100字范文 > 高压蒸煮 high pressure heat process英语短句 例句大全

高压蒸煮 high pressure heat process英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-03 14:43:52


高压蒸煮 high pressure heat process英语短句 例句大全

高压蒸煮,high pressure heat process

1)high pressure heat process高压蒸煮

1.Dietary fiber was extracted from dry apple powder,and then treated with differenthigh pressure heat process.以苹果干粉为原料提取膳食纤维,采用高压蒸煮方法处理,观察苹果膳食纤维组成及理化性质(持水力、结合水力、膨胀性)变化情况;同时以高压蒸煮处理前后的苹果膳食纤维为灌胃剂和发酵底物,做体内、体外发酵试验,测定粪便和发酵液中短链脂肪酸(SCFA)含量,研究高压蒸煮处理对苹果膳食纤维发酵特性的影响。


1.Effects of High Pressure Heat Process on the Physicochemical Properties and Fermentability of Apple Dietary Fiber高压蒸煮对苹果膳食纤维理化特性及发酵性能的影响

2.Studies on Extruding in Using High Moisture Content Flour and Its Application in Hot Food;高水分蒸煮挤压面类食品及在麻辣食品中的应用

3.A strong, pressurized, steam - heated vessel, as for laboratory experiments, sterilization, or cooking.高压灭菌器,高压锅一种用于实验室实验、灭菌或烧煮的高压加热蒸气作用的容器

4."autoclave:a strong, pressurized, steam-heated vessel, as for laboratory experiments, sterilization, or cooking."高压灭菌器,高压锅:一种用于实验室实验、灭菌或烧煮的高压加热蒸气作用的容器。

5.steam coming from a boiler at full pressure.煮器在全压的情况下散发出的蒸汽。

6.steamer mixer蒸煮拌和器, 蒸煮混和器

7.high pressure kier高压煮锅,高压釜,高压精练锅

8.boil(ing) house蒸煮室, 蒸煮车间, 煮糖车间

9.brewed by forcing steam through powdered coffee beans.弄成粉的咖啡豆通过蒸汽加压煮出的咖啡。

10.Study on Saccharification Experiment for Extrusion Cooked Barley Used as Beer Adjunct挤压蒸煮大麦作啤酒辅料的糖化试验研究

11.The Test Study on Extruded Degermed Maize Adjunct for Brewing Beer;挤压蒸煮脱胚玉米作啤酒辅料的试验研究

12.A Study on the Technology of Extrusion Improving the Function of Corn Dietary Fiber;挤压蒸煮法改善玉米膳食纤维功能特性的研究

13.Metal Materials and Its Welding Technology for Cylindrical Pressure Vessels Using for Pulping圆筒形蒸煮压力容器金属材料及焊接技术

14.Effects of Extrusion-Cooking on Soluble Dietary Fiber in Soybean Residue挤压蒸煮对豆渣中可溶性膳食纤维含量的影响

15.cooker, steam-heated, non-domestic蒸汽加热蒸煮器,非家用

16.Study on the Kraft Pulping Process of Eucalyptus Urophylla with High Kappa Number and the Pulp Properties高卡伯值尾叶桉硫酸盐浆的蒸煮及其性能研究

17.It is necessary to place the wood in a pressure vessel, usually known as a cylinder or autoclave.必须把木材放到通常称为蒸煮缸或压力釜的压力容器中。

18.continuous high temperature pressure steamer高温高压连续蒸化机


steam pressure pot高压蒸煮试验

3)maximum cooking pressure(最高)蒸煮压力

4)pressure cooker加压蒸煮器;高压锅

5)high-frequency cooking高频蒸煮

6)extrusion cooking挤压蒸煮

1.The applications ofextrusion cooking to dairy produsts;挤压蒸煮在乳制品中的应用

2.Application ofextrusion cooking in the production of modified starch;挤压蒸煮技术在变性淀粉生产中的应用

3.The results showed thatextrusion cooking affected the digestibility of fish protein to some extent.采用胃蛋白酶—胰酶复合处理法对原料鱼肉、蒸煮和罐藏处理的鱼肉产品,以及热塑挤压蒸煮的鱼肉制品进行蛋白质体外消化率的测定,分析比较各种鱼肉制品的蛋白质体外消化率的测试结果;结果表明,挤压蒸煮对鱼肉蛋白质的消化率有一定的影响。


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