100字范文 > 内窥式共焦成像 endoscopic confocal imaging英语短句 例句大全

内窥式共焦成像 endoscopic confocal imaging英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-25 19:36:23


内窥式共焦成像 endoscopic confocal imaging英语短句 例句大全

内窥式共焦成像,endoscopic confocal imaging

1)endoscopic confocal imaging内窥式共焦成像

1.Analysis on coherent transfer function and resolution of theendoscopic confocal imaging system内窥式共焦成像系统的相干传递函数及分辨率的分析


1.Analysis on coherent transfer function and resolution of the endoscopic confocal imaging system内窥式共焦成像系统的相干传递函数及分辨率的分析

2.Research on Embedded Spectral OCT Endoscopic Imaging System嵌入式光谱OCT内窥成像系统的研究

3.Development of Integrated & Digital Endoscopic Image Workstation;集成式内窥镜数字影像工作站的研制与开发

4.The Research of Digital Medical Ultrasonic Endoscope Imaging System数字式医学超声内窥镜成像系统的研究

5.Research on Signal Processing for Digital Ultrasonic Endoscope数字式超声内窥成像系统信号处理的研究

6.Lateral Superresolution Confocal Microscopy Method Based on Image Restoration and Annular Pupil Filtering;图像复原及环形光瞳滤波式横向超分辨共焦显微成像方法

7.Real-time Dynamic Bleeding Synthesis and Simulation of Endoscopic Images内窥镜图像实时动态流血合成与仿真

8.Numerical analysis of mode properties for confocal unstable resonators with intracavity astigmatism-aberrated perturbation腔内像散扰动对正支共焦腔模式影响的数值分析

9.The Empirical Study of Pancreatic Microcirculation of Rats with Acute Pancreatitis by Confocal Lase Endoscope;激光共聚焦内窥镜对大鼠急性胰腺炎微循环的实验研究

10.The Setting up of Reflectance Confocal Microscope and Its in Vivo Application in Skin Tissue Imaging反射式共聚焦系统建立及其在活体皮肤组织成像中的应用

11.Research of Signal Receiving System for Medical Ultrasonic Endoscope Imaging;医学超声内窥成像信号接收系统的研究

12.The effect of Oto-endoscope Computer Imaging System on the evaluation of the tympanic membrane perforation;104耳鼓膜穿孔耳内窥镜电脑成像系统分析

13.Coded Excitation for Endoscopic Ultrasonography用于医学超声内窥成像的编码激励技术

14.Design of OCT Endoscopic Imaging System by Rotated Scanning Probe基于旋转扫描探头的OCT内窥成像系统设计

15.Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography for Endoscopic Imaging with Wavelength-Encoding Probe基于波长编码的扫频光学相干内窥成像方法

16.Digital Time Gain Compensation for Medical Ultrasonic Endoscope Imaging System医学超声内窥成像系统的数字增益补偿

17.Effect on Imaging Result Due to the Time Delay Imprecision in Confocal Algorithm共焦成像算法中时延不确定对成像结果的影响

18.Detect the Early Breast Tumor by Confocal Algorithm利用共焦成像技术检测早期乳腺肿瘤


Confocal endoscopic image共聚焦内窥成像

3)endoscopic imaging内窥成像

1.A scheme for swept-source optical coherence tomography(SS-OCT) based on wavelength-encodedendoscopic imaging is presented and demonstrated in theory.提出了一种基于波长编码的扫频光学相干层析(SS-OCT)内窥成像方法,详细分析了该方法的工作原理,从理论分析上证明了其可行性。

4)confocal endoscope共聚焦内窥镜

1.Aconfocal endoscope for tomographic imaging of tissue;用于生物组织层析成像的共聚焦内窥镜

5)confocal imaging共焦成像

6)confocal laser endomicroscope内窥式激光共聚焦显微镜

1.In order to real time record confocal images in vivo, a number of researchers have attempted to studyconfocal laser endomicroscope that combined confocal laser scaning microscope and endoscope technologies.为了能在活体内进行实时的细胞尺寸水平的共聚焦观测,科研工作者开展了大量的将激光共聚焦显微镜和内窥镜技术相结合的内窥式激光共聚焦显微镜的研究。


