100字范文 > 喉科 Laryngeal document英语短句 例句大全

喉科 Laryngeal document英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-15 12:52:08


喉科 Laryngeal document英语短句 例句大全

喉科,Laryngeal document

1)Laryngeal document喉科


1.holding massage in laryngological department喉科擎(擒)拿疗法

2."Otolaryngology(or otorhinolaryngology):Medical specialty dealing with the ear, nose, and throat (see larynx, pharynx)."耳喉科学(亦称耳鼻喉科学):有关耳、鼻、喉疾病诊治的医学专科。

3.International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies国际鼻喉科学会联合会

4.Application of Olympus T?3 Rhinolaryngeal Fibroscope in Otolaryngologypus t_3型纤维鼻咽喉镜在耳鼻喉科的应用

5."Fellow in Otolaryngology, Royal College of Surgeons of Canada [FRCSC (Otolaryngology)]"加拿大皇家外科医学院耳鼻喉科院士

6.Bilingual Teaching of Otolaryngology for Medical Undergraduates;医学本科《耳鼻咽喉科学》双语教学初探

7.Foreign Medical Sciences of Otolaryngology国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册

8.An investigative analysis of 401 emergency patients" medical records in the otolaryngology department耳鼻喉科401例急诊入院病历调查分析

9.Brief summary of 24 cases of otolaryngological common diseases with laser激光治疗耳鼻喉科常见病24例小结

10.International Collegium for Radiology and Otorhinolaryngology国际辐射学和耳鼻喉科学委员会

11.Preliminary Application of Micro-Computer Analysis of Initial Part of Vowel元音初始段声学分析在喉科应用初探

12.Effect of 806 Cases of ENT Diseaser by Laser Therapy806例耳鼻咽喉科疾病的激光治疗

13.Theoretical Research on the Otorhinolarynology of TCM in Huandi s Internal Classic of Medicine;《内经》耳鼻咽喉科学理论探析及临床

14.Collection and Research of Laryngeal Documents of TCM in Ling Nan Areas before the Building up of PRC;建国前岭南中医喉科文献的整理研究

15.Effect of synopsis of prescriptions of the golden chamber on otorhinolaryngologic diseases《金匮要略》对耳鼻喉科临床的影响

16.The branch of medicine that deals with diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, and throat.耳鼻喉科学研究关于耳、鼻和喉部疾病的诊断和治疗的医学分支

17.The branch of medicine that studies and treats the larynx, pharynx, and fauces.喉科学专门研究并治疗喉、咽和咽门的一个医学分支

18.A nine-year-old elementary school boy stuck his tongue into an aluminum water-canister orifice while drinking from it at school .在耳鼻喉科的急诊病症中,耳鼻喉方面的异物并非少见。




1.This paper summarizes the clinical experiences of Zhang Jingyue in the treatment ofotorhinolaryngology diseases based on syndrome differentiation, and elucidates his contributions tootorhinolaryngology in Traditional Chinese medicine.总结明代医家张景岳对耳鼻喉科疾病的辨治特色,阐述其对中医耳鼻喉科学的贡献。

4)Zheng"s Laryngology郑氏喉科

5)throat department of Chinese medicine中医喉科

1.By summarizing the scholar spirit and clinical experience of professor Zhang Chonghua,a noted expert onthroat department of Chinese medicine.通过对著名中医喉科专家张重华教授治学精神及其诊疗经验的总结 ,强调从事中医工作必须具备热爱中医事业 ,锲而不舍、虚心好学、持之以恒 ,学贯文哲以及勇于创新的治学精神。

6)Pharyngeal and laryngeal department咽喉科


《喉科指掌》《喉科指掌》 《喉科指掌》 喉科著作。六卷。清·张宗良撰。刊于1757年。卷一总论咽喉病的诊治大纲、分经及针穴图等;卷二选方及制药法;卷三-六咽喉(11证)、乳蛾(7证)、喉痹(7证)、喉风(12证)、喉痈(11证)、大舌(13证)、小舌(15证)及杂喉(7证)等八门,共73病的证治图说。内容比较丰富。全书分门别类论述喉科多种病证甚为详备。基本反映了喉科的发展水平。18又有书名《喉科杓指》(又名《图注喉科杓指》。署名包永泰撰),系在本书内容中增入牙齿门,并作了部分补充,删去原作者姓名合并为四卷者。现存多种清刻本。
