100字范文 > 动脉压力波形分析 arterial pressure waveform analysis英语短句 例句大全

动脉压力波形分析 arterial pressure waveform analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-07 14:53:20


动脉压力波形分析 arterial pressure waveform analysis英语短句 例句大全

动脉压力波形分析,arterial pressure waveform analysis

1)arterial pressure waveform analysis动脉压力波形分析

1.Cardiac volume load and various hemodynamic parameters before and after fluid administration were monitored by PAC technique,arterial pressure waveform analysis(FloTrac) and transesophageal echocardiography(TEE) technique respectively.目的评价肺动脉导管(PAC)、经动脉压力波形分析(FloTrac)和经食管超声心动图(TEE)3种方法监测心脏外科患者心脏容量与血流动力学的一致性。


1.Application of arterial pressure waveform analysis in acute normovolemic hemodilution动脉压力波形分析技术在急性等容血液稀释中的应用

2.Wavelet Analysis of Pressure Fluctuation in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed;基于小波变换的鼓泡流化床压力脉动信号分析

3.The Wavelet Analysis on the Relation of the Wall Pressure Fluctuating and Velocity in the Turbulent Boundary Layer湍流边界层脉动速度及脉动压力相关联的子波分析

4.Research on the Relationship between Pulse Wave Analysis and Arterial Blood Pressure;脉搏波分析与人体动脉血压关系研究

5.Pressure Fluctuation Analysis for Annular Gas-Solid Spouted Bed Using Fine Particles细颗粒环形气/固喷动床的压力波动分析

6.Analyses of Fluctuation of Pressure on High-pressure System of Two Intensifiers双增压器增压系统中压力波动的分析

7.Two Types of Compressed Waveforms Design and Performance Analysis for Doppler;两类脉压信号的波形设计及其多普勒性能分析

8.The Wavelet Analysis on the Relation of the Fluctuating Wall Pressure and Turbulent Coherent Structures;壁脉动压强与湍流相干结构关联的子波分析

9.Arterial Pressure-based Cardiac Output and Clinical Application动脉波形分析计算心排血量及临床应用

10.Arterial pressure-based cardiac output measurement:preliminary application and assessment of outcome基于动脉压力波形的心排血量监测法的初步应用及价值评估

11.Fractal Description of Rail Corrugation and Its Dynamic Simulation钢轨波磨的分形描述及动力仿真分析

12.Image Morphological Quantitative Analysis of Pathological Changes of Intra-acinarArteries in Experimental Pulmonary Artery Hypertension and Outcomes of Treatment实验性肺动脉高压及其治疗泡内动脉病变的图像形态定量分析

13.Fluctuation of Pressure Analysis and Research on Mouth of the Tongs of Crankshaft;汽车曲轴圆角冷滚压钳口压力波动分析及研究

14.Pulse: Pressure wave in the arteries from contraction of the heart.脉搏:心脏收缩造成的动脉中的压力波动。

15.Venation wave spectrum analysis finds out shape-structure change of mid-frequency signal fluctuation.脉络波谱图分析查明了中范围(频率)信号波动的形态结构变化。

16.Analysis of Magnetic Pulse Pressure and Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Forming during Electromagnetic Bulging of Cylindrical Shell;圆柱壳磁脉冲胀形磁压力解析及动态变形数值仿真

17.The Influence of Pulse Jet on Performances of Pressure Wave Refrigerator;脉动射流对压力波制冷机性能的影响

18.The Deformation and Stress Analysis of Flexspline in External Wave Electrostatic Harmonic Drive Systen外波式静电谐波传动系统柔轮变形及应力分析


Pulse contour analysis脉搏波形分析

3)pulse wave design脉冲波形分析

4)pressure fluctuation压力波动;压力脉动

5)S pulse analysis脉波分析

6)fluctuating pressure distribution脉动压力分布


动脉dongmai动脉tremulous pulse从心脏运送血液到全身各器官、组织的血管。直接由心脏起始的动脉有两条大干,即主动脉和肺动脉。两条动脉在行径中不断分支,愈分愈细,最后移行为毛细血管。动脉因承受压力较大,管壁较厚,平滑肌比较发达,弹力纤维也较多,管腔断面呈圆形,具有弹性和收缩性,可随心脏的收缩,血压的高低而有周期性的压力变化,可引起动脉血管的明显搏动。心室射血时管壁扩张;心室舒张时,管壁回缩,促使血液向前流动。动脉的管壁由内层、中层和外层所组成。管壁较厚,中小动脉,特别是小动脉平滑肌比较发达,在神经支配下收缩舒张,以调节局部血流量,维持正常血压。动脉管壁组织随年龄增长而变化,可发生动脉硬化等病变。
