100字范文 > 候车空间组织模式 the waiting space organization modes英语短句 例句大全

候车空间组织模式 the waiting space organization modes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-28 13:45:37


候车空间组织模式 the waiting space organization modes英语短句 例句大全

候车空间组织模式,the waiting space organization modes

1)the waiting space organization modes候车空间组织模式


1.The Development Trend and Countermeasure of Waiting Space Organization in Large-Scale Passengers Railway Station in China;我国大型铁路客站候车空间组织模式的发展趋势及设计对策

2.The Study on the Coupling Development Patterns of Urban Spatial Structure and Urban Traffic Organization;城市空间结构与交通组织的耦合发展模式研究

3.An Empirical Study on the Optimization of Jiaxing Urban and Rural Spatial Structure Mode;嘉兴市域城乡空间组织模式优化实证研究

4.Research on Spatial Organization of Urban Regional Tourism System;城市型区域旅游系统地理空间组织模式初探

5.The Spatial Structure of Valley Economy Development in the Mountainous Areas of Beijing北京山区沟域经济发展的空间组织模式

6.Data organization and storage pattern in 3D urban geological spatial database三维城市地质空间数据库数据组织及模式设计

7.Optimizing the Urban Ecological Spatial Structure of Changsha长沙都市区生态空间结构组织模式优化

8.A Study on Urban Spatial Multi-pattern Development in the Growth Region of the Metropolitan Area都市成长区城镇空间多元组织模式研究

9.Numerical Simulation Of Different Air Distribution On Delamina Ted Air-Conditioning System In A Large Space Building大空间分层空调不同气流组织方式下流场的数值模拟

10.Study on the Organizational Pattern Relationships Between Private Cars and Residential Space in Dalian City;大连市私家车与居住空间组织形式关系初步研究

11.LES of Airflow Organization in the Passenger Compartments of the Air-conditioned High-speed Train高速空调列车内气流组织的大涡模拟

12.Synergetic Analysis of the Structure of Industrial Organizations and Urban Spatial Patterns in Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone;广西北部湾经济区产业组织结构与城镇空间模式的协同性分析

13.Construct an Ideal Community Mode in a Harmonious Society--Research into Neighbours’ Association Space in a Community;构建和谐社会理想社区组织模式——社区邻里交往空间研究

14.A Review of Spatial Structuring Pattern and Development Mechanism in Less-developed Region Development;欠发达区域开发的空间组织模式与开发机制述评

15.Numerical simulation of the airflow distribution in a partition-type task-ambient air-conditioned room in transitional seasons过渡季节隔板式工位空调房间气流组织的数值模拟

16.Numerical simulation on airflow organizing inside the railway ari - conditioned passenger car铁路空调客车车内气流组织的数值模拟

17.Numerical Modeling of Air Flow in Air-Conditioned Room;空调房间气流组织的数值计算与模拟

anizaton Management in Trial Test with EPC/Turn Key Mode;EPC/TurnKey模式中的试车组织管理


Space structure mode空间组织模式

3)urban and rural spatial structure mode城乡空间组织模式

1.By observing urban and rural development in Jiaxing Municipality since 1978,the author analyses the actuating mechanism ofurban and rural spatial structure mode,and then puts forward ways of the optimization of the mode with a view to accelerating Jiaxing urban and rural integration.通过观察1978年以来嘉兴市域城乡发展历程,从等级规模结构、空间职能和城乡空间差异等方面分析了影响市域城乡空间组织模式的动力机制,并提出优化该模式的具体途径,以期推进嘉兴市域城乡统筹发展进程。

4)transportation waiting space候车空间

1.And then the author brings up certain design principles of the urban public transportation waiting rooms and analyzes the development tendency of future urban public transportation waiting rooms, which pave the way for the theoretical study of publictransportation waiting space and provide theoretical basis for future public transportation waiting rooms.本论文研究了我国现代公交车站的发展演变经历,从国内公共交通车站的发展现状出发,分析我国公交车站现存的问题,针对人的行为方式及公交候车设备等要素进行分析,提出了城市公交候车空间的设计原则,分析了我国未来城市公交车站的发展趋势,为公交候车空间的理论研究奠定基础,并为未来的公交车站的设计发展方向提供理论依据。

5)space organization空间组织

1.Transportation led megalopolisspace organizations across Taiwan Straits;交通引导下的海西沿海城市经济带空间组织

2.Intermediary elements inspace organization of western house;西方独立式小住宅空间组织中的中介元素

3.Analysis on Space Organization of Chinese College Educational Architecture;中国高校教学建筑空间组织分析

6)spatial organization空间组织

1.Research on the mid-Zhejiang urban agglomerationsspatial organization oriented by modern rapid transportation;现代快速交通导向的浙中城市群空间组织研究

2.Research on urban agglomerationsspatial organization oriented by transportation. the case of mid-Zhejiang urban agglomeration.;交通引导下的城市群空间组织研究——以浙中城市群为例

3.A study on thespatial organization of the economic zone of Huai-Hai;淮海经济区空间组织优化研究


候车1.斥候之车,侦察敌情的战车。 2.等车。
