100字范文 > 市场需要 market demand英语短句 例句大全

市场需要 market demand英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-10 15:25:03


市场需要 market demand英语短句 例句大全

市场需要,market demand

1)market demand市场需要


1.marketable skills合乎市场需要的技巧

2.The tape market requires control.音像市场需要控制。

3.In a highly competitive environment, the needs of the market usually give way to the need for competition.在剧烈竞争下,市场需要往往会让位于竞争需要。

4.The global LNG market has come a greater need for transport ships;全球液化天然气市场需要更多运输船

5.Meet the Needs of Market and Train HighlyQualified Dersonnel for the New Century;适应市场需要,培养高质量跨世纪人才

6.The Brief Analysis of Marketing: The demanded amount is large and The market of it is vastitude.市场简要分析:市场需求量大,市场前景看好。

7.The Brief Analysis of Marketing : The natural organic food-stuff is needed abundantly and the market foreground is vastitude.市场简要分析:天然有机食品,市场需求大,市场前景看好。

8.The decision-maker need know: how to enter this market?决策者需要了解:如何进入这个市场?

9.We would ask you to provide us with market information at regular intervals.我们需要贵方定期地提供市场信息。

10.adjust the commercial structure reasonaBly to meet the practical requirements of the market.合理调整商业结构,切合市场实际需要。

11.There is a strong demand for Chinese pottery in our market, I think.我想我们的市场十分需要中国的陶瓷。

12.All courses are geared to cater to the business needs.课程的设置都一昧迎合市场的需要。

13.The design is all very well in its way , but it is not to the liking of our market.款式倒不错,只是不合我市场的需要。

14.The Reform in Auditing Teaching Should Fit in with the Needs of Market Economy审计学教学改革应适应市场经济需要

15.I got everything I needed in the market.我在市场上买到了我需要的每件东西。

16.Analysis on Elements of Sports Demand and Supply;我国体育市场需求与供给的要素分析

17.Adapting to Market Request and Heightening Cost Management Level;适应市场经济需要提高成本管理水平

18.Should China Build a Market-based Financial System?;中国需要选择市场主导型金融体系吗


demanding elements市场需求要素

3)company market potential公司市场需要量

4)study market needs调查市场需要

5)meet the needs of the market满足市场需要

6)market demand市场需求

1.Ptoduction andmarket demand of 1,4-butanediol;1,4-丁二醇的生产及市场需求

2.Analysis ofmarket demand of logistics information system(IS) in China;我国物流信息系统的市场需求分析

3.Decision-making analysis onmarket demand;随机市场需求的决策分析


