100字范文 > 知识受众 knowledge audience英语短句 例句大全

知识受众 knowledge audience英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-08 08:29:09


知识受众 knowledge audience英语短句 例句大全

知识受众,knowledge audience

1)knowledge audience知识受众

2)knowledge of the audience受众知识

3)A Study on Knowledge Audience s Cognition知识受众认知研究

4)Perception of Audience受众感知

1.The Study on Construction of City Brand Based onPerception of Audience;基于受众感知的城市品牌构建研究


1.City Brand Positioning from the Perspective of Customer Perception and Competition基于目标受众感知和竞争视角的城市品牌定位研究

2.A Study of Influencing Factors of Perceived Interactivity of Internet Advertisement Based on Consumer;基于目标受众的网络广告感知互动的影响因素研究

3.It is common knowledge that some politicians are receiving bribes.政客中有人接受贿赂是众所皆知的事。

4.The Impact of Traditional Esthetics on the Public Acceptance of Ads浅析传统美学对广告受众认知的影响

5.People s cognition and the construction of professional function of edition on online - communication;网络传播的受众认知与编辑职能建构

6.The speaker electrified his audience.这位演说者使听众深受感动。

7.Simple Analysis of Ad-receivers’ Affection Factors in Advertising Activities;浅析广告活动中广告受众的情感因素

8.Media culture is a propagation system with unknown or imaginary audience.传媒文化是建构未知的受众或拥有想象中的受众的传播系统。

9.Empathy. You know the subject"s surface emotions.感受情绪:你得知受术者的表层情绪。

10.ENVIRONMENTAL PERCEPTION AND AWARENESS BUILDING OF BEIJING CITIZENS --A Case Study of Nansha River;公众环境感知与建立环境意识——以北京市南沙河环境感知调查为例

11.How does our audience perceive or rate our brand?我们的受众如何认知或评定我们的品牌?

12.It is widely known that he is one of the most popular novelists in China.众人皆知他是中国最受欢迎的小说家之一。

13.On Internet Communication and the Reconstruction of Cognitive Cultural Environment;论互联网传播与受众认知文化环境建构

14.The government should also have its ear to the ground to have a good grasp of how the people feel and what they need.同时注意聆听民众的声音,尽力去了解民众的感受与需求。

15.The public has been scorned by some and the people treated as a sentimental fiction.公众受到某些人蔑视,人民被当做伤感的虚构。

16.The philistine attitude of the public result in the work is abandoned.由于公众对艺术不感兴趣,那个作品备受冷遇。

17.The philistine attitude of the public resulted in the work being abandoned.由于公众对艺术不感兴趣, 那个作品备受冷遇.

18.The philistine attitude of the public results in the work being abandoned .由於公众对艺术不感兴趣,那个作品备受冷遇。


knowledge of the audience受众知识

3)A Study on Knowledge Audience s Cognition知识受众认知研究

4)Perception of Audience受众感知

1.The Study on Construction of City Brand Based onPerception of Audience;基于受众感知的城市品牌构建研究

5)recipient awareness受众认知

1.Taking Enshi as an example,this paper displays the features and analyzes the target areas of national trends in the mediarecipient awareness,and puts forward a solution to the problem.随着信息社会的发展,媒介已经成为人们获取信息的最基本途径,获取、理解和利用媒介信息的能力已经成为一种在现代社会生存的基本技能,通过对湖北省恩施州的实地调查,从受众自身行为特点和认知对象特点入手调查分析了民族地区传媒受众认知的趋势,提出了解决问题的相应措施。

6)popular knowledge大众知识

1.The matters which were narrated in myths and legends were an important component ofpopular knowledge and were taken as history by certain groups of people.这些内容曾经是大众知识(有时甚至可以称为常识)的重要组成部分。


