100字范文 > 因素构成 Compose factors英语短句 例句大全

因素构成 Compose factors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-19 01:29:53


因素构成 Compose factors英语短句 例句大全

因素构成,Compose factors

1)Compose factors因素构成


1.A whole composed of diverse elements.多样性由许多因素构成的整体

2.Analysis of the Pathogenesis about 190 Cases of the Pelvic Organ Prolapse盆腔器官脱垂190例发病因素构成分析

3.Analysis on Risk Factors of Nosocomial Infection 377 Cases医院感染危险因素构成—337例分析

4.On the Elements and Supporting Factors of Interactive Teaching;课堂互动教学的构成要素与支持因素

5.The Restrictive Factors of the Nominative Structure “Noun(object)+Verb”;定中“N_宾+V”结构构成因素的考察

6."Found seeral causal chains leading to each of these primary areas."“发现几条原因链构成每个致死因素。”

7.Analysis of Trends and Forming Factors on Business Cost in Shanghai;上海市商务成本构成因素及趋势分析

8.Empirical Study on Knowledge Integration Capability and Its Components;知识集成能力及其构成因素实证分析

9.Analysis of Components and Influence Factors of Higher Education Costs;高等教育成本构成要素及影响因素分析

10.Define the main elements of your ethical tradition.定义构成你的伦理传统的主要因素。

11.one of three coordinates that determine a position in space.构成空间的每一个因素叫做一维。

12.The Writing Ability Structure of Middle School Students;中学生写作(认知)能力的构成因素

13."Consciousness" and "Language":the Fifth Factor in the Making up of History;“意识”与“语言”:历史构成的第五个因素

14.The Structure of Production Factor of Proportion of Logistics Cost in GDP;物流成本占GDP比重中的产业结构因素

15.Technique Construction and Successful Factors of Electronic Business System;电子商务系统的技术构建和成功因素

16.The English style of writing & it s subjective factors & objective factors;英语文体风格及其构成的主、客观因素


18.Research on Components and Influential Factor of Academic Self-Reinforcement in Junior Middle School;初中生自我强化构成要素及影响因素研究



1.Inheritance Correlation Analysis on Seed yieldComponent Factors of Allocytoplasmic Male Sterile Line of Chinese Cabbage;大白菜异源胞质雄性不育系产种量构成因素的遗传相关分析

2.Analysis of theComponents of Yield per Plant of American Non-bracket Cowpea;美国无架豇豆单株产量构成因素分析

3)component factor构成因素

1.This paper makes analysis on the maincomponent factors and, based on this, selects rational models for forecasting patent developing trends.对专利的主要构成因素进行了分析,在此基础上选择合理的专利发展趋势预测模型。

2.Agricultural productivity can be analyzed quantitatively as well as qualitatively based on correct selection of thecomponent factors of agricultural productivity and their indicators,determination of their weights and estimating the average level of agricultural productivity and making a ladder-like division.选择农业生产力的构成因素及其衡量指标,确定每个构成因素及其衡量指标的权重,从而测算出农业生产力的水平值并对其作梯次划分,可以据此对农业生产力在质的规定上和量的差别上进行剖析,以揭示出一个地区农业生产力的特点及其发展方向,为有针对性地实现农业生产力的科学发展提供决策指导。


1.Research on the Yield Performance and Relationship Between Yield and itsComponents in Wheat Cultivar Heng 7228;衡7228小麦产量及构成因素关系研究

2.According to the results of spring cotton variety area tests in ~ and production tests in ,among the yield components,the density take the most important role,followed the order of boll number per plant > boll weight > lint percentage.-河南省春棉品种区试及生产试验资料的统计分析结果表明:在产量构成因素中,以密度对产量的作用最大,株铃次之,铃重再次,衣分最小。

5)component factors构成因素

1.Effects of GA_3 oncomponent factors in commodity character of Red Globe ?grapes;赤霉素对红地球葡萄商品性状构成因素的影响

2.This paper analyzes and discusses thecomponent factors of competitive ability in the four aspects ——physique,technical ability,intelligence and mental ability ——of the volleyball players.文章从排球运动员的体能、技能、智能和心理能力四个方面,分析论述了现代排球运动员竞技能力的构成因素,从而提出了培养现代排球运动员竞技能力的对策,旨在为科学评价运动员训练水平以及早期预测选材提供理论依据。

3.With the application of ISM, this paper, by analyzing the complexity ofcomponent factors and their links, discusses those factors at superficial level, shallow level, medium level and deep level.石油技术服务企业核心竞争力是一个复杂的能力系统,它由企业文化、研发投入、核心技术等18种因素构成,而且各因素间的关系错综复杂,运用ISM(Interpretive Structural Model)分析,可以从复杂的构成因素及因素链中,找到构成石油技术服务企业核心竞争力的表层因素、浅层因素、中层因素和深层因素,为石油技术服务企业核心竞争力的打造提供决策依据。


1.The article emphasize the difference of the influence,factors of the two risks to find an integrated approach to control it.本文以国家审计风险和社会审计风险的比较作为出发点 ,对国家审计风险的构成因素及防范措施进行探讨 ,以期深化对国家审计风险的认识 ,减少和规避国家审计风险。


