100字范文 > 就业中介组织 Employment intermediary organization英语短句 例句大全

就业中介组织 Employment intermediary organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-09 00:52:30


就业中介组织 Employment intermediary organization英语短句 例句大全

就业中介组织,Employment intermediary organization

1)Employment intermediary organization就业中介组织

2)trade intermediary organizations行业性中介组织

1.Public policies to governtrade intermediary organizations in China;我国行业性中介组织治理的公共政策


1.Public policies to govern trade intermediary organizations in China;我国行业性中介组织治理的公共政策

2.On the Social Agency Organization in the Administrative Law;社会中介组织在行政法上的理性思考

3.Study on the restriction for behavior of the public weHare social intermediary organizations;浅论公益性社会中介组织的行为约束

4.An Approach to the Difficulties and their Countermeasures in Fostering and Developing Trade Intermediary Associations;培育发展行业中介组织的难点与对策探讨

5.Analysis of Intermediary Organization Specialty of Higher-Education Assessment: Perspective of Organization Science高等教育评估中介组织专业性解析:组织学的视角

6.Discussion on the Professionalism of Chinese Evaluation Intermediary Organizations in Higher Education我国高等教育评估中介组织专业性问题探讨

7.Are they broker-like intermediary organizations or professional service organizations?--An argumemt with an internationally comparative perspective;社会中介组织还是专业服务组织?——中介组织概念名实辨

8.The Trade Associations Participation in Corporate Governance in the UK;英国行业性组织在公司治理中的作用

9.Reemployment:the Function ofthe Occupational Intermediary Organization;再就业:职业中介组织的功能和作用

10.Analysis on the Conception of Social Intermediate Organization--As the Object of Administrative Law;社会中介组织含义辨——作为行政法调整对象的社会中介组织

11.A New Age,A New Task and A New Thinking--The Role and Development of The Educational Intermediary Organization新时期 新任务 新思路——论行业教育中介组织的作用地位与改革发展

12.The study On Competitive Strategy of Accounting Intermediary Organization --Based on Investigation Research of CPA Industry in HuNan Province;论会计中介组织的竞争战略——基于湖南省CPA行业调查的研究

13.A New Age,A New Task and A New Thinking--The Role and Development of The Educational Intermediary Organization;新时期 新任务 新思路——论行业教育中介组织的作用地位与改革发展

14.Rationality and Legitimacy of Intermediate Organizations;中介组织合理性与合法性的实证分析

15.The Business Mode of Agricultural Medi-Market Organization in the West China;西部农业市场中介组织经营模式研究

16.Discussion on Intension and Cause of Agricultural Intermediary Organization;关于农业中介组织的内涵与起因探究

17.Analysis on meaning and function of the fishery medi-institution in China;我国渔业中介组织的涵义及作用探析

18.The survey and revelation of the development of foreign fishery s intermediary;国外渔业中介组织发展概况及其启示


trade intermediary organizations行业性中介组织

1.Public policies to governtrade intermediary organizations in China;我国行业性中介组织治理的公共政策

3)intermediary agents行业中介组织

1.For better development of China s Sino-foreign Cooperative Education,Chinese Cooperative Educational School,acted as the main body of education implementing,has to carefully deal with the relationship with education section of the government, students and their parents,and someintermediary agents.中外合作办学学校作为教育实施的主体,妥善处理与政府教育主管部门、学生及其家长、行业中介组织的关系,是学校健康和谐发展的关键。

4)agricultural intermediary organization农业中介组织

1.The article defines the intension of theagricultural intermediary organization from five respects,and has probed into its Originated cause from new institution economic文章从五个方面对农业中介组织的内涵进行界定,并从新制度经济学的角度对其产生的原因进行了探究。

5)Fishery intermediary organization渔业中介组织

6)Intermediary organization中介组织

1.A consideration of developing the rural women intermediary organizations;培育和发展农村妇女中介组织的思考

2.Intermediary Organization Agglomerated as Professional Services Market under the GME-service-pattern;GME服务模式下的中介组织专业市场集聚

3.Try to analyze problems existed in intermediary organization of our country and countermeasures;试论我国中介组织存在的问题及对策


