Jianwendi of the Liang dynasty: different versions in ancient books;不同古籍中的梁简文帝《梅花赋》

2.Achievements and Prospects of Chinese Ancient Books Digitalization;中文古籍数字化成果与展望

3.Although it has made a great progress in the digital management of ancient book in the libraries in recent years in China,it is still in its primary stage and there is a lot of to do.近年来,我国图书馆古籍管理数字化成绩显著,但此项工作仍处于起步阶段,尚有许多不足。


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