100字范文 > 矸石变形 waste deformation英语短句 例句大全

矸石变形 waste deformation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-16 02:41:26


矸石变形 waste deformation英语短句 例句大全

矸石变形,waste deformation

1)waste deformation矸石变形

1.The nonlinear features ofwaste deformation and its impaction on strata movement矸石变形非线性及其对岩层移动的影响


1.The nonlinear features of waste deformation and its impaction on strata movement矸石变形非线性及其对岩层移动的影响

2.Experiment on using coal slack as building foundation煤矸石地基承载力与变形的试验研究

3.Content and speciation changes of Cd in different particle size of coal waste煤矸石风化物不同粒级中重金属镉含量及其形态变化

4.Accumulation Form and Stability Analysis of Waste Dump in Chongqing Area;重庆地区矸石山堆积形态及稳定性分析研究

5.Study on Technical Parameter and Formation Mechanism of Low Temperature-synthesized Coal Gangue Cement;低温合成煤矸石水泥工艺参数及形成机理研究

6.Improvement of Sieve Bend Buffer-separate Tank in Coal Preparation Plant of Jianxin Colliery建新矿洗煤厂弧形筛矸石分料箱的改造

7.Study on the Characteristics of Habitat Succession and Its Evaluation of Gangue Pile from Fuxin Mining Area;阜新矿区煤矸石山生境演变特征及其评价研究

8.The Effect of Processing Parameters on the Rheological Property of Foam Slurry of Gangue工艺参数对泡沫煤矸石浆料流变性能的影响

9.Analysis on Reducing Amount of Gangue and Recovery and Utilization of Waste浅析减少煤矸石采出量与矸石的利用

10.Study on Weathering Material Physical and Chemical Property Changes of Gangue Pile in Natural Weathering Process煤矸石自然风化进程中风化物理化性质变化研究

11.Discussion on the steam coal recovery through wind separation of washed gangue and the porous brick preparation with washed gangue洗矸风选回收动力煤 选后矸石烧结多孔砖

12.Performance on the addition of lime to coal gangue cement mortar石灰对煤矸石水泥砂浆性能影响研究

13.Study of Calcination Activation of Datong Coal Gangue Formed in C-P Period大同石炭二迭纪煤矸石煅烧活化研究

14.Dynamic equations of 4A zeolite synthesized by gangue利用煤矸石制备4A沸石的动力学模型

15.The Standard Component Study and Calculation Program Development about Column and Beam in the House of Completely Assembling Steel Reinforced Concret;全装配型钢混凝土住宅中无配筋煤矸石轻骨料梁、柱标准构件形式探讨及计算方法编程

16.This paper analyzes on the harmfulness of the gangue on the natural environment,and probes into the effective paths for the utilization of the gangue.分析了煤矸石对自然环境的危害,探讨了利用煤矸石的有效途径。

17.Through above way, can reduce the environmental adverse effect of the storing up of gangue.通过煤矸石的综合利用,减轻煤矸石堆存对环境的不利影响。

18.Study on the Process of Coal Gangue Dewatering with the Bypass and the Activity of the Dewateringcoal Gangue;旁路放风合并煤矸石脱水工艺与脱水煤矸石活性的研究


HFK352060 Sieve BendsHFK352060矸石弧形筛

3)gangue,waste rock矸子,矸石


1.The scheme design and recovery evaluation of low calorific value coal fromgangue;从矸石中回收低热值煤的方案设计与效果分析

2.Research of switched reluctance motor control system for coalgangue hoist;煤矸石绞车开关磁阻电动机控制系统的研究

3.Analysis on Reducing Amount of Gangue and Recovery and Utilization of Waste浅析减少煤矸石采出量与矸石的利用

5)waste rock矸石

1.Automatic separation ofwaste rock in coal mine based on image procession and recognition;基于图像处理与识别技术的煤矿矸石自动分选

2.It also gives the application of SRD in the mine winch ofwaste rock.介绍了开关磁阻电机调速系统的构成、工作原理和特点,及其在煤矿矸石山绞车上的应用。

3.Aiming at 3 main problems of coal under village, filling mining of strip pillar and disposal of undergroundwaste rock,the paper put forward a program of mining strip pillar withwaste rock filling on the basis of physical and mechanical test ofwaste rock and numerical simulation.针对许厂煤矿面临的村庄建筑物下的压煤、条带煤柱的置换开采、井下矸石处理3个主要问题,在矸石物理力学指标测试、数值模拟研究的基础上,提出了可行的矸石置换开采建筑物下条带煤柱的方案。


1.The article describes the sources and types of environmental pollution in coal preparing plant and the harm they may produce, by analyzing the pollution of coal dust, noise, medicine, slurry,refuse, this text proposes the measure of controlling the pollution.针对选煤厂环境污染现状,提出选煤厂环境污染防治的必要性;对选煤厂环境污染的来源、类型及可能造成的危害进行了阐述;并针对煤尘、噪声、药剂、煤泥水、矸石等污染的具体情况提出了具体的防治措施,为创建优美的选煤厂环境提供一定的借鉴。


