100字范文 > 面板堆石坝设计 design of face rockfill dam英语短句 例句大全

面板堆石坝设计 design of face rockfill dam英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-06 15:31:58


面板堆石坝设计 design of face rockfill dam英语短句 例句大全

面板堆石坝设计,design of face rockfill dam

1)design of face rockfill dam面板堆石坝设计


1.The Design and Research of the Concrete Deck & Rock-Fill Dam of Jiudianxia Hydroelectric Project on the Taohe River in Gansu Province;洮河九甸峡混凝土面板堆石坝设计和计算研究

2.Design and Construction Technology of Concrete Facing Rockfill Dam in the Gongboxia Hydropower Project;公伯峡水电站混凝土面板堆石坝设计与施工

3.Application of stress strain finite element method in slab rockfill dam design应力应变有限元法在面板堆石坝设计中的应用

4.The Structural Design of Overflow Concrete Face Rockfill Dam溢流混凝土面板堆石坝结构设计研究

5.Design and Study on Peripheral Joint of Concrete Faceplate Maraine Dam;混凝土面板堆石坝周边缝的设计研究

6.Dam Body Filling Design by Stages for Concrete Face Rock-fill Dam of Hongjiadu Hydropower Station洪家渡水电站面板堆石坝坝体填筑分期设计

7.Structure design of river hydropower dam concrete-faced rockfill dam小河水电站砼面板堆石坝坝体结构设计

8.Earthwork Design for Cubic Meter of Earth and Stone in Qingjiang Rockfill Dam Construction;清江水布垭面板堆石坝动态土石方平衡设计

9.Structural Optimum Design and Analysis of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam混凝土面板堆石坝结构分析与优化设计研究

10.Structural Optimum Design and Analysis of Concrete Faced Cemented-Rockfill Dam;胶凝面板堆石坝结构分析与优化设计研究

11.Stress and Deformation Analysis and Programming Study on Concrete Facing Rockfill Dam;面板堆石坝应力变形特性分析与程序设计研究

12.Design and Construction Technology of Concrete Faced Rock-Fill Dam in Frigid Zone;寒冷地区混凝土面板堆石坝的设计与施工

13.Design of the Monitoring of Face Rockfill Dam in Zecheng Xi"an Hydropower Station in Shanxi Province山西省泽城西安水电站面板堆石坝的监测设计

14.Design of submerged concrete high toe wall of CFRD混凝土面板堆石坝潜没式混凝土高趾墙设计

15.Optimial Design of Concrete Face Rockfill Dam Based on MATLAB基于MATLAB的覆盖层地基上混凝土面板堆石坝断面优化设计

16.Although there is only few experiments were applied, the structural design of overflow concrete face rockfill dam is chosen as the purpose of the dissertation.因此本文选择溢流混凝土面板堆石坝的结构设计作为研究内容。

17.Optimization Research for Concrete Face Rockfill Dam by the Improved Genetic Algorithm;基于改进遗传算法的混凝土面板堆石坝优化设计研究

18.Topology Optimum Design Theory and It s Application on Optimization Design of CFRD;拓扑优化理论及其在面板堆石坝优化设计中的应用


aseismatic design/conccrete dams抗震设计/混凝土面板堆石坝

3)concrete face rockfill dam面板堆石坝

1.Study on creep mechanism and long-term deformation prediction for highconcrete face rockfill dam;高混凝土面板堆石坝流变机理及长期变形预测

2.New concept of design for highconcrete face rockfill dams;高混凝土面板堆石坝设计理念探讨

3.Discussion on arrangement of monitoring instruments atconcrete face rockfill dams;关于混凝土面板堆石坝监测仪器布置的探讨


1.New Engineering Construction Technology ofCFRD Performed in Gongbo Gorges of Yellow Rive;黄河公伯峡面板堆石坝工程施工新技术的应用

2.Dynamic response analysis ofCFRD with extrusion-sidewall structure;采用挤压式边墙结构的面板堆石坝的动力反应分析

3.Statistical Analysis for the Settlement Monitoring Data of BaixiCFRD;白溪面板堆石坝沉降监测资料统计分析

5)concrete facing rockfill dam面板堆石坝

1.Analysis and treatment of the crack causes ofconcrete facing rockfill dam of the Nanche Reservoir;南车水库混凝土面板堆石坝面板裂缝成因分析及处理

2.Study on and application of new sealing structure in the peripheral joints of Qinshanconcrete facing rockfill dam;芹山面板堆石坝周边缝新型止水结构研究与应用

3.Application of natural diluvial deposit in the bedding materials ofconcrete facing rockfill dam;天然洪积堆积物在面板堆石坝垫层料中的应用

6)concrete faced rockfill dam面板堆石坝

1.Dam deformation control ofconcrete faced rockfill dam of Sanbanxi Hydropower Project;三板溪面板堆石坝坝体变形控制

parison of computational results of different dynamic analysis methods forconcrete faced rockfill dam;面板堆石坝动力分析方法比较研究

parative research on frequency spectrum ofconcrete faced rockfill dam of different height;不同高度面板堆石坝幅频反应的比较研究


沥青混凝土面板坝沥青混凝土面板坝earth-rock dam with asphalt concrete facing1 iqing hunningtu mianbanba沥青混凝土面板坝(earth一roek dam withasphalt eonerete faeing)用沥青混凝土作上游防渗面板的土石坝。其组成部分有面板、坝体、垫层及下游排水等。沥青混凝土是沥青、矿粉、砂、石屑和小碎石的胶结物。加热至220℃左右经拌和后运到坝面,约达180℃,将其碾压密实。它不仅具有良好的防渗及适应变形的性能,且具有一定的水稳定性和热稳定性。1934年西德首先修建高12米的阿梅克沥青混凝土面板坝,该坝上游斜坡1二2,防渗层厚度6厘米。其后,这种坝得到了推广,据不完全统计,到20世纪70年代末已有23个国家修建了1百余座。奥地利高106米的欧申涅克坝是目前世界上最高的沥青混凝土面板堆石坝。中国于1974年修建高24.5米的辽宁12台子渣油沥青面板坝,其后共修建了这种类型的坝30余座。如陕西正岔水库坝高35米,上游边坡1二1.7,防渗层厚10厘米;北京密云县半城子水库坝高29米,系15厘米厚的沥青面板砂砾料坝,1976年建成后便经受了洪水、地震和持续2周一20℃低温的考验;陕西石贬峪水库坝高85米。沥青棍凝土面板坝坝体采用重型振动碾碾压的堆石坝、砂砾石坝或石碴坝,可用图1所示沥青混凝土面板防渗,它的构造一般从表及里由封闭层、防渗层、整平胶结层及垫层等所组成,而防渗层又有简式断面(图2,a)和中间夹有排水层的复式断面(图2,b)两封闭层封闭层排水层整平胶结层整平胶结层图2沥青混凝土面板构造图图l沥青混凝土面板坝种。一般采用简式断面,重要工程采用复式断面。为便于沥青混凝土的摊铺,坝坡一般不陡于1二1.7,少数也有1:1.5一1:1.6的。防渗面板所用沥青的技术要求为:针入度40一80;软化点(50士4)℃;延伸度>60一100;与骨料粘附力等级4一5。
