100字范文 > 桡神经浅支卡压综合征 Entrapment syndrome of superficial radial nerve英语短句 例句大全

桡神经浅支卡压综合征 Entrapment syndrome of superficial radial nerve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-04 11:10:08


桡神经浅支卡压综合征 Entrapment syndrome of superficial radial nerve英语短句 例句大全

桡神经浅支卡压综合征,Entrapment syndrome of superficial radial nerve

1)Entrapment syndrome of superficial radial nerve桡神经浅支卡压综合征

1.Entrapment syndrome of superficial radial nerve were seen in physical worker and their symptom is pain of dorsum of hand,numbness,pain aggravating when clenching fist,flexing wrist and pronating forearm,position in Tinel sign of forearm radialis.目的了解桡神经浅支卡压综合征诊断特点。



2.Diagnosis and Treatment of the Compression of Both Brachial Plexus and Radial Nerve in Upper Arm胸廓出口综合征合并上臂桡神经卡压的诊治

3.Study of the Clinical Anatomy with Knife-Needle for the Treatment of the Cervical Dorsal Rami Nerves Compression Syndrome;针刀治疗颈神经后支卡压综合征的临床解剖研究

4.Controlled clinical trials on the Pizhen (铍针)and massage for the treatment of thoracic lateral cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome铍针与推拿治疗胸外侧皮神经后支卡压综合征的临床对照试验

5.Applied anatomic study on the acupotomologic therapy of greater occipital nerve compress syndrome针刀治疗枕大神经卡压综合征的解剖学研究

6.Applied anatomic study on the acupotomlogic therapy of greater occipital nerve compress syndrome针刀治疗枕大神经卡压综合征的应用解剖研究

7.Clinical Study of Microsurgical Treatment of Posterior Interosseous Nerve Compression Syndrome;显微手术治疗骨间后神经卡压综合征临床研究

8.Study of the Clinical Anatomy with Knife-Needle for the Treament of the Gluteal Deep Nerve Entrapment Syndrome;针刀治疗臀深部神经卡压综合征临床解剖研究

9.The Effect of the Sword-like Needle Therapy on Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Syndrome of the Waist and Buttock;铍针治疗腰臀部皮神经卡压综合征的临床研究

10.Clinical Study on Knife-needle for the Treatment of the Gluteal Deep Nerve Entrapment Syndrome;针刀治疗臀深部神经卡压综合征的临床研究

11.Clinical observation on treatmen of cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome of upper limb by Pizhen(铍针)铍针治疗上肢皮神经卡压综合征的临床观察

12.Neurolysis for the peripheral nerve entrapment syndrome in upper extremity:a report of 71 cases手术治疗上肢周围神经卡压综合征71例

13.neural entrapment syndrome of forearm前臂神经嵌压综合征

14.2 of the 18 specimens presented aberrance, the radial branch being replaced by the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve.2侧桡神经浅支桡侧支被前臂外侧皮神经所替代。

15.The study of avoiding damage to the superficial radial nerve due to percutaneous K-wire fixation of the distal radius fracture微创治疗桡骨远端骨折时避免克氏针损伤桡神经浅支的研究

16.Anatomic Study on Flap with Superficial Branch of Radial Nerve and Its Nourishing Blood Vessels;桡神经浅支营养血管皮瓣的解剖学研究

17.Lumbar Puncture Injection in the Lumbar Never Syndrome of 200 Cases with Posterior Branch of Lumbar Never Syndrome腰神经阻滞治疗腰神经后支综合征200例

18.Anatomic Study of Superficial Radial Nerve Transplanting to Repair Peripheral Nerve Defection and Functional Reconstruction of Donor Site;桡神经浅支移植修复周围神经缺损及供区功能重建的解剖学研究


Calf not intimate nerve clip press the synthesis to draft腓浅神经卡压综合征

1.Calf not intimate nerve clip press the synthesis to draft clinically in center certainly not sees,because the patient gets siek regarding this not the enough understanding,often can realize the hazardous nature which this gets sick,therefore has brought the difficulty for us in the research aspect.腓浅神经卡压综合征在临床中并不多见,由于患者对此病没有足够的认识,常意识不到此病的危害性。

3)Nerve Compression Syndrome神经卡压综合征

1.Diagnosis and treatment of suprascapular nerve compression syndrome;肩胛上神经卡压综合征的基础和诊断治疗

4)nerve entrapment syndrome神经卡压综合征

5)Nerve compression syndromes神经卡压综合征

1.17 cases of posterior interosseous nerve compression syndromes treated by microsurgical technique;显微外科技术治疗骨间后神经卡压综合征17例

6)superficial branch of radial nerve桡神经浅支

1.Methods 11 cases of thumb reconstruction and softtissue defects of hand were repaired with skin flap withsuperficial branch of radial nerve and its nourishing bloodvessels.目的探讨桡神经浅支营养血管皮瓣在拇指再造中的应用及疗效。


