100字范文 > 贴身防守 close defense英语短句 例句大全

贴身防守 close defense英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-30 22:55:13


贴身防守 close defense英语短句 例句大全

贴身防守,close defense

1)close defense贴身防守

2)pure widowhood守身

3)close fitting贴身


1.clinging property紧身性,贴身性,缠合性

2.a dress that clings to the body紧贴身体的连衣裙.

3.The jacket is shaped at the waist.这件外衣腰部很贴身.

4.A male servant, especially a valet.男仆,尤指贴身男仆

5.I always wear flannel next my skin.我常穿法兰绒做贴身衣。

6.(of clothes) fitting(too)tightly or closely(指衣服)(过于)贴身的,紧身的

7.The fashion at the time moulded round the upper part of the body.那时候流行的服装式样是上身要贴身。

8.An upper undergarment, typically having short or no sleeves, worn next to the skin under a shirt.贴身内衣;汗衫通常短袖或无袖的内上衣,贴身穿在衬衫下

9.Soft personal warmth, no stimulation, no static, no smell, infants can also use close.柔软贴身保暖,无刺激,无静电,无异味,婴幼儿也可贴身使用。

10.a dress that clings to(ie fits closely so as to show the shape of)the body紧贴身体(显出体形)的连衣裙.

11.The soldiers had their furloughs in their breast pockets.士兵们的贴身口袋里装着休假证

12.The captive"s arms were pinioned to his sides.俘虏的双臂被贴身绑住,动弹不得。

13.used especially for infants" wear and undergarments.尤其是用于婴儿内衣和贴身衣的布料。

14.snug calf-length trousers worn by women and girls.女子穿的到小腿的贴身的裤子。

15.Briefs or shorts worn as underwear.衬裤作为内衣裤穿的贴身内裤或短裤

16.having a close-fitting neckband or collar.有贴身的围颈带或者领口。

17.Clothes worn next to the skin, beneath one"s outer clothing.内衣穿在外衣下的贴身衣服

18.A garment worn under outer garments, especially one worn next to the skin.内衣外衣下边贴身穿着的衣服


pure widowhood守身

3)close fitting贴身

4)subsidy code补贴守则


1.Discussion ondefense in football match from losing goals;从失球原因的角度谈足球比赛中的防守

2.SOS offensive pressuredefense system of modern basketball;现代篮球SOS攻击性紧逼防守体系研究

3.A Research on the Change and Creativity of Defense Ideology for the Chinese Women s Basketball Team;中国女篮防守观念转变与创新探讨


1.Goal-keeperdefending policy design of FIRA soccer robot;FIRA足球机器人守门员防守策略设计

2.This paper aims at providing valuable reference for the skills ofdefending the team members without ball in basketball.因此,对防守无球队员提出了更新、更高的要求。

3.To improve defensive quality and strengthen the attack,this article describles several ways of how todefend with arms in basketball matches.在篮球比赛中 ,一般只强调防守的脚步动作 ,而忽视了防守的手臂动作。


贴身1.媵妾;小妻。 2.指跟随在身边的;亲近的。 3.紧挨肤体。 4.合身。 5.骗局的一种。
