100字范文 > 负面效应 negative effect英语短句 例句大全

负面效应 negative effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-01 22:50:11


负面效应 negative effect英语短句 例句大全

负面效应,negative effect

1)negative effect负面效应

1.An analyzing onnegative effect and solving measures of rural urbanization in China in current stage;现阶段我国农村城市化的负面效应及对策分析

2.On thenegative effect of China s Higher Education Cost Compensation Localization;论我国高等教育成本补偿属地化的负面效应


1.poverty and the breakdown of family life have secondary effects.贫穷和家庭生活破裂引发了负面效应。

2.Negative effects of FDI on Anhui s industrial structure and countermeasures;FDI对安徽产业结构的负面效应及对策

3.Negative effects of the excessively high increase rate of planned revenue;财政收入计划增长率过高的负面效应

4.Analysis on Educated-Unemployment Phenomenon and the Negative Effect;我国知识失业现象及其负面效应解析

5.Center law of the land form orientation and its negative effect analysis;中国法的形式取向及其负面效应分析

6.On the Negative Effects of Existence of Non-institutionalization and Countermeasures Against it;论非制度化生存的负面效应及其治理

7.The Negative Effect of China’s Quantity-Expansion Growth Pattern of FDI;外资数量扩张型增长模式的负面效应

8.The Way Of Solving The Negative Effect After Agricultural Tax Remitted and Countermeasure;农业税减免的负面效应及其解决途径

9.A Discussion about the Negative Effectiveness of Recognition and Some Ways to Make up;实施赏识教育的负面效应及方法技巧

10.An Analysis on the Negative Effects of the Lagging Behind Urbanization in Ethnic Minority Regions;民族地区城镇化滞后的负面效应分析

11.The Negative Effect for the Important Basic Course inCollege by the Examination to University with "3+x;“3+x”高考对重要基础课的负面效应

12.The Manifestation and the Prevention and Cure of the Negative Effects in News Supervision;试论新闻监督负面效应的表现与防治

13.Negative Effect on Beneficialtaritf of Foreigninvested Enterprises;外资企业所得税税收优惠的负面效应

14.The Negative Effects of Urbanizationon Need to Pay Attention to New Rural Aeras’Construction新农村建设需重视城市化的负面效应

15.The Negative Effects of Net Literature on Present Aesthetic Development网络文学对当今审美发展的负面效应

16.The Negative Influence of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS);《联合国海洋法公约》生效的负面效应分析

17.Research on Reducing Adverse Effects by DTC in PWM Drive SystemDTC技术在抑制PWM调速系统负面效应的效果研究

18.Analysis of Catastrophe Press Photo:The Positive Value and Negative Effect;论灾难新闻摄影的正面价值与负面效应


negative effects负面效应

1.Research on Corporate Strategic Choice under the Negative Effects of Path Dependence;路径依赖负面效应下的企业战略选择探究

2.The teratogenical effects of arsenate and itsnegative effects on ecological environment were reviewed in this paper and measures to alleviate or dissolve the adverse effects induced by arsenate were put forward as well.本文综述了砷制剂的毒副作用及其对生态环境的负面效应,并提出了减轻或消除砷制剂负面影响的应对措施。

3.Pesticides have made great contributions for mankind in spite of theirnegative effects.农药自问世以来虽然带来过一些负面效应 ,但为人类作出了巨大贡献。

3)side effect负面效应

1.Technology of glass curtain wall engineering and the control of itsside effects;玻璃幕墙技术及其负面效应控制

2.Various constructions are built to control shoreline erosion, while insufficient consideration is paid to theside effects of them.长久以来 ,人们采用各种护岸工程保护遭受侵蚀的岸段 ,却忽视了由这些护岸建筑引起的负面效应——丁坝、突堤、离岸堤可导致邻近岸段的蚀退 ;海堤、护岸可导致海岸下蚀 ;海滩的人工再塑难以解决沙源。

3.The Two laws"are"Law of Nine Years Duty Education" and "Law of , Protecting Ungrow -up People "put into effct, some clauses have been broughtside effects, and they are more and mord giving Prominence to the education of Primary and Middle school.“两法”即《九年义务教育法》、《未成年人保护法》实施以来,其中某些条款所带来的负面效应在中小学教育中越来越突出,学生道德素质普遍下降,未成年人包括中小学生的犯罪率高于成年人,并逐年上升,问题在于对中小学生中严重违规违纪,干扰学校教育教学秩序的行为无“法”予以有效的遏制和惩戒,对违法犯罪行为无“法”’惩治和打击。

4)side effects负面效应

1.However, only listening and reading skills are tested in Chinese Proficiency Test, which inevitably hasside effects on Lagnuage teaching.由于二者具有一致性 ,若采取应试教学的话 ,HSK对教学必然会起负面效应。

2.Controlling and eli minating theside effects needs correcting people s ideas,reinforcing the nation s and government s regulating means,bringing family and school education into p lay and reconstructing a new system of moral values.限制和消除大众传媒对青少年价值取向的负面效应,必须纠正人们思想认识上的误区,强化政府的调控手段,发挥家庭教育、学校教育的作用以及重建新的道德价值观念体系。

3.Some contemporary thinkers, philosophers, scholars and sociologist try to blame theside effects during the use of science and technology on science and technology itself.本文针对现当代一些中外思想家、哲学家、学者和社会学家把当代科技运用过程中带来的种种负面效应归罪于科技本身,将科学技术当作是当代“世界危机”的“罪恶之源”的思潮进行分析和评述,并认为“科技无罪”,倡导确立用正义之念、善良之心、感激之情去把握科技之剑的科技理念,从而营造一个理想的“家园

5)Positive and negative effects正负面效应

6)negative effect of technology技术负面效应



负面契约 Negative Covenant


