100字范文 > 故障分析与改造 fault analysis and transformation英语短句 例句大全

故障分析与改造 fault analysis and transformation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-28 06:54:56


故障分析与改造 fault analysis and transformation英语短句 例句大全

故障分析与改造,fault analysis and transformation

1)fault analysis and transformation故障分析与改造


1.Trouble Analysis on No.6 Steering Roll of the 1~(st)Pickling Line;武钢硅钢厂CPl线6#转向辊故障分析与改造

2.Analysis of Lubricating System Failure of BFPT of 600 MW Unit and Improvement600MW机组小汽机润滑油系统故障分析与改造

3.Failure Analysis and Reform of the Correction System for Color Coating Steel Sheet Film Machine彩涂钢板贴膜机纠偏系统的故障分析与改造

4.Analysis and Modification on Water-cooling System of Tianshengqiao Converter Station天生桥换流站水冷却系统故障分析与改造

5.Fault Analysis and Amelioration for Lubrication System of Dilute Oil Station in a Large Reciprocating Compressor大型往复压缩机稀油站润滑系统的故障分析与改造

6.Analysis and its Retrofit to Communication Failure of DCS for 150 MW Unit150 MW机组DCS系统通信故障分析及改造

7.Analysis and Solution of the Pump Barrel Leak of Ethylene Delivery Pump乙烯输送泵泵壳泄漏故障分析及改造

8.Improvement of Tool-carrier and Analysis on Faults in NC Transformation of Traditional Lathe普通车床数控改造中刀架改造及常见故障分析

9.Failure Analysis and Retrofit Research for Failure Mode of 210MW Generator of Zhangze Power Plant;漳泽电厂210MW发电机故障模式分析与改造方案研究

10.Fault Analysis and Reform for 3-Stage Cyclone in Heavy Oil Catalyzing Installation重油催化装置三级旋风分离器故障分析及改造

11.Failure Analysis and Technique Improvement Measure Research of Scraper Conveyor;刮板输送机故障分析与技术改进研究

12.The Analysis and Improvement of Full Flow Subminiature Breakdown of Hydraulic Pump;液压泵全流量超小故障的分析与改进

13.Failure Analysis and Improvement Plan Design to the Dumping Car三车翻车机机械故障分析及改造方案设计

14.The Accident Analysis and Transformation Study on the Stretcher Straightener;拉伸弯曲矫正机设备故障分析及改造研究

15.The Trouble Analysis and Technology Transformations of the Equipment of Agglomeration-1 Rubber Belt Machine;烧混-1胶带机驱动装置故障分析及技术改造

16.Analysis and Transformations for Water Circulation Failures in Hot Water Boiler热水锅炉水循环故障分析及水循环方式改造

17.Analysis and Transformation of KD100 Clay Gun Fault in Xing-steel 2# Blast Furnace新钢2#高炉KD100型泥炮漏泥故障的分析和改造

18.Analysis on Operation Malfunction after Electric Dust Precipitation Transformed into Baghose Precipitator电除尘改造成袋式除尘器后运行故障分析


failure analyse and technique amelioration故障分析与改进

3)fault analysis and disposal故障分析与处理

4)failure analysis and countermeasure故障分析与对策

5)fault analysis and prevention故障分析与预防

6)fault analysis and diagnosis故障分析与诊断

1.It has important significance forfault analysis and diagnosis of the vibration due to collision and friction in the production practice.汽轮发电机组碰摩振动分析诊断一般较为复杂,从碰摩振动的机理、典型特征和产生原因等多方面进行了详细的研究和探讨,对于生产实践中更好的进行碰摩振动的故障分析与诊断具有重要意义。


