100字范文 > 硅胶模 silicone rubber mould英语短句 例句大全

硅胶模 silicone rubber mould英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-13 18:25:13


硅胶模 silicone rubber mould英语短句 例句大全

硅胶模,silicone rubber mould

1)silicone rubber mould硅胶模

1.To study room temperature vulcanized(RTV)silicone rubber mould and vacuum casting process, some general rules for choosing materials and deciding technique process are put forward,combined with the precision measurement of rapid prototyping(RP),RTVsilicone rubber mould and vacuum casting.针对快速成型技术的应用,对双组分室温固化(RTV)硅胶模技术和真空注型技术进行了分析和试验,对制模和注型过程中适当选用材料和规划工艺过程给出了一些通用规则,并结合注型产品对快速成形(RP)原型、RTV硅胶模和真空注型件的尺寸精度进行了测量和分析。

2.RP based mould making process with plaster casting technique firstly uses rapid prototype as master mold, then get gypsum mould throughsilicone rubber mould, lastly become the.本文指出,基于快速成形技术的石膏型快速模具制造技术是以快速原型为母模,通过硅胶模转制技术得到石膏型,最后采用石膏型精密铸造的方法获得最终模具。


1.We can do the silicon mold for our own products.我们可以做自己所需产品的硅胶模具。

2.Small Batch Rapid Manufacturing of Plastic Parts Based on Silicon Rubber Molds基于硅胶模技术的小批量塑料件快速制造

3.Silicone rubber and plaster of Paris have been used successfully.硅橡胶和熟石膏作铸模亦已取得成功。

4.The Preparation and Analysis of New Condensation Silicone Rubber Impression Material;缩合型硅橡胶印模材料的合成与分析

5.Production and Application of Si-rubber Mold;硅橡胶模制造及其应用的研究与实践

6.Preparation of SnO)2 Nanoparticles by a Silica Gel Template;以硅胶为模板制备二氧化锡纳米粒子

7.Investigation of Gel Casting Preparation of Micro-Porous Si_3N_4 Ceramics凝胶注模成型制备微多孔氮化硅陶瓷

8.silicone rubber硅(氧)橡胶, 硅酮橡胶

9.colloided silica胶态硅石,胶态氧化硅

10.The process of lost pattern, colloidal silica and baking was studied emphatically.包括熔模制造工艺、硅溶胶模壳工艺和焙烧工艺。

11.Gelcasting of Aqueous Silicon Carbide/Carbon Black Slurry;碳化硅/炭黑水基料浆凝胶注模成型的研究

12.Study on Preparing RTV Silicone Rubber Dental Impression Materials;室温硫化硅橡胶口腔印模材料制备的研究

13.The Design and Research of Silicon Rubber Mould Centrifugal Rotary Casting Machine;硅橡胶模精密离心旋转铸造机的设计与开发

14.The Study on Gelcasting Forming Process of Si_3N_4 Ceramic Material;氮化硅陶瓷材料凝胶注模成型工艺的研究

15.System Design and Performance Simulation of a New Silica Gel-Water Adsorption Chiller;新型硅胶—水吸附式制冷机系统设计与性能模拟

16.Preparation of Borosilicate Bioactive Xerogel and Research on Simulation of Mineralization硼硅基生物活性干凝胶制备及模拟矿化研究

17.A Model for Sand/Dust Deposition on the Surface of Silicon Rubber沙尘微粒在硅橡胶绝缘材料表面的沉降模型

18.Removal of phenol from simulation wastewater by using silicon rubber membrane by pe rstraction硅橡胶膜渗透萃取脱除模拟废水中苯酚的研究


silicon rubber mold硅橡胶模

1.Based on rapid prototyping technology thesilicon rubber mold for centrifugal casting is conveniently made.硅橡胶模离心浇注装置结构简单 ,投资少。

2.Due to the big cost of the silicon rubber and low speed on manufacturing thesilicon rubber molds,this paper propose a optimized method that the mould cavity and adaptive filling blocks are manufactured simultaneously with the prototyping part.针对在使用快速成形RP方法制造硅橡胶模中,硅橡胶成本昂贵,原型件制造速度慢的缺点,提出一种在使用RP设备加工RP原型件的同时,制造与之相配套的型腔与填充块方法,论述了相应工艺优化软件的关键技术。

3)tooting gel silica模具硅胶

1.(2) The intracranial vessels of ten adult cadaveric heads were infused with coloredtooting gel silica by the constant pressure that is obtained by hand pushing.(2)对10具湿性成人尸头标本,采用手推恒压法用有色模具硅胶进行灌注。

4)silicone rubber mold硅胶模具

1.Polyurethane resin forsilicone rubber mold casting硅胶模具浇注成形用聚氨酯树脂

5)silicon rubber mould硅橡胶模具

1.The effects of solidified agent, nanometer silicon dioxide powder and calcium carbonate powder on line contraction percentage ofsilicon rubber mould were discussed in this paper.本文主要研究了固化剂、纳米二氧化硅粉和碳酸钙粉等外加剂对硅橡胶模具线收缩率的影响。

2.The operating principle of laminated object manufacturing technology and the characteristic ofsilicon rubber mould were presented.介绍了叠层实体成型制造技术的工作原理和硅橡胶模具的特点,并针对工艺品形状复杂,模具机加工困难的特点,将RP和RT技术应用到工艺品模具的制造过程中,实践证明可以缩短模具开发周期,降低开发成本。

3.A new method of economicsilicon rubber mould is proposed in this paper, which replaces the silicon rubber material that does not contact directly with the prototype with gessoes to decrease waste of materials.针对当前基于快速原型的硅橡胶模具制作中有时存在的较大材料浪费现象,提出了一种经济型硅橡胶模具制造工艺方法,利用石膏代替不与母模直接接触的硅橡胶起支撑作用,从而达到经济性的目的。

6)epoxy resinmodel硅橡胶模型


凹模、凸凹模工作型面加工工艺过程1)备料。 n 2)锻造。锻成长方形的坯料(每件留长工艺夹头)。 n 3)热处理。退火。 n 4)铣(刨)削。铣(刨)削六面成长方形模块。 n 5)磨削。磨削上、下两端面及相邻两侧面,用90。角尺测量相邻两面的垂直度。 n 6)钳工加工。用平板和划线盘按图划线,并打样冲眼;用钻头钻螺纹底孔;用圆柱销孔的预孔;用钻头钻挡料销让位孔;用钻头在中心处钻穿丝孔等;正、反面孔口倒角;凸凹模用钻头孔扩,保证刃口高度;攻螺纹;铰孔。n7)铣削。平口钳装夹工件;用的立铣刀铣削型孔至尺寸,保证深度。 n 8)热处理。凹模工件淬硬至HRC60~64,凸凹模工件淬硬至HRC58~62。 n 9)平磨。磨上、下两端面及相邻两侧面,用90。角尺测量相邻两面的垂直度至图要求;退磁。 n 10)线切割。按图编制线切割程序,切割模型孔成形,留单面研磨余量0.005 mm。 n 11)钳工加工。研光线切割面: n 12)检验。 n复合冲裁模的装配应选择凸凹模作为装配基准件,先装下模部分,后装上模部分
