100字范文 > 干扰力矩 disturbing torque英语短句 例句大全

干扰力矩 disturbing torque英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-11 08:47:03


干扰力矩 disturbing torque英语短句 例句大全

干扰力矩,disturbing torque

1)disturbing torque干扰力矩

1.Thedisturbing torques of the divert thrusters are the main factors affecting attitude estimation of the spacecraft.轨控发动机对空间飞行器姿态的干扰力矩是影响姿态估计精度的重要因素,为了解决轨控发动机干扰力矩在地面难以准确测量的问题,提出了一种在空中进行的轨控发动机干扰力矩测试方法。

2.In order to improve the drift precision of an orifice compensated hybrid gas spherical bearing,causes of gas-lubricateddisturbing torques(error torques) were analyzed and a mathematic model was introduced.为提高小孔节流动静压混合气体润滑球轴承的漂移精度,分析了气体干扰力矩(误差力矩)的成因,在一定假设条件下,建立了干扰力矩的数学模型;运用有限元方法,实现了该结构轴承小误差条件下气体干扰力矩的数值求解,并分析了节流孔的孔径误差、节流孔在球面上的位置度误差、球或球腔的非球形误差等几种常见误差对干扰力矩的影响规律。

3.Formulas are derived, which are used to calculate the electrostatic fielddisturbing torque caused by rotor deformation in miniature ESG.推导了小型静电陀螺仪转子非球形干扰力矩公式,仿真分析了两种不同结构的实心转子的温度变形、离心变形、压力变形及综合变形,计算了其变形产生的干扰力矩及漂移。


1.Analysis of Disturbing Torque in Electrostatic Field Caused by Rotor Radial Disbalance in ESG静电陀螺转子径向偏心干扰力矩分析

2.Analysis of Rotors Deformation and Disturbing Torque in Miniature ESG小型静电陀螺仪转子变形及干扰力矩分析

3.Analysis of Basic Electrostatic Field Disturbing Torque in Miniature ESG小型静电陀螺仪静电场基本干扰力矩分析

4.Closed-loop Identification and Compensation for Environmental Disturbance Torques Acting on Spacecraft航天器环境干扰力矩的闭环辨识与补偿(英文)

5.A New Method for Identification of and Compensation for Periodically Disturbing Torques of On-Orbit Satellite卫星在轨周期干扰力矩辨识与补偿方法的研究

6.Analysis of Disturbance Torque on Stabilized Platform Caused by J-T Cryocooler′s Air-feed TubeJ-T制冷器管路对稳定平台的干扰力矩分析

7.Adjust to the Balance of Three-DOF Air-bearing Test-platform and the Research of Disturber Torque三轴气浮台自动调节平衡和干扰力矩测试

8.Research on Analysing and Compensation of the Steady Disturbing Torque of the Three Axis Air Bearing Table三轴气浮平台常值干扰力矩的分析与补偿

9.Torsional microslip at the clamps results in spurious torques which act like pivot friction torques.夹紧处扭杆的微小滑移会产生干扰力矩,它的作用和轴颈的摩擦力矩一样。

10.In order for a gyrocompass to be accurate it is obviously necessary to hold spurious vertical torques to an extremely low level.为了使陀螺罗盘做得准确,很明显有必要使垂直轴干扰力矩减小到很低。

11.This paper deduced a generalized formula for calculating theelectrostatic disturbance torque of gimbaled electrostatically suspended gyro(ESG)with regular hexahedron electrodes arrangement.本文推导了正六面体电极分布的常平架静电陀螺仪电场干扰力矩计算的一般公式。

12.The large drift motion of the ESG under the influence of the electric torques istreated theoretically by using the phase plane method.本文用相平面法讨论静电陀螺仪在静电场干扰力矩作用下的大范围漂移运动。

13.The Anti-jamming Analysis of Harbor Crane Moment Limiter System;港口起重机力矩限制器系统抗干扰分析

14.On Restraining of Disturbance Caused by Momentum Fluctuation of Optoelectronic Tracking System光电跟踪系统力矩波动干扰抑制的研究

15.Axial Disturbance Characteristics for High Speed Rotor of Flywheel and CMG飞轮和控制力矩陀螺高速转子轴向干扰特性的研究

16.ICI cancelation method for OFDM communication system based on matrix transformation基于矩阵变换的OFDM载波干扰消除方法

17.Removal of Power Line Interference Based on Multi-layer Non-negative Matrix Factorization基于多层非负矩阵分解的工频干扰消除

18.Disturbance torque observer based control of electronic throttle基于扰动力矩观测器的电子节气门控制


disturbance torque干扰力矩

1.Influence of outer gimbaldisturbance torque on testing precision of PIGA;外环干扰力矩对陀螺加速度计测试精度的影响

2.In the airhovered turntable with the slip ring servo system driven by AC motor,thedisturbance torque to the main shaft from the slip ring servo system is the most importnt.在由交流力矩电机驱动带滑环伺服系统的气浮转台中 ,滑环伺服系统对气浮主轴的干扰力矩是主要的干扰力矩。

3.In this paper various physical characteristics ofdisturbance torques exerted on the optical electronic stabilization/tracking platform are analyzed and investigated.以光电稳定 /跟踪平台为研究对象 ,通过对光电稳定 /跟踪平台中存在的各种干扰力矩的力学特性进行分析和研究 ,提出一种新的测量稳定平台干扰力矩的方法。

3)interfering moment干扰力矩

1.Horizontal heading effect drift mechanism caused by platformservo-loop zero position andinterfering moment on framework axis is studied.研究了由平台伺服回路零位和框架轴上干扰力矩引起的水平轴航向效应漂移的机理,以及用正交弹性漂移补偿电路减小系统航向效应漂移的机理,并通过试验测试表明,此项航向效应漂移可达0。

4)disturb torque干扰力矩

1.It s important to evaluate thedisturb torque acted on rotors surface.对作用于转子上的干扰力矩进行估算是平衡装置设计的重要部分。

5)resulting tangential forces of gas and mass excitations气体力干扰力矩

6)electrostatic disturbance torque静电干扰力矩


纯轧力矩(见轧制力矩)纯轧力矩(见轧制力矩)net rolling torqueehunzha iiju纯轧力矩(net rolling torque)见轧制力矩。
