100字范文 > 成组编码 Group code英语短句 例句大全

成组编码 Group code英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-24 13:13:25


成组编码 Group code英语短句 例句大全

成组编码,Group code

1)Group code成组编码

1.It describes in detail the concrete method of the group code application in the parts information illustration and gives the applicable mode of the typical part process planning produced by the enterprise application g.介绍了CAPP系统的基本结构,对比分析了各种零件信息描述方法的特点和使用范围,结合企业开发应用变异式CAPP系统的实例,描述了成组编码在零件信息描述中的具体应用方法,并提出了企业应用成组编码生成典型零件工艺的应用模式。


1.Study on GT Coding System for Machine Made Parts of Launch Vehicle运载火箭机加零件成组编码系统研究

2.A coded character set consisting of 8 bit coded characters.一种由8位编码字符组成的编码字符集。

3.Each point code consists of signaling routes and subsystem numbers.每个点编码都是由信令路由和子系统号组成的。

4.A Classified Code System of Squeeze Casting Mould Basing on Group Technology;基于成组技术的挤压铸造模具分类编码系统

5.Beamforming detector for group space-time coded systems一种波束成形的分组空时编码系统检测算法

6.Research on Coding Method of Group Classification for Box Type Parts of Construction Machinery工程机械箱体类零件成组分类编码方法研究

7.extended group coded recording扩充群码记录;扩充群码记录制;扩充组编码记录;扩展组编码记录

8.Two code establish, accounting title code usually use the Arabic numerals establishment, and adopt the cluster the coding method for code to namely divide the segment the combination of coding.二是编码设置,会计科目编码通常用阿拉伯数字编制,采用群码的编码方式即分段组合编码。

9.This paper introduces a coding method of using LEDs to constitute digital display of numbers. The related driving circuits and their interfaces with Micro-controllers are also introduced.介绍用LED发光二极管组成数码显示的一种编码方法,并介绍了译码驱动电路及与单片机的接口。

10.Studies on Space-Time Block Coding & Decoding Algorithms and Application;空时分组码的编译码算法及应用研究

11.Pre-coding design based on the new quasi-orthogonal STBC新型准正交空时分组编码预编码的设计

12.A protein is a polymer of amino acids that is encoded by a gene.蛋白质是由氨基酸组成的聚合物,由基因进行编码。

13.These twelve helixes certainly do not comprise all of the information inside the light-encoded filaments.当然这些十二个螺旋不组成内在光编码细丝全部信息。

14.A label consisting of a coded name showing a unit of data, for example, a file name.由编码名组成的一种标号,表示一个数据元,例如一个文件名。

15.Only13 of the mitochondrion"s component proteins are encoded by its own DNA.只有13种线粒体的组成蛋白质是由线粒体自己的DNA编码的。

16.Etioplasts have the capacity to synthesize plastome-coded proteins.黄化质体也有能力合成质体基因组所编码的蛋白质。

17.Research on STBC Jointed Beamforming in Multiuser MIMO System;多用户MIMO系统空时分组编码联合波束成形技术研究

18.Simulation Research on Performance of Space-Time Block Coding Based on OFDM and Beamforming基于OFDM和波束形成的空时分组编码性能仿真研究


coding system of group technology成组编码

1.Based on the feature of Life-cycle engineering design (LCED), a evaluation method of parts manufacturing cost and environmental impact which is based on acoding system of group technology is developed.根据全生命周期设计的特点 ,提出了基于成组编码的零件制造成本和环境指标估算方法 ,构建了基于成本和环境指标特征的零件成组编码系统 ,对零件成本和环境指标的快速评价具有积极的作

2.Based on the features of agile manufacturing and analysis of the existing evaluation methods, the authors developed a new cost evaluation method of parts manufacturing based on thecoding system of group technology.根据敏捷制造的特点 ,在分析现有零件制造成本评价方法的基础上 ,提出了基于成组编码的零件制造成本评价方法 ,并以冲压件为例 ,制定了基于成本特征的零件成组编码系统 ,实现了敏捷制造模式下零件制造成本的快速评

3)group code A ,GCA十位成组编码

4)GCR Group Coded Recording成组编码记录

5)composite encoding组合编码

1.Distinguished from CGA algorithm,the concepts of species conserving andcomposite encoding are introduced in ECGA for maintaining the diversity of population more effectively and coping with the continuous and discrete var.此外,采用组合编码策略实现连续变量和整数变量的混合编码,使之可应用到混合整数非线性规划(M INLP)问题。

6)coding combination编码组合


