100字范文 > 有效喷射距离 Effective spraying range英语短句 例句大全

有效喷射距离 Effective spraying range英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-01 18:16:33


有效喷射距离 Effective spraying range英语短句 例句大全

有效喷射距离,Effective spraying range

1)Effective spraying range有效喷射距离

2)effective firing range有效射击距离

3)most effective range ; optimum range of firing最有效射击距离

4)Spray distance喷射距离

1.Corrosion resistant of polyacrylate waterproof materials in the solution of chloride,sulfate and alkali was studied in static immersion,and relation between swelling ratio and anti-erosion of polymers formed by different initiators of spray distance and mass ratio was investigated.通过溶胀度的测定,研究了不同喷射距离及不同质量分数引发剂所形成的聚合物溶胀度变化与抗侵蚀性关系。


1.Analysis and Optimization of Jet Distance in Fluid Jet Polishing by CFD基于CFD的射流抛光喷射距离的分析和优化

2.positive contact off-bottom spacer喷射眼距井底最优距离定位器

3.The distance that an arrow can be shot.射距射一箭所能达到的距离

4.electrospray ionization电喷射离子化(作用)

5.plasma flame-spray system等离子火焰喷射系统

6.fire point-blank at sb在近距离内向某人射击

7.(of guns)fire bullets,etc over(a distance)(指枪炮)射程达到(某距离)

8.Numerical simulation of the best throat pipe diameter of jet pump based on PHOENICS基于PHOENICS的喷射泵最佳喉嘴距数值模拟

9.He shot the lion at point-blank range, ie when it was so near that he could not miss.他在近距离平射射程内向狮子射击.

10.Influences of Impingement Distance and Impingement Angles on Wall-Wetted Fuel Film喷嘴距离和喷嘴角度对油膜附壁的影响

11.The marines could shoot from a distance and also do close hand-to-hand combat.舰队可远距离射击也可作短距离的战斗。

12.He shot her at point-blank range.他在近距离射程内射中了她.

13.The distance between a projectile weapon and its target.射程投射性武器与其目标之间的距离

14.Reduce pressure. Use a larger nozzle. Hold spray gun closer to the surface. Spray at right angles to the surface.改变压力。使用大一点的喷嘴。加近喷枪与底材的距离。调整高度。

15.Keep sufficient separation( spacing) from the proceeding big jet.和前面的大型喷气机保持足够的间隔距离。

16.Preliminary study on common sprayer-produced droplet drift range under different wind speeds常用喷雾机(器)雾滴漂移距离的初步研究

17.jetstream ionization jamming喷气发动机射流电离干扰

18.arc plasma jet spraying coating电弧等离子体射流喷涂涂层


effective firing range有效射击距离

3)most effective range ; optimum range of firing最有效射击距离

4)Spray distance喷射距离

1.Corrosion resistant of polyacrylate waterproof materials in the solution of chloride,sulfate and alkali was studied in static immersion,and relation between swelling ratio and anti-erosion of polymers formed by different initiators of spray distance and mass ratio was investigated.通过溶胀度的测定,研究了不同喷射距离及不同质量分数引发剂所形成的聚合物溶胀度变化与抗侵蚀性关系。

5)effective injection distance有效喷距

1.It is found that the geometric size of the oscillation chamber of self - excited pulse nozzles has great effect on the results of oscillation and theeffective injection distance is much longer and its range is much wider than normal nozzles.测试分析表明:自激脉冲喷嘴振荡腔室的几何尺寸显著地影响着射流的振荡效果,其有效喷距较普通喷嘴更长、更宽。

6)effective distance有效距离


跟踪拦截射击(见空中射击)跟踪拦截射击(见空中射击)pursuit lead-collision attackgenZong IQniie Sheii跟踪拦截射击(pu‘Sui‘lead一collisionattaek)见空中射击。
