100字范文 > 可穿戴计算机 wearable computer英语短句 例句大全

可穿戴计算机 wearable computer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-28 19:23:42


可穿戴计算机 wearable computer英语短句 例句大全

可穿戴计算机,wearable computer

1)wearable computer可穿戴计算机

1.Software reliability growth model forwearable computer;可穿戴计算机软件系统可靠性增长模型研究

2.Study on Wearable Computer Hardware Technology;可穿戴计算机硬件技术研究

3.Study on Rugged Wearable Computer;抗恶劣环境可穿戴计算机研究


1.Research on Software Architecture of Wearable Computer可穿戴计算机软件体系结构的研究

2.The study on the vibration optimization model of the wearable computer motherboard可穿戴计算机主板振动优化模型研究

3.Software reliability growth model for wearable computer可穿戴计算机软件系统可靠性增长模型研究

4.Research on Wearable Computer Navigation Systems Based on Context Aware;基于Context Aware的可穿戴计算机导航系统的研究

5.Study on Wearable Computer Used in Cooperation System for Fire Service;可穿戴计算机在消防协作系统中的应用研究

6.The Research of Wireless Communication Modular and Network Technology of Wearable Computer;可穿戴计算机无线通信模块与组网技术研究

7.Research on the Size of Icon Suite for the Wearable Computer Tapping Operation适于可穿戴计算机点击操作的图标尺寸研究

8.The Evolution and Trend of Wearable Computer可穿戴式计算机的发展与趋势(Ⅰ)

9.Research on Design and Realization of Wearable Computing Environment;可穿戴计算平台结构设计与实现研究

10.Sensing Information Forecasting Algorithm and Controller Design for Wearable Power Assist Robot可穿戴助力机器人传感器信号预测算法和控制器的设计

11.Design of wearable computer multiprocessor based on SOPC基于SOPC的可穿戴机多处理器设计

12.The Overall Design and the Low-Power Research of Wearable Computing Platform;可穿戴计算平台的总体设计及其低功耗研究

13.The Research of Speech Recognition Technology Based on the Wearable Computing Platform;基于可穿戴计算平台的语音识别技术的研究

14.Research on Service-oriented Wearable Computing Supporting System;一种面向服务的可穿戴计算支撑系统研究

15.Digitized Maintenance and Repair Soldier System Based on Wearable Computer基于穿戴式计算机的数字化维修单兵系统

16.Study on Enterprise On-site Task Assistant System and Key Technologies Based on Wearable Computing基于可穿戴计算的企业现场作业辅助系统及关键技术研究

17.Antenna Design and Implement for the Wearable Network;构建可穿戴式网络的天线设计与实现

puterized embroidery punching machine计算机化锈花穿孔机


wearable computing可穿戴计算

1.On-site task assistant pattern based onwearable computing;基于可穿戴计算的现场作业辅助模式

2.Research of workshop task assistant application based onwearable computing technology;基于可穿戴计算的车间作业辅助应用研究

3.Research on Design and Realization of Wearable Computing Environment;可穿戴计算平台结构设计与实现研究

3)wearable computer穿戴计算机

1.Optimization of kernel-level checkpoint mechanism forwearable computer systems;穿戴计算机的内核级检查点优化策略研究

2.In order to solve natural interactive problems between human andwearable computers,a hand tracking and gesture recognition method based on wearable vision is proposed.为了解决人与穿戴计算机的自然交互问题,提出了一种基于穿戴视觉的人手跟踪与手势识别方法。

3.The wireless communication technology improves the performance of thewearable computer greatly.根据故障的严重程度对软件系统中潜伏的故障进行了类型划分 ,并利用传统的G O模型建立了一个基于失效费用划分的软件可靠性增长模型 无线网络使穿戴计算机的性能得到了很大的提升 ,根据是否会严重影响穿戴计算机的网络通信能力 ,将其软件系统的故障分为两类 :①一般故障 ,不影响或较小影响系统的网络通信 ;②通信故障 ,严重影响甚至阻断系统的网络通信 利用前面建立的软件可靠性增长模型 ,建立了一个穿戴计算机软件系统可靠性增长模型 ,并对一组数据进行了评


1.To make the wearable computer walk out this puzzledom, we present the idea of Supported Environment for Wearable Computer(SEWC).对于孤立的可穿戴计算机,就其理论和技术水平而言,它还受到很多方面的限制,因此其应用面和应用点将会比较薄弱和单一,但如果它能够得到一个与其密切相关的计算环境的支撑,这一问题可望得到解决,因此我们提出了可穿戴计算机支撑环境这一基础研究课题。

5)Arm Wearable Computer臂式可穿戴计算机

6)Wearable Computing Environment可穿戴计算平台

1.Research on Design and Realization ofWearable Computing Environment;可穿戴计算平台结构设计与实现研究


计算机输入/输出控制系统(见计算机输入/输出系统)计算机输入/输出控制系统(见计算机输入/输出系统)computer input/output control systemiisuanii shuru/shuehu kongzhi xitong计算机输入/输出控制系统(com-puter inPut/ou中ut eontrol system)见计算机输入/输出系统。
