100字范文 > 性认知 sexual cognition英语短句 例句大全

性认知 sexual cognition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-11 16:34:34


性认知 sexual cognition英语短句 例句大全

性认知,sexual cognition

1)sexual cognition性认知

1.The results showed that the scale was of good reliability and validity,and puberty psychosexual health consisted of three components,sexual cognition(physiological knowledge,sexual knowledge),sexual values(sexual idea,sexual attitude) and sexual adaptation(socia.研究表明,该量表具有良好的信度和效度,青春期性心理健康体现在性认知(生理知识、性知识)、性价值观(性观念、性态度)和性适应(社会适应、性控制力、自身适应)等三个方面。

2.It is urgent to help them to distinguishing unreasonable cognition,to know how to reorganize,which will help them construct theirsexual cognition on the base of curricular system.通过对693名女大学生的性认知调查和个别访谈发现,女大学生在性知识、性观念、性道德等方面存在明显的认知偏差。


1.Irrational Perceived Risk and Market Perceived Risk of Securities Investment;证券投资的非理性认知风险与市场认知风险

2.From vascular dementia to vascular cognitive impairment从血管性痴呆到血管性认知功能损害

3.The Research of Dependablity between Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndromes and Cognitive Function of Vascular Cognitive Impairment;血管性认知障碍中医证候与认知功能相关性研究

4.Study on One-agent Cognitive Logic;单主体认知逻辑的研究——全知性和真知性

5.The Study of Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Congnitive Assessment on Cognitive Impairment in Patients of Cerebral Ischemic Stroke;缺血性脑卒中患者认知障碍的LOTCA认知评定研究

6.Interdependence in Cognitive Linguistic Schools and the "Neo-cognitivism" Turn;认知语言学流派的互补性与“新认知主义”转向

7.Relationships of Cognitive Performances and Cognitive Styles with Extraversion;认知操作、认知方式与外倾性人格特质的关系

8.Relationships among Cognitive Performance, Cognitive Styles and Consciousness;认知操作、认知方式与严谨性人格特质的关系

9.Cognitive Communicative Approach and the Differences of Learners Cognitive Style in English Teaching;外语教学中认知交际法与认知风格的差异性

10.Clinical features of vascular mild cognitive impairment血管源性轻度认知障碍认知损害特点分析

11.Characteristics of Emotion Cognitive Processing and Cognitive Regulation in Alexithymia述情障碍者的情绪认知与认知性调节特征

12.Perception on Stock Price: Reflecting Cognitive Limitation;知觉对股价的作用:映射认知有限性

13.A Cognitive Pattern of Irrational Expansion of Intellectual Property Rights;知识产权非理性扩张的一种认知模式

14.Finally the mechanism of intuition and incubation effect was illustrated.创造性问题的解决离不开内隐认知和隐性知识。

15.On the Justification and Usefulness of the Right to Know Government Information;认真对待知政权——论知政权的正当性与有用性

16.On the Cognitive Conciliation of Informativity and Coherence;论语篇的信息性与连贯性的认知调和

17.A Relevancy Theoretical-Cognitive Perspective on the Controversy over Cratylism;对语言符号象似性的关联认知性阐释

18.Cognitive Study of the Source of the Commonalities and Individualities in English and Chinese Proverbs;英汉谚语共性和个性渊源的认知探究


cognitive characteristics认知特性

1.Mismatching between morphologic semantics in product design and userscognitive characteristics causes difficulty in users operation.产品设计中形态语意的表达与用户认知特性不匹配,常造成用户使用操作困难。

2.And the research shows that advertisement pun has its owncognitive characteristics: the understanding of adverti.本文从认知的角度,用概念整合理论分析了广告双关语的产生和解读过程,并认为广告双关语具有独特的认知特性:对双关语的解读过程有实时性,需要在特定的语境下进行,同时也受文化模式的制约。

3.My research shows that advertisement pun has its owncognitive characteristics: the understanding .研究表明,广告双关语具有认知特性:对双关语的解读过程有实时性,需要在特定的语境下进行,同时也受文化模式的制约。


1.An Experimental Study of Users Product FormPerception;用户的产品造型风格感性认知研究

4)cognitive flexibility认知弹性

1.Thecognitive flexibility theory is a learning theory dealing with the learning and transferring of ill-structured knowledge.“认知弹性理论”是针对“结构不良知识”的习得和迁移而提出的一种学习理论。

5)cognitive rigidities认知刚性


1.The basic function of literary theory is to interpret all kinds of literary phenomena, and in the long historical evolution literary theory has been coming two kinds of system of interpretation:thecognitive and the evaluative.在漫长的历史发展中文学理论形成了两大解释系统:偏重认知性的解释与偏重评价性的解释。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
