100字范文 > 大型客站 large scale passenger station英语短句 例句大全

大型客站 large scale passenger station英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-02 03:25:23


大型客站 large scale passenger station英语短句 例句大全

大型客站,large scale passenger station

1)large scale passenger station大型客站


1.Study on seismic behavior of large bridge-station combined railway station站桥合一的大型客站站房结构抗震性能研究

2.Analysis on arrival and departure sidings of passenger-dedicated large-scale railway stations关于对客运专线大型客站到发线数量的分析

3.Issues for attention in renovation of pillar-less rainsheds for large scale passenger stations;大型客站无柱雨棚改造应注意的问题

4.Analysis of the Layout of Curbside Alighting Area in Front of Major Railway Passenger Station大型铁路客运站站前落客区布局的分析

5.Study on program optimal methods of waiting hall in major railway passenger station;大型铁路客运站候车大厅旅客流优化方法研究

6.Research on the Development of Large-Scale Railway Passenger Stations: With the Case of Beijing West Railway Station;以北京西站为例的大型铁路客运站发展研究

7.The Research of Reformation and Renewal in Major Passenger Railway Station in China;我国大型铁路客运站站房改造与更新设计研究

plex Railway Station;客站综合体——谈大型城市铁路客站设计的发展方向

9.Station Dispatching Data Management System for Large-type Passenger Station;铁路大型客运站行车调度数据管理系统

10.Exploration on the Features and Planning Ideas of Major Railway Passenger Station Transport大型铁路客运站交通特征分析和规划思路探讨

11.Application study of integrated energy saving technologies in a large railway station综合节能技术在特大型旅客车站中的应用研究

12.Exploration of the Construction Mode of Assemble and Evacuate Spaces Before a Major Railway Station in Our Country;探索我国大型铁路旅客站站前集散空间的建设模式

13.Research on Model and Method of Railway Large-sized Passenger Terminals Emergency Capability Assessment;铁路大型客运枢纽站突发事件应急能力评价模型与方法的研究

14.A large-scale Public Transport Interchange will be built to the south of Tai Wai Station, providing ground-level pedestrian access to the station.大围站以南将兴建一个大型的公共交通交汇处,乘客可利用地面行人通道进出车站。

15.Research of Sign-oriented Set Project and Evaluation of Passenger in Large-scale Integrated Transport Station;大型综合交通枢纽站旅客向导标识的布设方案及评价方法研究

16.The Research on Evaluation Method and Equipment s Reasonable Allocation Project Used for Checking Ticket in Railway Large Hub Station;铁路大型客运枢纽站检票设备合理配置方案及评价方法研究

17.Research on Dynamic Simulation and Evaluation Method for Passenger Transport Organizations in a Large Integrated Traffic Terminal;大型综合交通枢纽站换乘客流组织动态仿真与评价方法的研究

18.Research on Passenger Flow Forecast and Optimal Method of Organization in Comprehensive Transportation Hub;大型综合交通枢纽站客流预测及组织优化方法研究


large-scale passenger station大型客运站

1.Simulating model and optimization on passenger organization oflarge-scale passenger station between passenger-flow rush hours;大型客运站高峰期客运组织仿真模型及其优化

3)large-sized railway passenger station大型铁路客运站

4)railway large-scaled passenger stations铁路大型客运站

5)Railway Large Hub Station铁路大型客运枢纽站

1.The Research on Evaluation Method and Equipment s Reasonable Allocation Project Used for Checking Ticket inRailway Large Hub Station;铁路大型客运枢纽站检票设备合理配置方案及评价方法研究


1.Study on Guardrail Impacted by the Bus Performance Evaluation and Numerical Simulation;大型客车碰撞护栏评估与数值模拟研究

2.Harness Design Based on a CAN/LIN Network for a Large Bus一种基于CAN/LIN网络的大型客车线束设计

3.Printing technology forbus glass has its own characteristics.大型客车玻璃的网印工艺不同于小轿车,具有其自身的特点。


