100字范文 > 就业结构影响 impact on structure of employment英语短句 例句大全

就业结构影响 impact on structure of employment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-03 13:01:31


就业结构影响 impact on structure of employment英语短句 例句大全

就业结构影响,impact on structure of employment

1)impact on structure of employment就业结构影响


1.The Empirical Analysis of the Industrial Structure Influenced the Employment Structure Based on the Restraint of the Ecological Environment in Xinjiang基于生态环境约束下新疆产业结构对就业结构影响的实证分析

2.The Empirical Analysis on the Influences of the Exchange Rate Fluctuation on the Average Incomes and the Employment Structures;汇率变动对工资和就业结构影响的实证分析

3.On Farmers,Education Value Change Affected by Employment Structure;就业结构影响下农民教育价值观的转变

4.Positive Research on the Impact of RMB Appreciation on China s Employment Structure;人民币升值对中国就业结构影响的实证分析

5.The influence of employment made by Industrial structure in Shaanxi;陕西产业结构变迁对就业的影响分析

6.The Impact of Trade Structure Change of Industrial Manufactures On China s Employment;工业贸易结构变化对我国就业的影响

7.The Influence of Changes in Industrial Structures to the Employment Growth;我国产业结构调整对就业增长的影响

8.Research on the Impact of Industrial Structure Transition of Foshan City on Its Employment Structure;佛山市产业结构变动对就业结构的影响研究

9.The Research of Industry Structure Adjustment Effect Employment Structure in Shan Dong Province山东省产业结构调整对就业结构的影响研究

10.The Impact of Industrial Structure Upgrade on Employment Structure in Qingdao青岛市产业结构升级对就业结构的影响研究

11.Positive Study on Mechanism and Exemplification of the Influence of Technology Progress upon Employment Structure;技术进步影响就业结构的机理与例证

12.Tentatively on the Impact of WTO Entry on China s Employment Structure;试论加入WTO对中国就业结构的影响

13.The Adjustment of Industrial Structure Influence the Expanding of Employment Channel in Guangxi;广西产业结构调整对就业渠道拓展的影响

14.Study on Effect of Industrial Structure Evolution on Employment in Fujian Province;福建省产业结构演变对就业的影响研究

15.Influence of the Rural Labor Force Structure on Employment Profession and Post;农村人力资本结构对就业行业和岗位的影响

16.Influence and International Comparison of Industrial Structural Change forEmployment Growth;产业结构变动对就业增长影响及国际比较

17.Change of Employment Structure in Hebei Province Effected from the Economic Growth and the Changes of Industrial Structure;河北省经济增长和产业结构变动对就业结构的影响

18.The Impact of the Changing Trade Structure on the Relative Employment and Wage in China;中国贸易结构对相对就业和工资的影响


employment influence就业影响

1.The importance and feasibility ofemployment influence studies of M&A in China are discussed,.回顾了兼并时机实证研究主要成果和最新动向,对其方法加以总结;介绍和评价两种兼并动机实证研究方法及相关结论;总结了国外兼并绩效实证研究主要结论和近期成果,并重点述评国内研究的方法和特点;阐述兼并就业影响实证研究的重要价值及其在国内开展的可行性;并提出了研究展望。

3)impact on employment就业量影响

4)configuration effect结构影响

5)employment structure就业结构

1.Economic growth andemployment structure evolution——Empirical analysis of the relationship between China s GDP growth andemployment structure from 1952 to ;经济增长与就业结构的变迁——对建国以来(1952—)中国GDP增长率与就业结构关系的实证分析

2.Relationship and regional type ofemployment structure and economic development in China;中国分地区就业结构与经济发展的关系及地域类型划分

3.The real diagnosis analyzes of correlation study on industrial structure andemployment structure——A case of Jiangsu;产业结构与就业结构相关性的实证分析——以江苏省为例

6)structure of employment就业结构

1.This paper,with the beginning of the far-going influence of new high-technology,deeply analyzes the impact coming from new high-technology to thestructure of employment and position of em.本文从高新技术的广泛影响出发 ,深入分析高新技术的发展对我国就业结构和就业形势的影响 ,并针对高新技术的发展引起的结构性失业现象提出我国应该采取的有效对策。

2.To analyze the rationale for thestructure of employment in Guizhou Province, we must consider the ra-tionality of the distribution of Industries, as to work out solutions to employment and efficiency.对贵州省就业结构研究,必须通过分析劳动的各产业部局合理与否,拟定出既解决就业又提高效益的解决办法。


