100字范文 > 参量六波混频 Parametric six-wave mixing英语短句 例句大全

参量六波混频 Parametric six-wave mixing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-30 05:50:25


参量六波混频 Parametric six-wave mixing英语短句 例句大全

参量六波混频,Parametric six-wave mixing

1)Parametric six-wave mixing参量六波混频


1.Parametric Six-Wave Mixing and Quantum Beatings in Rb铷原子中参量六波混频和量子拍的研究(英文)

2.Transient Coherence Four-and Six-wave Mixing Spectroscopy with Phase-conjugation Geometry;瞬态相干相位共轭四波混频和六波混频光谱术

3.Optimization Study on Control Method of 6-Pulse Wave AC-AC Frequency Converter六脉波双变量交-交变频器控制方法的优化

4.mixer-filter frequency synthesizer混频滤波式频率合成器

5.The theoretical analysis of degenerate four-wave mixing participated by aberrated and weak laser波前畸变的弱激光参与的简并四波混频的理论研究

6.The Characters of Laser Diffraction Fringes from Liquid Surface Waves at Low-frequency and Measurement in Its Parameters by Means of Laser Diffraction;低频液体表面波激光衍射条纹的特征及表面波物理参量的测量

7.Study on Swept-Frequency Measurement of Complex Permittivity Based on Microwave Dielectric基于波导—矢网系统的微波介质介电参数扫频测量方法研究

8.oscillator-mixer-first detector振荡-混频第一检波器

9.microwave mixing crystal diode微波混频晶体二极管

10.Influence of high-frequency vibraiton on concrete air content,antifreeze and air bubble parameters高频振捣对混凝土含气量、抗冻性和气泡参数的影响

11.Entanglement Property of Continuous Variable Two-mode Light-field in a Nondegenerate Four-wave Mixing System;非简并四波混频体系中连续变量双模光场的纠缠特性

12.Research of Four-Wave-Mixing and Dispersion Measurement of Photonic Crystal Fiber;光子晶体光纤中四波混频效应与色散测量的研究

13.Research of Principle on Measuring AC Parameters by Base Wave Method under Time Division Technology;数字时分割工频基波交流综合参数测量原理的研究

14.AC Electric Parameter Measuring System Digital Sampling Method Realized with Digital Lowpass Filter;用数字低通滤波器实现数字采样法的工频电参数测量系统

15.Study of Tunable THz-Wave Generation via Difference Frequency Generation and Optical Parametric Process;基于差频技术及光学参量方法产生可调谐THz波的研究

16.Specific regions of the spectrum can be identified by any one of three basic parameters: frequency, wavelength, or energy.频谱的特性可用频率、波长或能量三个基本参数中的任何一个来表示。

17.Using GPR to Measure Soil Moisture Content利用低频微波波段GPR测量土壤含水量

18.To combine(two or more audio tracks or channels)to produce a composite audio recording.混录,混频合成两种或更多的音轨或波段,以产生一种混合音频录音



3)Six wave mixing六波混频

4)Parametric four wave mixing参量四波混频


6)parametric mixing参量混频


