100字范文 > 史部目录 history catalogue英语短句 例句大全

史部目录 history catalogue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-13 13:46:18


史部目录 history catalogue英语短句 例句大全

史部目录,history catalogue

1)history catalogue史部目录

1.The rise of history category from the dependency of the study of Confucian classics to a big independent category,which changes seven-part Chinese book categorization into four-part one together with the development and independence of Han & Wei historiography,the increase of history books,and the formation ofhistory catalogue.史部目录的形成使中国古代图书分类体系完成了由七分法向四分法的转变。

2)catalogue about History Section史部目录学

3)Bibliography History目录学史

1.Research Methods Of ChineseBibliography History;中国目录学史研究方法论


ment on "Zhong Jing Bie Lu"Pair of the Pibliography Pontribution;论《众经别录》在目录学史上的贡献

2.On the Historical Position of LU GUI BU;论《录鬼簿》在我国目录学史上的地位

3.The Achievments of “A Classified and Annotated Bibliography of Books on Calligrphy and Painting”;从目录学史看《书画书录解题》在书画专科目录方面的成就

4.The Recent Study of Modern Bibliographic History(1840-1919)近代目录学史的研究进展(1840-19)

5.Zhang Xuecheng is a famous historiographer and bibliographer in Qing Dynasty.章学诚是清代著名的史学家、目录学家。

6.Impact on Bibliography of Development of Historiography during Wei-Jin Dynasty;魏晋时期史学的发展对目录学的影响

7.The enhancement of the history status observed from the development of bibliography in the Dynasty from Han to Tang;从汉唐目录学发展看史学地位的提高

8.This paper discusses the close relations between bibliography and Chinese academic history through catalogue classification, recoding items, preface and abstract and so on respect.论文从目录的分类、录项目,以及序与提要等方面论述了目录学与中国学术史的密切关系。

9.A Study on ZHANG Xue-cheng s Outlook on Literature with History Orientation from Catalog Classification;从目录分类看章学诚以史为本的文学观

10.The Importance of BEITANGSHUMU for the History of Western Cultural Input into the East;《北堂书目》:记录西学东渐的重要历史文献

11.On the Shao Jin-han’s bibliography value of summaries of the history department of Si Ku Quan Shu;邵晋涵四库史部提要的目录学价值研究

12.On the Status of The Book of Change in the History of Ideology from the Bibliographical Change of the Six Classics;从六经目录学变迁看《周易》的思想史地位

13.Documentary Bibliography in Tibetan Historiography during Yuan and Ming Dynasties and Consciousness of Archive Management;元明时期藏族史学中的文献目录学与档案管理意识

14.Historical Development of Chinese Terms Mulu and Shumu;术语“目录”、“书目”的历史变革演变

15.(computer science) a directory that is listed in another directory.(计算机科学)列在另个目录下的目录。

16.Historiography works of Buddhism were in large quantity,various styles. The Buddhism history of annalistic style,biographical style and the Tripitaka catalogues with explanations were created.佛教史学著作数量丰富,各体兼备,并创造出纪传体、编年体教史和藏经解题目录等新体例。

17.The Research on the Achievement from the Famous Books of Bibliography in the Song Dynasty;从目录学名著看宋代目录学的成就——宋代目录学研究之三

18.I have brought with me a series of catalogues for our latest models.史: 我带来了一套最新产品的目录本。


catalogue about History Section史部目录学

3)Bibliography History目录学史

1.Research Methods Of ChineseBibliography History;中国目录学史研究方法论

4)Shizhi Catalogue史志目录

1.On theShizhi Catalogue category and its features;论史志目录的类别及其特点

5)out list外部目录

6)complete list全部目录


