100字范文 > 电子古籍 Electronic ancient books英语短句 例句大全

电子古籍 Electronic ancient books英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-22 02:11:59


电子古籍 Electronic ancient books英语短句 例句大全

电子古籍,Electronic ancient books

1)Electronic ancient books电子古籍

1.Electronic ancient books should be able to be processed by computers and what computers process are the code points of Chinese characters.电子古籍必须能够用计算机处理,计算机处理的是汉字的码点。

2.It is essential to probe into means of Chinese character electronic input and grope for application software about complex Chinese character in the great data-base of the electronic ancient books,and discuss their significance.文章立足实用,透视高科技浪潮下古籍整理新的方向、新的发展,重点探讨汉字电子录入的手段及相关工具软件,大型电子古籍数据库的疑难汉字的处理方法及其借鉴意义。


1.On the Processing of Variant Chinese Characters in Electronic Ancient Books:Take the Electronic Guangyun(广韵) as an Example;电子古籍的异体字处理研究——以电子《广韵》为例

2.A Search for Electronic Version of Classical Literature to Enrich Collections of Library搜集电子本古籍 丰富古籍室馆藏

3.The Enlightenment Which the Electronic Version of <Si Bu Cong Kan> Give the Work of Chinese Ancient Books;书同文公司《四部丛刊》电子版对我国今后古籍数字化工作的启示

4.Searching for the origin of the Ancient Chinese Civilization According to the Record in the Ancient Books in Yi Language;从彝文古籍记载看中华远古文明的老根子

5.On E-Registration of Academic Statues、Academic Certificate and Students Status Archives Management in Higher Education;学籍、学历电子注册与高校学籍档案管理

6.The Development of Zi-Department of Catalogue of the Chinese Ancient Books and the History Tendency of the Meeting of Confucian, Taoism and Buddhism;论古籍目录子部流变中的儒道释合流趋向

7.E-books certainly looked like the future of publishing.电子书籍似乎将成为出版行业的未来。

8.An Analysis of the Weak Putting out and Circulation of E-books at Present;近期电子收籍生产流通不畅原因分析

9.Pondering on the Significance of the E-Registration of the Student Status in Colleges and Universities谈我国高校推行学籍电子注册的意义

10.Cataloguing of Ancient Books Viewed from Compilation of Ancient Reference Books;从古籍工具书的编纂看古籍编目问题

11.The earliest Chinese book was written a little before Confucius about 2500 years ago.中国最早的古籍成书于孔子之前,至少有2500年历史。

12.Word Choice Differences in Two English Versions of Sun-tzu"s The Art of War and in Translations of Ancient Chinese Classics in General:An Empirical Study古籍英译译者选词差异实证研究——以《孙子兵法》英译独特用词为例

13.Read free e-books, think on how to improve on that topic.免费阅读电子书籍,想就如何改进这一话题.

14.The Presentations Characteristics in Vivid E-book Art Design;电子书籍情景交融的艺术设计表现特征

15.Pondering on Visual FoxPro in the Disposal of the E-Registration of the Status of College Students;Visual FoxPro处理我国高校学籍电子注册数据的研究

16.On-line Registration for Documentation of Academic Credentials and Reform in College Enrollment Management;高校学历证书电子注册与学籍管理改革

17.Analysis of management institutional improvement on high school"s online registration高校学籍学历电子注册管理制度建设探析

18.On the Methods of How to Improve the Work of Student Roll Management加强学籍学历电子注册工作管理的几点措施


Electronic Books电子书籍

3)ancient books古籍

1.An Introduction to the Manual Repair and Paper-pulp Patching of Ancient Books;浅谈古籍的手工修复与纸浆补书

2.Talking about the significance and future development trend of the collation ofancient books;浅谈古籍整理工作的意义及未来发展趋势

3.The function of our forefathers taboo on something in the edition ofancient books appraisal;试析古人避讳在古籍版本鉴定中的作用

4)Chinese ancient books古籍

1.ObjectiveCollecting the recordation of bryophytes inChinese ancient books,we listed the resources of bryophytes.收集和整理了古籍中所记载的苔藓植物并对其进行分析。

2.It is a complex cross-discipline issue to make electronic products ofChinese ancient books.古籍电子化是一个非常复杂的跨学科问题。

3.Focusing on the situation and prospect of computeri zation ofChinese ancient books research, the article elaborates orderly in thre e parts: 1.本文从计算机汉字大字符集和通用工作平台、计算机古籍资料库的建设、古籍整理辅助研究系统等三个方面,就古籍整理研究手段现代化问题阐述了自己的看法和思路。

5)Ancient book古籍

1.Ode to Plum Blossom by Emperor Jianwendi of the Liang dynasty: different versions in ancient books;不同古籍中的梁简文帝《梅花赋》

2.Achievements and Prospects of Chinese Ancient Books Digitalization;中文古籍数字化成果与展望

3.Although it has made a great progress in the digital management of ancient book in the libraries in recent years in China,it is still in its primary stage and there is a lot of to do.近年来,我国图书馆古籍管理数字化成绩显著,但此项工作仍处于起步阶段,尚有许多不足。

6)digital map warehouse电子地籍图库

1.This paper presents an introduction about the dynamic renewal for thedigital map warehouse of Guangzhou Office of Surveying and Mapping for Real Estate.介绍了广州市房地产测绘所电子地籍图库动态更新系统。


