100字范文 > 地理实体 geographic entity英语短句 例句大全

地理实体 geographic entity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-30 03:56:28


地理实体 geographic entity英语短句 例句大全

地理实体,geographic entity

1)geographic entity地理实体

1.Topologic relation is an important feature that GIS differentiates from other management information systems, but topologic relation of GIS is founded on the condition thatgeographic entity has no error; in fact, because of many factors,geographic entity contains uncertainty.拓扑关系是GIS区别其他管理信息系统的一个重要特征,目前GIS的拓扑关系都是在地理实体不存在误差的情况下建立的,实际上地理实体由于多种因素的影响都存在着不确定性。

2.The paper firstly discusses the importance of topologic relation in GIS, then demonstrates thatgeographic entity exists uncertainty and simply introduces uncertainty correlation subjects, and put forward a unify spatial topologic relational model under uncertainty.论述了GIS中拓扑关系的重要性,论证了地理实体存在不确定性以及与确定性的相关问题,提出在不确定性下的一种统一的空间拓扑关系模型,概括了不确定性下的拓扑关系的研究进展。


1.A representation and LOD technology for geographic objects in terrain TIN地形TIN中地理实体表达与LOD技术

2.Topological representation of geographical entities in terrain TIN地形TIN中地理实体拓扑关系表达

3.Research on Entity-based Data Modeling for National Geo-spatial Information Service Platform地理信息公共服务平台地理实体数据建模研究

4.The inland part of a political or geographic entity.内陆一个政治或地理实体的内陆部分

5.The Construction of Evaluation Index System of Geography Experiment Study in the Senior Middle School;高中地理实验学习评价指标体系构建

6.The Research on Geography and Meteorological Phenomena of Sports Practice;体育运动实践中的地理气象问题研究

7.Guarantee System Construction for Implementation & Management of Land Use Planning;建立土地利用规划实施管理保障体系

8.Real Estate Price Theoretical and Empirical Study in Xinjiang新疆房地产价格体系理论与实证分析

9.Talking about Overall Land Use Planning of Implementation and Management浅议土地利用总体规划的实施与管理

10.Practices and Experiences on Carrying out P roject Supervision System in Geological Exploration Industry;地勘行业实施项目监理制的实践与体会

11.Exploration of the System of Laboratory-Management in Campuses of Different Regions异地校区实验室管理体制的探索与实践

12.The Application and Practice of Computer Multi-media Technique in Geography Teaching--Taking "Meizhou Geography" as an Example;计算机多媒体技术在地理教学中的应用与实践——以《梅州地理》为例

13.Using Ontology to Achieve the Semantic Integration and Interoperation of the Geography Information System;用本体实现地理信息系统语义集成和互操作

14.Positive Study on Innovating Management System for Circumjacent Area of Chengdu Railway Station;成都市火车北站地区管理体制创新的实证研究

15.The Design and Implementation of Spatial Coordinates System of Geographic Information Integration;地理信息一体化空间坐标系统的设计与实现

16.Assessing Semantic Similarities Among Geospatial Entity Classes;地理空间实体类型语义相似度计算模型的研究

17.Study and Realization of Province and Region Integration Load Forecasting and Management Platform;省地一体化负荷预测与管理平台的研究与实现

18.Study for Interoperable Method of Resource Entities in Land Resources Management;土地资源管理中的资源实体互操作方法研究


geographical entity地理实体

1.Spatial data is the abstract ofgeographical entity in the real world.空间数据是对现实世界地理实体的抽象。

3)spatio-temporal geographical entity时空地理实体

4)fuzzy geographic entity模糊地理实体

5)area geographical entities面状地理实体

1.Clustering algorithm forarea geographical entities based on cluster division;基于簇分解的面状地理实体聚类

6)Geographical Spatial Entity地理空间实体


部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)sectorial or thematic military geographybumen huo zhuanti lunshi diliXue部门或专题军事地理学(sec‘orial orthematie military geography)见军事地理学。
