100字范文 > 钻孔监测 drill-hole monitoring英语短句 例句大全

钻孔监测 drill-hole monitoring英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-01 01:33:10


钻孔监测 drill-hole monitoring英语短句 例句大全

钻孔监测,drill-hole monitoring

1)drill-hole monitoring钻孔监测

2)boring observation instrument钻孔监测仪

3)drilled hole inclinometer monitoring钻孔倾斜仪监测


1.The effect of inclinometers for slope monitoring of No.1 Landslide in Tangjiao Village钻孔倾斜仪监测在塘角村1~#滑坡预警监测中的作用

2.Applicatin of EL in-place inclinmoter to landslide monitoring固定式钻孔倾斜仪在滑坡示范监测中的应用

3.The application of borehole inclinometer in the monitoring of accumulation body"s strain钻孔倾斜仪在某堆积体变形监测中的应用

4.Brigg"s clinophone勃瑞格斯型钻孔测斜仪

5.The bridge drilling hole and grouting pile bore diameter and tilt degree new locale testing method桥梁钻孔灌注桩孔径与倾斜度现场检测新方法

6.plain clinometer钻杆下部装的测斜仪

7.On-line & Real-time Monitoring System of Micro-hole Drilling Based on Virtual Instruments;基于虚拟仪器的微孔钻削在线实时监测系统

8.oblique wide-angle multiplex projector广角倾斜投影测图仪

9.An awl with a beveled tip, used to make holes in wood for brads or screws.锥钻,打眼钉钻头倾斜的钻子,用于在木头上钻孔以钉角钉或螺钉

10.An Automatic Control System of On-line Micro Hole Drilling Monitoring Based on Virtual Instruments基于虚拟仪器的微孔钻削在线监测自动控制系统

11.Being a deformation measurement with high resolution, borehole tiltmeters should be installed far away from disturbance sources as far as possible.作为一种高精度的形变观测,钻孔倾斜观测点必须尽可能避开干扰源。

12.Practice of using raise boring in excavation of guide hole for shaft with large angle of inclination反井钻开挖大倾角斜井导孔的工程实践

13.Research on Parameters of Gas Drilling Bore in Steep Coal Seam Gob急倾斜煤层采空区瓦斯抽采钻孔参数研究

14.Basic theory of electromagnetic wave resistivity measurement while drilling tool with tilted antennas and its application for geo-steering倾斜线圈随钻电磁波电阻率测量仪器基本原理及其在地质导向中的应用

15.Any of various surveying instruments for measuring angles of elevation, slope, or incline, as of an embankment.测斜器,倾角计一种测量海拔、斜坡或倾斜的角度的测量仪器,如测路基倾斜度用

16.automatic eletronic biaxial tiltmeter自动电子双轴倾斜度测量仪

17.On the Theodolite Projection of Building Oblique Observation建筑物倾斜观测的经纬仪投影法分析

18.On design of fiber-optic gyroscope for inclinometer of freeze-hole冻结孔测斜用光纤陀螺仪的设计研究


boring observation instrument钻孔监测仪

3)drilled hole inclinometer monitoring钻孔倾斜仪监测

4)Borehole condition monitoring钻孔状态监测

5)condition monitoring of microbore drilling微孔钻削状态监测

6)monitoring on deep displacement of borehole钻孔深部位移监测


钻孔摄影仪钻孔摄影仪borehole camerazuankong sheyingyl钻孔摄影仪(borehole eamera)用于检查和记录钻孔内岩石裂缝、离层的空间方位和张开大小的光学仪器。它可用于矿山沉陷、大坝安全预报等。钻孔摄影仪有刚性结构的和光导纤维的两种。如图所示是刚性结构的钻孔摄影仪,它包括管子1,位十前端及用玻璃封闭的叹望孔2.把图像反射给物镜4的反射镜子3,透镜系统5及目镜6。仪器用矿灯蓄电池供电。光导纤维钻孔摄影仪是通过多股光纤维缆将摄像头与摄像控制设备联结起来。摄像头为一可移动的抛光不锈铬钢制成的套管,内有镜头、摄像管、低噪音放大器、聚焦电机,外径32mm。~妒 钻孔摄影仪(章J于)
