100字范文 > 电子资源利用 utilization of electronic resources英语短句 例句大全

电子资源利用 utilization of electronic resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-11 05:35:07


电子资源利用 utilization of electronic resources英语短句 例句大全

电子资源利用,utilization of electronic resources

1)utilization of electronic resources电子资源利用

1.This paper analyzes the causes of the lower rate of theutilization of electronic resources in academic libraries,and probes into the effective measurements to exploitation and utilization the electronic resources.分析目前我国高校图书馆电子资源利用率低的原因,探讨电子资源开发利用的有效措施。


1.Investigation and Analysis on the Electronic Resource Utilization in the Library of Shihezi University石河子大学图书馆电子资源利用调查与分析

2.Investigation and Consideration to tha Utilization of Electronic Resources in University Library对高校馆藏电子资源利用的调查与思考

3.Establishment of Evaluation Criteria System for the Electronic Resources电子资源利用绩效评估指标体系的构建

4.Problems in Promoting Students′ Capacity of Utilizing Electronic Resources提高大学生电子资源利用能力的几个问题

5.Probe into Some Effective Ways for Improving the Utilization Rate of Electronic Resources of University Library提高高校图书馆电子资源利用率的有效途径

6.Discussion on Improving the Utilization Ratio of Electronic Resources of Newly-built Universities and Colleges提高新建本科院校电子资源利用率刍议

7.Improve Talking about How to University Students" Ability to Use Electronic Resources浅谈如何提高大学生电子资源利用能力

8.The Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on the Performance of the Utilization of Library’s Electronic Resources图书馆电子资源利用绩效的模糊综合评价

9.SUSHI-the Protocol for Network Electronic Resources Usage Statistics HarvestSUSHI—网络电子资源利用与统计数据获取协议

10.Considerations about the Utilization Rate of Electronic Resources in College Library提高高职院校图书馆电子资源利用率的思考

11.An Brief Introduction of the Application of Network and Digital Resources in Demographic Study;人口学网络数字资源与电子数字资源利用

12.Infringements and Legal use of Electronic Information Resources;电子信息资源的侵权形式与合法利用

13.On the management and utilization of university library electronic resources;谈高校图书馆电子资源的管理与利用

14.On use and construction of electronic resources in college library;谈高校图书馆电子资源的利用与建设

15.Using the Information Integration Technology to Improve the Utilization Ratio of Electronic Literature Resource利用信息集成技术提高电子文献资源利用率

16.The Management , Development and Utilization of the Electron Periodicals in the University Library;高校图书馆电子期刊资源的管理、开发与利用

17.Research on the Security Safeguard of E-government Information Resources Exploitation;电子政务信息资源开发利用的安全保障

18.How to Utilize Efficiently Electron Reading Room in College Library;如何有效利用高校图书馆电子阅览室资源


ability to use electronic information resources电子资源利用能力

3)construction and use of electronic resources电子资源利用与建设

4)the establishment and utilization of electron resource电子资源建设和利用

5)Electronic Resource Usage statistics电子资源利用与统计

6)resource utilization资源利用

1.Survey in chemical constituent andresource utilization of medicinal plant from tribe Isopyreae;耧斗菜族药用植物化学成分及资源利用概况

2.The characteristics ofresource utilization and environmental impact of China in 1990— were analyzed by the derived indicators of economy-wide material flow analysis(EW-MFA) on the base of the analysis of more than(2 600) items of data onresource utilization and environmental impact at national level.运用经济系统物质流分析方法(economy-wide material flow analysis,EW-MFA),分析1990—我国国家层面资源利用与环境影响的2 600多个数据,得出1990—间我国资源利用和环境影响特征。

3.The background and connotation of the green process engineering science is described and analyzed with actual examples of research, and discussion is made on methods, objectives, scopes and prospect of research onresource utilization-materials conversion processes based on the environmental economy assessment system.论述了绿色过程工程科学的产生背景与科学内涵,并以研究实例进行解析,讨论了在环境(经济综合评价体系下资源利用(物质转化过程的研究方法、目标、内容和前景。


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