100字范文 > 劳动关系协调机制 coordination of labour relationship英语短句 例句大全

劳动关系协调机制 coordination of labour relationship英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-01 07:55:05


劳动关系协调机制 coordination of labour relationship英语短句 例句大全

劳动关系协调机制,coordination of labour relationship

1)coordination of labour relationship劳动关系协调机制


1.Improve the Labor System and Perfect the Coordination Mechanismof Labor Relationship;健全工作体系 完善劳动关系协调机制

2.Trade Union is the Organizational Basis of Coordination Mechanism of Labor Relations;试论工会是劳动关系协调机制的组织基础

3.Rational Consideration and Countermeasures to Improving Coordinative Mechanism of Labor Relations;关于完善劳动关系协调机制的理性思考与对策建议

4.On a Consideration of Establishing an Early Warning Mechanism of Coordinating Labor Relations;关于建立劳动关系协调预警机制的思考

5.The Employment Relations in China s Economic Transition and Coordinating Mechanism;中国经济转型中的劳动关系及其协调机制研究

6.Based on the "Tripartite Coordination" Mechanism of Private Enterprises Labor Relations Construction;基于“三方协调”机制的民营企业劳动关系构建

7.Revelation of Coordination Mechanism of Labor Relations of German Trade Union德国工会协调劳动关系机制借鉴及启示

8.Talk about the Mediation Mechanism of the Relation between Laborer and Entrepreneur in Chinese Contemporary Private Enterprise;论我国私营企业劳资关系的协调机制

9.An Analysis on the Coordinate Mechanism of Private Enterprise′s Labor Relation;我国私营企业劳资关系协调机制分析

10."Three party coordination" mechanism: private enterprise harmonious labor relation framework s construction;“三方协调”机制:民营企业和谐劳动关系的框架构建

11.-- Consolidate and improve the labor contract system, make great efforts to carry forward the group contract system and promote the establishment of a tripartite coordination mechanism for labor relations.———巩固和完善劳动合同制度,大力推进集体合同制度,促进劳动关系三方协调机制的建立。

12.Research on Labour-Management Relations and the Legal Rules and Regulations of Coodination Mechanism in Private Enterprises;私营企业劳资关系及协调机制的法律规制研究

13.Micro-adjustment Mechanism Construction of labour Relations of Non-public Enterprise;论非公有制企业劳资关系的微观协调机制建设

14.Regulatory mechanisms of labor law and labor ethics and their relationships劳动法与劳动伦理的调整机制及其相互关系

15.Setting up the Coordination Mechanism of the Private Enterprise Labor Relations in the New Period;构建新时期私营企业劳资关系的协调机制

16.Establishment and Perfection of Relation between Labor and Capital and Coordination Mechanism under the New Situation;新形势下的劳资关系及协调机制的建立与完善

17.To form a self-coordination mechanism of labor relations in enterprises, China has trial-implemented and promoted a group contract system through equal consultation.为形成企业劳动关系自我协调机制,中国开始探索通过平等协商建立集体合同制度,并加以推广。

18.The Research on Some Legal Problems during the Trade Union Coordinating the Non-public Ownership System Labor Relations;工会协调非公有制劳动关系的法律问题研究


an early warning mechanism of coordination劳动关系协调预警机制

3)tripartite consultation system in relationship劳动关系三方协商机制

4)coordinated labor relations协调劳动关系

5)labor relations coordination劳动关系协调

6)the law of moderating labor relations劳动关系协调法


夫妻关系的协调夫妻关系的协调relation coordination between husband and wife夫妻关系的协调(relation eoordinationbetween husband and wife)夫妻双方在心理行为方面的和谐一致。夫妻关系的协调保证了家庭的幸福与和睦。夫妻关系是否协调主要在于:(l)夫妻性格相容,其关系比较协调。(2)夫妻双方文化程度、智力差别不太显著时,其关系容易协调。(3)在一起生活感到有很重的压力,并且对方身上也存在着自己所具有的不良品质时,夫妻关系不稳。(4)对对方不满程度越深越不容易达到融洽。(5)一方是现实主义者,另一方是理想主义者,生活态度相反;一方竞争意识强,另一方却安于现状,人生观不同。这些都能引起夫妇之间的不和。(6)双方相互期望值过高,也会引起较大的失望以致关系不协调。(7)性欲要求相差较大容易造成夫妻关系破裂。(8)国籍、出生地、职业、阶层等背景相差较大,常常会引起夫妻关系的矛盾。(李艳撰篇冬舟市)
