100字范文 > 忍受义务 obligation of tolerance英语短句 例句大全

忍受义务 obligation of tolerance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-13 11:57:02


忍受义务 obligation of tolerance英语短句 例句大全

忍受义务,obligation of tolerance

1)obligation of tolerance忍受义务

1.In my opinion,in the light of principles of an act to rescue of criminal law,the person who takes an act of rescue is in fact undertakingobligation of tolerance to the danger to a certain degree in this case.笔者以为,从紧急避险的刑法机理出发,在自招危险的情况下,行为人事实上对该危险承担着不同程度的忍受义务。

2)tolerance obligation容忍义务

1.Its contents include thetolerance obligation for the impairee,the determining standard and the methods of remedy for immission offence.不可量物侵害,在我国《民法通则》中未作规定,德国民法规定了这方面的制度,其内容包括受害人的容忍义务、不可量物侵害的判定标准及救济方法。


parative Legal Study on Victim Tolerance Obligation in Neighboring Violation on Immeasurable Matter;相邻不可量物侵害之受害人容忍义务比较法研究

2.Influence of Ambiguity Tolerance on Perception of Ambiguity Caused by a Modifier;歧义容忍度对修饰语歧义理解的影响

3.To accept or tolerate(an insult, for example).忍受,容忍(如侮辱)

4.Research and Design of Web Server Intrusion-Tolerant System;Web服务器入侵容忍系统的研究和设计

5.Theoretical and Practical Exploration on Zero Tolerance Policing Policy;“零容忍”警务政策的理论与实践探微

6.European Commission against Racism and Intolerance欧洲反对种族主义和不容忍委员会

7.Humanity cannot tolerate that guilt.人道主义不能容忍这种罪行。

8.humane, stable, safe, tolerant and just societies人道、稳定、安全、容忍与正义的社会

9.Such an act is abhorrent to my sense of right.这种行为是我的正义感所不能容忍的。

10.Enlightenment of Ambiguity Tolerance and Schema Theory on College English Listening Teaching;歧义容忍度 图式理论与英语听力教学

11.Influences of Tolerance of Ambiguity on the Uses of English Learning Strategies歧义容忍与英语学习策略的关系研究

12.The legal toleration of abortion or euthanasia is therefore an abdication of the state"s primary duty to safeguard human rights through law.因此,容忍堕胎或安乐死的法律是对于国家通过法律保护人权的基本义务的放弃。

13.fault tolerance容错,[港]故障容忍

14.Design and Implementation of an Intrusion Tolerant Database;一个事务层入侵容忍数据库的设计与实现

15.Research on Conception and Structure of Credited Students’Debt Tolerance of Student Loans;助学贷款受信学生债务容忍度概念及结构研究

16.Research of Intrusion Tolerant Technology Based on Service Replication and Voting基于服务复制和表决的容忍入侵技术研究

17.Authentication and access control mechanisms of group communication in intrusion tolerant server容忍入侵服务器中组通信认证与访问控制机制

18.Design of Web Server System Based on Intrusion Tolerance Technology一种基于入侵容忍技术的Web服务器系统设计


tolerance obligation容忍义务

1.Its contents include thetolerance obligation for the impairee,the determining standard and the methods of remedy for immission offence.不可量物侵害,在我国《民法通则》中未作规定,德国民法规定了这方面的制度,其内容包括受害人的容忍义务、不可量物侵害的判定标准及救济方法。

3)proprietor"s tolerance obligation业主容忍义务

4)put up with忍受;容忍

5)stand up for忍受

6)fiduciary duty受信义务

1.This article believes that although the director\"sfiduciary duty is analogized from the trustee\"s duty,it has differed basically from the latter in the trust and company system and the meaning and standards of the duty of care and the duty of loyalty.董事的受信义务是否等同于信托受托人的信托义务?本人认为,董事的受信义务虽然类推自信托义务,但是已经与信托义务产生了巨大的差别。


