100字范文 > 衰老雌性小鼠 senile female mice英语短句 例句大全

衰老雌性小鼠 senile female mice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-09 10:57:14


衰老雌性小鼠 senile female mice英语短句 例句大全

衰老雌性小鼠,senile female mice

1)senile female mice衰老雌性小鼠

1.Effects of compound nutrients on anti-oxidation and anti-fatigue insenile female mice复合微量营养素对衰老雌性小鼠抗疲劳和抗氧化作用的研究


1.Effects of compound nutrients on anti-oxidation and anti-fatigue in senile female mice复合微量营养素对衰老雌性小鼠抗疲劳和抗氧化作用的研究

2.Effect of Xuejie Jiawei Granule on Hysteromyoma of Natural Aging Mice with Estrogen Load血竭加味颗粒对雌激素负荷自然衰老小鼠子宫肌瘤的影响

3.Senescent Changes of the Gonad Axis in Female Rat and the Experimental Study on the Mechanism in Anti-aging of Traditional Chinese Medicine Heshouwuyin;雌性大鼠性腺轴系的衰老变化及中药何首乌饮延缓衰老机制的研究

4.The Probe into the Mysteries of Dan Tian and the Study of Delaying Aging on the Ovariectomized Rats with Catgut Embedding in Points in the Region of Dan Tian;丹田奥秘的探讨及丹田区埋线对雌性去卵巢大鼠延缓衰老的研究

5.Influence of Heshouwuyin on Neurotransmitter in Hypothalamus Brain in Female Aging Rats何首乌饮对雌性衰老大鼠下丘脑神经递质的影响

6.The Effect of Heshouwuyin on the Expression of bcl-2 and bax in Renal Cortex of Aging Famale Rats何首乌饮对雌性衰老大鼠肾脏皮质bcl-2/bax的影响

7.Experimental Study on the Toxicity and Mechanism of Premature Ovarian Failure Induced by Nickel Sulfate to Female Mice;硫酸镍致雌性小鼠卵巢早衰毒作用及其机制的实验研究

8.The effect of diethylstilbestrol(DES) on the ovary apoptosis in immune premature ovarian failure mice已烯雌酚对免疫性卵巢早衰小鼠卵巢细胞凋亡的影响

9.Experimental Research on Effects of Liuwei Dihuang Tang on Causing Senility to Ovaria of Mice六味地黄汤对雌性致衰模型小鼠生殖器官影响的实验研究

10.A Comparison Study on Nature Aging Mice and D-galatose Aging Model Mice自然衰老小鼠与D-半乳糖衰老模型小鼠的比较


12.The Establishment of Acute Aging Model in Mice and the Study on Its Mechanism;小鼠急性衰老模型的建立及其机制研究

13.Anti-oxidative effect of Jiangtang compound recipe on subacute aging model mice降糖复方对亚急性衰老模型小鼠的抗氧化作用

14.Elk antlers ethanolic fluid extract on improvement of cognitive decline in experimental aging model mice麋鹿角乙醇提取液对实验性衰老模型小鼠认知功能衰退的改善

15.Conclusion The male rats aged 30 months was visibly aged and weakened,and was used as the natural aging model. The senility of the brain was closely linked to senility of bone in male rats.结论30月龄雄性大鼠已显著衰老,雄性大鼠脑衰老与骨衰老有关。

16.Effects of Enriched and Impoverished Environment on Learning and Memory of Aged Female Mice丰富和贫瘠环境对老龄雌性小鼠学习记忆的影响

17.The Studies of the Effect of Strengthening Vital Energy Combined with Tonifying Kidney Recipe on Immunosenescence in Aging and Nephrasthenia Mice;益气补肾方药对自然衰老和肾虚致衰老小鼠免疫衰老的防治研究

18.Relationship of depression-like behavior induced by chronic restraint stress estrogen and hippocampal estrogen receptor of female mice慢性束缚应激性抑郁与雌性小鼠雌激素和海马雌激素受体的关系


Elderly female mice老龄雌性小鼠

3)Subacute aging mouse亚急性衰老小鼠

4)aging mice衰老小鼠

1.Effects of combination of Duzhong and Verapamil on liver apoptosis inaging mice;杜仲与维拉帕米联合应用对衰老小鼠肝组织细胞凋亡的影响

2.Methods:Theaging mice induced by D-gal were filled with different proportions of mixture o f jujube and zingiber for 45 days.方法:本实验以D-半乳糖衰老小鼠为研究对象,以按照不同比例姜枣混合的水煎剂灌胃4 5 d,测定了青年、老年小鼠红细胞超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性,心肌线粒体内丙二醛(MDA )含量,心肌细胞膜Na+ - K+ - ATPase、Ca2 + - ATPase活性,心肌组织及线粒体Ca2 +含量变化。

3.Ma(PCD) in the subacuteaging mice.Ma,PCD)对亚急性衰老小鼠的抗 脂质过氧化作用。

5)Senile mice衰老小鼠

1.Effects of Xixin, Duzhong and their mixture on the activity of D-galactose-induced CAT senile mice;细辛、杜仲及其合剂对D-半乳糖所致衰老小鼠血液中过氧化氢酶活性的影响

2.Effects of Gracilaria dietary fiber on immunological function and antioxidant function of senile mice江蓠藻膳食纤维对衰老小鼠免疫功能与抗氧化作用的影响

3.saponins on immune function of senile mice.目的 :探讨苦瓜皂甙对衰老小鼠免疫功能的影响。

6)female mice雌性小鼠

1.Objective: To explore the anti-fertility effect of the compound of neem oil onfemale mice.方法:昆明种雌性小鼠分别每日灌胃含1ml/kg、1。

2.Methods The model of Yin-deficiency was induced by feeding thyroid tablets tofemale mice via the stomach.方法采用甲状腺素片灌胃造成雌性小鼠阴虚模型 ,造模前 2d起给予中药灌胃。

3.Objectives:To investigate in vivo the effects of zinc oxide(ZnO) nanoparticles on the main organs offemale mice, especially on female reproductive system.目的:研究氧化锌(ZnO)纳米颗粒对雌性小鼠的在体毒性作用,着重观察其对雌性小鼠生殖系统的影响。


L(+)-鼠李糖一水合物 鼠李糖,一水CAS:10030-85-0分子式:C6H14O6分子质量:182.17熔点:91-93℃中文名称:L(+)-鼠李糖一水合物 鼠李糖,一水英文名称:L(+)-Rhamnose monohydrate; Rhamnose,monohydrate iso-Ducitol用途:用作生化试剂。
