100字范文 > 5000t/d水泥熟料生产线 5 000 t/d cement production line英语短句 例句大全

5000t/d水泥熟料生产线 5 000 t/d cement production line英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-22 01:13:12


5000t/d水泥熟料生产线 5 000 t/d cement production line英语短句 例句大全

5000t/d水泥熟料生产线,5 000 t/d cement production line

1)5 000 t/d cement production line5000t/d水泥熟料生产线

1.5 000 t/d cement production line of Jiangsu Joint Cement Co.江苏联合水泥有限公司5000t/d水泥熟料生产线是中材国际南京水泥工业设计研究院的EPC项目。


1.Application of HRM4800 vertical mill in a 5000t/d cement production lineHRM4800立磨在5000t/d水泥熟料生产线上的应用

2.Design features of 5000 t/d cement production line of Jiangsu Joint Cement Co.,Ltd江苏联合水泥有限公司5000t/d水泥熟料生产线的设计特点

3.Reflection on design of Yima Coal Group" s 5000t/d clinker production line义煤集团5000t/d熟料生产线设计的反思

4.Introduction of four 6000t/d cement production lines of Taiwan Cement Corporation(Guigang)台泥(贵港)4×6000t/d熟料水泥生产线简介

5.A 10000t/d Cement Clinker Production Line Design for Zongyang Conch Cement枞阳海螺水泥股份有限公司10000t/d水泥熟料生产线设计

6.Calculation Analysis of the Thermotechnical Parameters of a Waste-heat Power Generation System in a 5000 t/d Dry-method Cement Production Line5000t/d干法水泥线余热发电热工参数的计算分析

7.The Automation Control System Design of Cement Material Production Line;水泥熟料生产线计算机控制系统设计

missioning and reaching the standard of 5000t/d new dry process production line of Luquan Quzhai鹿泉曲寨5000t/d干法生产线的调试与达标

9.Design,debugging and maintenance of DCS control system of 5000t/d production line5000t/d生产线DCS控制系统的设计、调试及维护

10.A Contrast Study of Low-temperature Waste Heat Utilization Modes for a 5000 t/d Class Cement Kiln5000t/d级水泥窑低温余热利用方式对比研究

11.Function of lithofacies analysis for cement clinker on cement production水泥熟料岩相分析在水泥生产中的作用

12.Technology and Economy Research on Kiln Inlet Electrostatic Precipitator and Bag Filter for New Dry Process Cement Clinker Production Line;新型干法水泥熟料生产线窑尾电、袋收尘器技术经济研究

13.Introduction of the combined grinding system of the 2×4 500 t/d cement production line盘景2×4500t/d熟料生产线联合粉磨系统介绍

14.Study on Cement Clinker s Production in Shaft Kiln Cement Plant by Use of Wastewater from Local Chemistry Plants;颜料化工厂废水用于立窑水泥厂成球生产熟料

15.Gaze at the Technical Progress of China Cement Industry from Conch Baimashan 2000t/d Clinker Productrion Line;从白马山2000t/d生产线投产看水泥工业技术进步

16.Process Design and Research from 700t/d to 1000t/d in JGHD Company;JGHD公司熟料生产线700t/d改1000t/d工艺方案设计研究

17.Formation Mechanism of Cement Clinker by Using Phosphorus Slag;磷渣配料生产优质水泥熟料形成机理研究

18.To Produce High-quality Cement with the Low Grade Limestone;用低品位石灰石配料生产优质水泥熟料


5 000 t/d clinker cement production line5000t/d熟料水泥生产线

3)5000t/d clinker production line5000t/d熟料生产线

1.Reflection on design of Yima Coal Group" s5000t/d clinker production line义煤集团5000t/d熟料生产线设计的反思

2.The paper introduced in brief the design scheme of electric automatization control system of 2×5000t/d clinker production lines of Resources Cement (Guigang) Ltd.概要介绍了华润水泥(贵港)有限公司2×5000t/d熟料生产线电气自动化控制系统的设计方案;详细分析了其计算机控制系统的系统架构、软件平台、PLC硬件配置和应用软件功能;同时还就现场调试工作的主要内容进行了简要介绍。

4)5 000 t/d clinker production line5000t/d熟料线

5)5 000 t/d production line5000t/d生产线

1.Electrical system design of 2×5 000 t/d production line;2×5000t/d生产线电气设计剖析

2.Design and commissioning of5 000 t/d production line of Donghua Cement Company;东华水泥公司5000t/d生产线设计与调试

6)t*/d clinker5000t/d熟料

1.Process flow of5000t*t*/d clinker production line of Tongling Conch Cement Co.铜陵海螺5000t/d熟料生产线的工艺流程设计合理、流畅,并能与原#1窑生产线充分配合协调;而且该工程设备国产化率达96%,实现了我国5000t/d熟料级生产线技术装备国产化的重大突破。


