100字范文 > 道德权威 moral authority英语短句 例句大全

道德权威 moral authority英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-05 14:51:37


道德权威 moral authority英语短句 例句大全

道德权威,moral authority

1)moral authority道德权威

1.Imperial Examinations-Government Official Clan and Moral Authority: A Study on Ding Clan in Rizhao;科宦家族与道德权威:日照丁氏家族研究

2.The reasons lie in the serious damage to the traditional moral values and the failure of the socialist moral construction after the founding of the people s republic to form a newmoral authority.道德出现了严重滑坡,道德权威缺失,原因在于,传统道德的严重破坏,建国以来社会主义道德建设并没有形成新的道德权威,革命道德的泛化与道德政治化对其生存土壤的严重破坏,对市场经济的误解,在唯经济增长论的泛滥与蔓延之后,政策上自然出现"一手硬,一手软"的局面,道德权威需要树立。

3.The present arguments over social morality indicate the social moral dilemma of China:loneliness of moral individuals and embarrassment ofmoral authority.面对当前的社会道德生活,无论是鼓噪道德正在复苏,还是惊呼道德已滑入万劫不复的深渊,无不表明我们的社会道德已陷入异常的困境,集中表现为道德个体的孤独与道德权威的尴尬。


1.Fact, rather than power, has become the source of moral authority.事实而不是权力成为道德权威的源泉。

2.Moral Authority and Its Being Recognition --On How to Move Out of the Difficult Situation of Moral Instruction;道德权威及其认同——兼论走出道德教育的困境

3.What makes someone into a moral authority?什么使某人成为道德权威?

4.Why should the gods be viewed as moral authorities?为什么应将神视为道德权威?

5.An Analysis of the Absence of Moral Authority in the Transformation Period of China;我国社会转型期道德权威的缺失分析

6.Morality is Needed in Order to Establish A Society in Harmony;“构建和谐社会”需重树“道德权威”

7.Third, why should God"s commandments be morally authoritative?第三,为什么上帝的戒律必然具有道德权威性?

8.Imperial Examinations-Government Official Clan and Moral Authority: A Study on Ding Clan in Rizhao;科宦家族与道德权威:日照丁氏家族研究

9.On The Relations of Value-Orientation Development and Sources of Influence on Moral Authority;论个体价值取向发展与其道德权威影响源的关系

10.Reciprocity, Authority, and Morality in the Power Operation of Village in Economically Developed Region互惠、权威、道德与经济发达地区村庄权力的运作

11.The Effects of Authorities on Children s Moral Judgment in Moral Dilemma Events;模糊道德事件中权威对儿童道德推理影响的研究

12.The Functions and the Limitations of Political Authority for Moral Force;政治权威在道德效力中的作用和局限性

13.On Dual Authority of Law and Morality --Enlightment of the Ideology of Rule by Law and the One by Morality on the Judicial Decisions;法律和道德双重权威论——“法治”和“德治”思想对法官审判的启示

14.New Argument on Morals Essence --From the Argument of Authoritative Ethics on Morals Behavior and Morals Evaluation;道德本质新论——从权威性《伦理学》关于道德行为和道德评价的论说来看

15.No morality can be founded on authority, even if the authority were divine. --A. J. Ayer. USA writer道德不可能建立在权威的基础上,即使这种权威是至高无上的。美国作家艾尔

16.No mourality can be founded on authority, even if the authouity were divine. (a. J. ayer. USa writer)道德不可能建立在权威的基础上,即使这种权威是至高无上的。(美国作家艾尔)

17.An authoritative account of the revolution.对变革的权威性报道

18.On the Reconstruction of Moral Education Body s Authority in Universities under the Deconstruction of its Authority;试论解构权威性下的高校德育主体权威重构


agree with the moral authority道德权威认同

3)moral standard of authority权威道德伦理

4)the concept of moral authority道德权威理念

5)crisis of moral authority道德权威危机

1.Many factors have caused thecrisis of moral authority,such as destruction of economical authority,damage of political authority,imperfection of systems and disadvantages of school education.人们在克服道德权威危机的途径上有着不同的看法,由此产生了许多值得深入研究的问题。

6)The Authority of the Moral Evaluation道德评价的权威性


CE认证国际权威机构APRAGAZ(安普)是比利时一家专业从事以压力设备为主的认证检测机构,是最早从事压力设备的检测的国际权威机构。BELTEST/BELCERT依据 EN45001-45004-45011 授权其为公告号机构(欧盟的授权编号是0029)。它成立于1929年,位于欧盟总部布鲁塞尔,由比利时国家液化石油气运输协会组建,拥有现代化专业的检测设备和具备资深专业经验的工程师。 64]?n AU APRAGAZ(安普)在中国的各地拥有众多的分支机构,上海、北京、青岛、杭州、宁波、温州、台州、福州、广州、成都。帮助全国的制造厂商快速合格地进入国际市场;如今APRAGAZ(安普)已经拥有专业强大的技术专家,我们的工程师们凭借多年专业的知识和丰富的经验为中国企业打开各国的市场努力工作。我们在机械、压力设备、卫生洁具、玩具、医疗器械、卫生级的饮用水等认证上有着众多的客户,同时在以上产品上我们有着丰富的检测资源;良好的合作是迈向产品安全的第一步,每一个经过产品工程师检测的产品有包含安全的含义,到达消费者手中的产品都是安全符合标准的合格产品。
