100字范文 > 游程编码 run-length coding英语短句 例句大全

游程编码 run-length coding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-18 06:03:05


游程编码 run-length coding英语短句 例句大全

游程编码,run-length coding

1)run-length coding游程编码

1.An optimized EZW method usingrun-length coding;一种利用游程编码优化EZW的方法

2.Image retrieval of the block edge pattern based onrun-length coding;基于游程编码的块边缘模式图像检索算法

3.After the clustering characteristics of image wavelet coefficients′ significance distribution in each sub-band was analyzed,run-length coding(RLC) was introduced into SPIHT′s output stage.针对图像小波系数在各子带内显著性分布的聚簇特征,提出了在SPIHT算法的输出环节引入游程编码。


1.VLC Based on Second-run-level Coding and Dynamic Table Truncation;基于二次游程编码和动态码表截取的变长编码方法

2.PCB defect detection based on run-lengthen encoding基于游程编码的PCB缺陷检测算法

3.Variant of run-length coding of test data compression method一种变游程编码的测试数据压缩方法

4.Implementation and Application of Intersection Operation Based on Run-Length Encoding Data一种顾及属性的游程编码“交”运算方法与实验

5.A Test Data Compression Scheme Based on Mixed Fixed and Variable Run-length Coding in Virtual Block一种混合定变长虚拟块游程编码的测试数据压缩方案

6.Research on coding compression efficiency of L-Z algorithm with run-length bit增加游程位的L-Z算法及编码压缩效率研究

7.assembler language coding form汇编程序语言编码形式

8.The programmer writes source code.程序员编源码程序,


10.Programmable quasi cyclic LDPC encoder architecture在线可编程QC-LDPC码高速编码器结构

11.microprocessor code assembler微处理机代码汇编程序

12.assembler language instruction code汇编程序语言指令码

13.microcode link editor微代码连接编辑程序

piler abort code编译程序异常终止码

15.High throughput in-system programmable quasi cyclic LDPC encoder architecture在线可编程准循环LDPC码高速编码器结构

16.Morse code.; set of instructions for programming a computer编码(计算机编制程序的成套指令).

17.Investigation and Programmed on G.726 Speech Coding Algorithm;G.726语音编码算法的研究及其编程

18.Research on Using Unicode in Programming with VC++VC++编程中Unicode编码的使用研究


run length coding游程编码

1.An improving on Wyle-symbol method forrun length coding;对Wyle符号游程编码方法的改进

2.Aiming at improuing Zero\|tree coding,run length coding and human visual character were combined and utilized in this work.针对传统零树编码的三个不足 ,利用游程编码结合人眼视觉特性 ,对其进行了改进 ,在此基础上根据医学图像压缩的特点 ,探讨了选择性医学图像压缩技术 ,并将其和小波压缩算法结合。

3.So a new scheme of test data compression decompression,namely sharing-run-length code scheme(SRLCS)is presented,which is based onrun length coding.提出了一种新的基于游程编码的测试数据压缩/解压缩的算法:共游程码(SRLCS)编码,它在使用较短的代码字来代替较长的游程的传统游程编码基础上,进一步充分利用了相邻游程之间的相关性,使用一位来代替与前一游程相同的整个后一游程,这样整个后一游程可以用一位来表示,达到从多位到一位的转换,进一步压缩了测试数据。

3)run-length encoding游程编码

1.Optimization and application of connected component labeling algorithm based onrun-length encoding;基于游程编码的连通区域标记算法优化及应用

2.Aiming at the low computation efficiency and storage insufficiency of direct-encoded raster data,a new data structure on the basis ofrun-length encoding has been proposed to optimize the algebraic operations.考虑到基于直接编码的栅格数据在计算效率和存储能力上的不足,提出一种便于代数操作的游程编码数据结构,以优化基于直接编码栅格数据的代数运算。

3.The algorithm implementedrun-length encoding through a successive scan,then proceeded to label run-length and merge the conflict objects by analyzing the connectivity with run-lengths in the above row.逐行扫描图像数据进行游程编码,通过分析与相邻上一行游程的连通性进行游程标记以及冲突目标体的合并,同时进行面积、周长、形心、外包围矩形等目标描述参数的计算,一次扫描分析完毕可同时获取游程区域表达和目标描述参数。

4)run-length code游程编码

1.This paper puts forward a method to conceal black and white image,which appliesrun-length code technique to realize non-damage compression to the white and black image in order for decrease the pixel modification to the covering carrier.提出了一种隐藏二值图像的方法,它利用游程编码技术实现对二值图像的无损压缩来减少对掩护载体的像素修改。

5)running length coding游程编码

1.The ideas of the improved algorithm mainly include: The lowest frequency subband is coded without loss;the reverse Morton scan order is adopted;andrunning length coding is carried out of symbol bitstream to reduce the redundancy among zerotrees.在EZW算法的基础上,采取将低频子带进行无损编码、逆向扫描小波系数和对符号集进行游程编码的策略,有效地利用了小波变换系数的特点,克服了由低频区开始扫描所带来的扫描量过大的问题,减少了扫描工作量,提高了编码速度,也解决了EZW算法中存在的树间冗余问题。

2.The algorithm combines embedded zero-tree multi-wavelet coding andrunning length coding is used for the high-frequency coefficients and Huffman lossless compression is employed for the low-frequency coefficients,which include the major energy of the original signal.首先利用GHM多小波变换将故障数据分解为高频系数和低频系数,对于高频系数用嵌入式多小波零树编码和游程编码相结合的算法进行压缩,而对于包含原始信号大部分能量的低频系数则采用Huffman无损压缩方法。

6)run-length codes游程编码

1.The dual-run-length codes are the important technique for test data compression.双游程编码是集成电路测试数据压缩的一种重要方法,可分为无关位填充和游程编码压缩两个步骤。


