100字范文 > 铁路客票数据 Railway ticket data analysis英语短句 例句大全

铁路客票数据 Railway ticket data analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-08 19:49:33


铁路客票数据 Railway ticket data analysis英语短句 例句大全

铁路客票数据,Railway ticket data analysis

1)Railway ticket data analysis铁路客票数据


1.Study on Railway Passenger Flow Partaking Rates of Different Train Classes Based on Ticket Data基于铁路客票数据的列车等级客流分担率研究

2.Research on Railway Ticketing Data Sampling and Short-term Forecast of Passenger Flow铁路客票发售数据抽取及短时客流预测研究

3.Database Access Security Study for Chinese RailwayPassenger Tickets Distribution and Booking System;铁路客票发售与预定系统数据库访问安全性研究

4.Rail traveller is complained about rising fare.铁路乘客抱怨车票涨价。

5.Survey and Analysis on Passenger Distributing System in Railway Passenger Hub铁路客运枢纽客流集散系统数据采集与分析

6.Station Dispatching Data Management System for Large-type Passenger Station;铁路大型客运站行车调度数据管理系统

7.Research on the grey forecast model to the railway passenger volume based on data pretreatment;基于数据预处理的铁路客运量灰色预测模型

8.Application of Data Mining in the Analysis and Forecasting of Railway Passenger Flow数据挖掘在铁路客流分析预测中的应用

9.Energy Efficiency Evaluation Based on Data Envelope Analysis for a Railway Station基于数据包络分析法的铁路客运站能效评价

10.Research on construction and development of railway ticket sale network铁路客票销售网络的建设与发展研究

11.The Research on Rail Ticket System Based on RFID;基于RFID技术的铁路客票系统研究

12.RFID Application in Railway Ticket SystemRFID技术在铁路客票系统中的应用

13.The Research on Expansion of DM2 Platform and Application of DM2 Platform to Data Mining in Railway Freights Tickets Data;DM2平台的扩展及其在铁路货票数据上的挖掘应用研究

14.Reselling of passenger tickets or other railway transport certificates for profit shall be prohibited.禁止倒卖旅客车票和其他铁路运输票证。

15.Sensitivity Analysis for the Relationship between Railway Passenger Fare and Passenger Flow Volume;铁路旅客票价与客流量之间的灵敏度分析

16.Models and Algorithms for the Railway Ticket Pricing Optimization;铁路旅客票价优化问题的相关模型及算法

17.Pricing Model and Modeling Method Based on Railway Passenger Fare;基于铁路客运票价的定价模型及求解方法研究

18.Research on ticket specification reform of railway passenger transportation;关于铁路客运票制改革相关问题的探讨


railway passenger ticket铁路客票

1.Research on a computer pricing system for therailway passenger ticket;铁路客票计算机计价系统研究

2.In view of the present conditions of security management of therailway passenger ticket network, this paper analyses the threat to and requirements ofrailway passenger ticket security management and presents a new dynamic & adaptive security model based on the multi-agent technique.结合铁路客票网络安全的现状,深入分析了客票网络的安全威胁及安全管理的现实需求。

3.The achievements made in the building ofrailway passenger ticket selling and booking system are elaborated and the targets and tasks in realizing the system building and application in 2001 are put forward.阐述了铁路客票发售和预订系统建设取得的成就,提出了2001年实现系统建设和应用的目标及任务。

3)railway ticket铁路客票

1.To improve the management efficiency ofrailway ticket bookingand distribution for colleges, the "College Railway Passenger Ticket Bookingand Distribution Management System" is developed.为提高高校在预订和分发铁路客票管理工作的效率,开发了“高校铁路客票预订及分配管理系统”。

2.Base on the wide investigation of the international and the domestic systems for booking and selling therailway tickets,and in the light of national conditions,we make a thorough analysis and contrast about the problems of the hardware and the network function in building the system for booking and selling therailway tickets.在对国内外铁路客票预售系统广泛调查的基础上,结合我国国情,对我国铁路客票预售系统建设中有关网络性能和硬件设备问题,进行了深入细致的分析和比较,针对不同客流量,结合局域网规范以及远程通信的环境,我们提出了车站级、地区级和中央级售票系统网络结构和硬、软件配置的建议。

4)railway ticket printer铁路客票制票机

1.Therailway ticket printer is one of the important parts in the Ticketing System for railways.铁路客票制票机是铁路客票系统重要的组成部分,保证制票机有良好的工作状态是铁路客票系统持续有效运行的保障。

5)railway ticket specification of passenger transportation铁路客运票制

6)Railway passenger tickets recognition铁路客票识别


