100字范文 > 长周期光栅 long period grating英语短句 例句大全

长周期光栅 long period grating英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-15 11:54:06


长周期光栅 long period grating英语短句 例句大全

长周期光栅,long period grating

1)long period grating长周期光栅

1.Recent progress on imprinting technologies and applications of photonic crystal fiberlong period gratings;光子晶体光纤长周期光栅制作技术与应用最新进展

2.The transmission spectrum oflong period grating was analized by a combination of coupled mode theory and transfer matrix method.用耦合模方法和传输矩阵法相结合对长周期光栅的传输光谱特性进行了研究, 提出了用相移长周期光栅使双峰的增益谱线平坦化。

3.Theoretical and experimental study on how to packlong period gratings has been made.对于长周期光栅 ,谐振波长阶数越高 ,封装材料折射率对其特性的影响越大 ;封装材料折射率小于包层时 ,随封装材料折射率增大 ,波长减小 ;封装材料折射率大于包层时 ,波长向长波长移动 1。


1.Edge Filter Demodulation of Fiber Bragg Grating Displacement Sensing Using Long Period Grating基于长周期光栅边缘滤波解调的光纤布喇格光栅位移传感研究

2.Long-period Grating in Ti In-diffusion LiNbO_3 Waveguide基于Ti扩散LiNbO_3晶体光波导的长周期光栅

3.Study of Long Period Fiber Gratings and High Order Waveguided Bragg Gratings;长周期光纤栅的研究与波导Bragg光栅初探

4.Research on Sensing Properties of Polymer Long-period Fiber Grating;长周期塑料光纤光栅的传感特性研究

5.Study on Transmission Spectrum of Cascaded Long-period Fiber Gratings级联型长周期光纤光栅传输谱的研究

6.Liquid Sensor of Long Period Fiber Grating基于长周期光纤光栅的液位传感研究

7.Affects of the Surrounding Refractive Index to Resonant Wavelength of the Long-Period Gratings环境折射率对长周期光纤光栅谐振波长的影响

8.The Research of Sensor and All Optical Switching Based on Long Period Fiber Grating;基于长周期光纤光栅的传感器及全光开关研究

9.Study on Long Period Fiber Grating Fabricated with CO_2 Laser Symmetric Writing Method;CO_2激光对称烧写长周期光纤光栅的研究

10.Numerical Simulation Calculation on Spectrum Properties of Ultra Long Period Fiber Grating超长周期光纤光栅光谱特性的数值模拟

11.Research on Bragg and Long-Period Fiber Gratings and Their Sensing Properties布拉格与长周期光纤光栅及其传感特性研究

12.Cladding Mode Field Distribution and Coupling Coefficients in Long Period Fiber Grating长周期光纤光栅包层模场分布及其耦合系数

13.A Novel Method of Edge Filter Linear Demodulation Using Long-Period Grating in Fiber Sensor System一种长周期光纤光栅边沿滤波线性解调新方法

14.Study on the Characteristics and Sensing Applications of Long Period Fiber Gratings;长周期光纤光栅的特性及传感应用研究

15.Study on PDL of Long-Period Fiber Gratings and Methods for Reducing PDL;长周期光纤光栅偏振相关损耗及降低方法研究

16.An Attempt to Fabricate Long Period Fiber Gratings Using Electron Irradiation;电子辐照法制作长周期光纤光栅的尝试

17.Writing Mechanism and Theoretical Analysis of Novel Long-Period Fiber Gratings;新型长周期光纤光栅形成机理及理论初步研究

18.Study on Sensing Characteristics and Applications of Long Period Fiber Gratings;长周期光纤光栅的传感特性及应用研究


long-period fiber grating长周期光栅

1.Then the progress and values of the research intolong-period fiber grating are discussed.本论文首先综述了光纤光栅的发展、结构、分类及布拉格光栅和长周期光栅研究及其应用情况,进而指出级联长周期光栅的研究现状及研究意义。

3)LPG[英][,el pi: "d?i:][美]["?l "pi "d?i]长周期光栅

1.Long-period grating(LPG) which has a grating period of more than 100μm is a new kind of fiber gratting and its principle is that It couples optical power from the forward transmission fundamental core mode to the forward transmission cladding modes and is attenuated after some distance.长周期光栅是一类新型的光纤光栅,光栅周期一般大于100μm,其基本的传光原理是将前向传输的基模耦合至前向传输包层模,在传输一段距离后被衰减掉。

4)long-period grating长周期光栅

1.Basic structures, operating principles and recent research progresses of photonic crystal fibers sensor based on Bragg grating,long-period grating (LPG) and interferometer are reviewed.基于PCFs的光纤传感器对应力和液体折射率具有较高的传感精度以及更好的温度特性,并且可以灵活引入各种耦合结构单元组成干涉仪,介绍了基于光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)、长周期光栅(LPG)和干涉仪的PCFs传感器的基本构造、工作原理和最新的研究进展。

5)long period fiber grating长周期光纤光栅

1.Novel geophone based onlong period fiber grating;基于长周期光纤光栅的新型地震检波器

2.NO gas sensitive effect oflong period fiber grating coated with sensitive film;镀有敏感膜的长周期光纤光栅NO气体传感特性

3.Numerical calculation for the transmission spectrum of a novellong period fiber grating;一种新型长周期光纤光栅透射谱的数值计算


1.Transmission spectrum characteristics of long-period fibre grating(LPFG) were theoretically analysed by using coupled-mode theory.利用模式耦合理论对长周期光纤光栅的传输光谱特性进行了理论分析。

2.In order to reduce the effects of the ambient temperature variations on the resonant wavelength of the Long-Period Fiber Grating(LPFG) devices in communications,a scheme for the compensation of its drift is designed,i.为减小环境温度变化对通信中长周期光纤光栅(LPFG)器件谐振波长的影响,文章设计了一种补偿谐振波长漂移的方案,即在光栅表面涂覆一层随温度升高折射率变大的薄膜。

3.The spectrum through long-period fibre grating (LPFG) is analysed by coupled-modal theory,the formulas of transmission and resonant wavelength etc are deduced.基于耦合模理论对长周期光纤光栅的光谱特性进行了理论分析,推导出传输率、谐振波长等公式;利用精密步进电机和高频CO2激光器,设计采用高频CO2激光脉冲三束对称逐点写入技术,在普通通信单模光纤中成功地进行了长周期光纤光栅的制备研究。


长度计量技术:光栅测长技术 利用光栅產生的莫尔条纹测量位移和轮廓形状等的长度计量技术。测量位移时﹐将计量光栅副中的光栅尺和指示光栅分别固定在长度测量工具或机床等的移动件(例如滑架)和不动件(例如机床导轨)上。两者相隔一个很小的间隙(一般为 0.05~0.1毫米)。当滑架移动时﹐出现在光栅副上的莫尔条纹的週期性光强变化﹐通过光电转换元件转换为正弦波形电信号﹐经放大﹑整形﹑细分﹑计数和显示等电子部分后即可得出光栅位移量。由光源﹑计量光栅副和光电转换元件等组成的部件称为光栅式长度传感器。由光栅式长度传感器和放大﹑整形﹑细分﹑计数和显示等电子部分组成的系统称为光栅测量系统(见图 光栅测量系统 )﹐常用具有相位依次差1/4线距的四组线条的光栅作为指示光栅。当以圆光栅副代替长光栅副时﹐类似的测量系统可用於测量角位移。长﹑圆光栅测量系统的精确度分别可达 1微米/1000毫米和0.5/360°以上。随著光栅製造技术和电子技术的发展﹐从20世纪50年代开始应用光栅测长技术来测量位移。这种方法已用於三坐标测量机﹑数字显示工具显微镜﹑渐开线测量仪﹑齿轮单面嚙合检查仪和电子千分尺等的测量系统中﹐也常用於数字控制机床的定位反馈系统和其他机床的定位系统中。70年代又开始利用莫尔轮廓图测量表面轮廓形状和变形等。
