100字范文 > 全断面支护 whole section supporting英语短句 例句大全

全断面支护 whole section supporting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-09 11:22:16


全断面支护 whole section supporting英语短句 例句大全

全断面支护,whole section supporting

1)whole section supporting全断面支护

1.According to the damage floor heave and rock chracteristics of soft rock roadway under high stress in Hua-ting Coal Mine,whole section supporting techonogy with high strengh cable anchor,reinforced concrete and floor bolt-grouting is researched and used to prevent floor heave in soft rock roadway and solve the supproting problem.针对华亭煤矿高应力松软岩巷道底臌变形破坏情况及岩性特点,研究采用高强度锚网索、钢筋混凝土、底板锚注全断面支护技术,进行软岩巷道底臌防治,解决支护问题。

2)cable bolting in full section全断面锚索支护

3)preliminary bracing profiled初期支护断面

1.The paper proposes the fundamental and use method of laser profiler,and it also presents the targets and the engineering examples in tunnel excavation andpreliminary bracing profiled outline that using laser profiler to detect.简述了隧道激光断面仪检测的基本原理和使用方法,并介绍了激光断面仪在开挖与初期支护断面轮廓检测中的目的和工程实例,针对标准断面选取的原则不同,定性地描述了检测出的两种断面轮廓的数据可能出现的偏差。

4)bolting support in large cross-sectional area大断面锚杆支护

5)Double Shield TBM双护盾全断面掘进机

1.Application ofDouble Shield TBM in Wanjiazai Diversion Works;双护盾全断面掘进机在万家寨引黄工程中的应用


1.On Measures to Overcome Difficult Encountered in Weak Stratum during Construction Stage of Tunnel Built by Double-shield Tunnel Boring Machine双护盾全断面掘进机(TBM)遇软岩洞段的解困方案

2.Application Research of Shield Tunnel Boring Machine on Soft and Hard Rock Engineering in Osaka Tunnel双护盾全断面掘进机在大坂隧洞软硬岩工程中的应用研究

3.Poor-geology consolidation grouting in double-shielded TBM full face tunnelling双护盾TBM全断面掘进不良地质洞段固结灌浆

4.On construction of TBM machine in tunnel浅谈硬岩双护盾掘进机(TBM)隧洞施工

5.Research on the technical status of the segment-erection system for the full shield tunneling machine全断面盾构掘进机管片拼装系统的技术现状研究

6.Theoretical Analysis of Special Section Tunnel Cutting Mechanism of Shield Machine;盾构掘进机异形断面隧道切削机构的理论研究

7.pattern recognition of full face TBM boring performance全断面隧道掘进机掘进状况分类识别研究

8.Study on the Consecutive Boring Principle of the Open Type Full Face Rock Tunnel Boring Machine;敞开式全断面岩石掘进机连续掘进原理的研究

9.Study on Pattern Recognization of Tbm Boring Performance of Qinling Tunnel;秦岭隧道全断面掘进机掘进状况识别分析研究

10.There are mainly two kinds of roadheader: Tunnelling Boom Machine(TBM) and partial-size tunneling machine.掘进机按照对于巷道断面的作用方式可划分为两种:全断面掘进机和部分断面掘进机。

11.Study on Drive System of the Full-face Rock Tunnel Boring Machine;全断面硬岩掘进机(TBM)驱动系统的研究

12.Research and Application of Refit Technology of All-Section Rock Tunnel Boring Machine全断面硬岩掘进机全面整修技术研究与应用

13.Application of Filling Grouting into Pea Gravel of Tunnel Construted by TBM豆砾石回填灌浆技术在双护盾掘进机隧洞施工中的应用

14.On Controlling Technique of Ground Settlement during the Double-o-tube (DOT) Shield Excavation双圆盾构掘进中的地面沉降控制技术

15.Improvement on Material Conveying System of Model TB880E Full-face Rock TBMTB880E型全断面岩石掘进机材料运输系统的改进

16.Investigation of rock cutting mechanism of disc cutter of fullface development machine全断面岩石掘进机盘形滚刀破岩机理的探讨

17.Research and Design on Segment Erector for Small Diameter Full Face Tunnel Boring Machine小直径全断面掘进机管片拼装机设计研究

18.Study on the Continuous Boring Control System of Open Type Full Face Rock Tunnel Boring Machine;连续掘进敞开式全断面岩石掘进机控制系统的研究


cable bolting in full section全断面锚索支护

3)preliminary bracing profiled初期支护断面

1.The paper proposes the fundamental and use method of laser profiler,and it also presents the targets and the engineering examples in tunnel excavation andpreliminary bracing profiled outline that using laser profiler to detect.简述了隧道激光断面仪检测的基本原理和使用方法,并介绍了激光断面仪在开挖与初期支护断面轮廓检测中的目的和工程实例,针对标准断面选取的原则不同,定性地描述了检测出的两种断面轮廓的数据可能出现的偏差。

4)bolting support in large cross-sectional area大断面锚杆支护

5)Double Shield TBM双护盾全断面掘进机

1.Application ofDouble Shield TBM in Wanjiazai Diversion Works;双护盾全断面掘进机在万家寨引黄工程中的应用

6)all bolt support全锚支护

1.In recent years,bolt support was spreaded and applied rapidly in coal support because of active support,support in time and initial support,butall bolt support can′t be extensively spread in large overhead intersection of floor roadway.近年来 ,锚杆支护技术以其主动支护、及时支护、初始支护强度高的特点 ,在矿井支护中得到了迅速的推广和应用 ,但在底煤巷的大跨度交岔点中 ,全锚支护的应用尚不普及。

2.Based on stresses in Fenghuangshan coal mine,testing and designing bolt support in 2315 air return roadway roof adoptall bolt support of high strong screwsteel,side adopt bolt support of bamboo,it keeps rockstrata stabilization of roadway rockstrata has just small deform gains good eoonomic returns and social effect.:凤凰山矿以地应力为基础 ,在 2 315 (上 )回风巷设计、试验锚杆支护 ,顶板采用高强度螺纹钢锚杆全锚支护 ,两帮采用竹锚杆支护 ,有效保持了巷道围岩稳定 ,围岩变形量较小 ,取得了明显的经济效益和社会效


异形断面钢材(见异形断面型材)异形断面钢材(见异形断面型材)special section steel,一、u以uu、’“飞豆on gQngC01异形断面钢材(speeial Seetion steel)见异形断面型材。
