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Euler常数 Euler constant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-21 21:23:31


Euler常数 Euler constant英语短句 例句大全

Euler常数,Euler constant

1)Euler constantEuler常数

1.CalculateEuler constant with MATLAB;用MATLAB计算Euler常数

2.The form and prove ofEuler constant;Euler常数的形式及其证明

3.The equation,C=(lim)n→∞(H_n-lnn),is proved and c isEuler constant based on the definition ofEuler constant.在给出Euler常数的定义的基础上,证明了极限limn→∞(Hn-lnn)存在性和Euler常数的表示式C=limn→∞(Hn-lnn)。


1.The Mathematical Expressions and Applications of Euler s Constant;Euler常数的数学表示及其应用

2.On Subbarao s conjecture concerning the unitary Buler totient function;关于酉Euler函数的Subbarao猜想

3.Some Identities Involving High Order Euler Numbers,Bernoulli Numbers and Genocchi Numbers;高阶Bernoulli数、Euler数和Genocchi数的几个恒等式

4.The Euler Solution of Ordinary Differential Equation and the Realization in Computer;常微分方程的Euler解法及其计算机实现

5.Decay Estimate for 2-D Steady Euler Equations二维定常Euler方程组解的衰减性估计

6.On the Euler s factor and its order of odd perfect numbers;关于奇完全数的Euler因子及其次数

7.Two Equations Involving the Smarandache Function and Euler Function两个包含Smarandache函数和Euler函数的方程

8.Solution Formula Express of Euler Differential Equations Depending on a parameter;含参数λ的Euler型微分方程的求解公式

9.A kind of Identity Containing Euler Number and Bernoulli Multinomial;一类包含Euler数与Bernoulli多项式的恒等式

10.On the Euler s ψ-Function and its Iterates ψ(n)+1;关于Euler函数叠代式ψ(n)+1

11.On the Equation Involving the Euler Function and Its Equation关于一类包含Euler函数方程的解

12.Demonstration of Computing Formula of Euler FunctionEuler函数计算公式的证明研究

13.Aerodynamic Computation of 3-D Unsteady Euler Equations for Wings with Control Surface;三维带操纵面机翼Euler方程非定常气动力计算

14.Unsteady Transonic Flow Computation for a Wing with Control Surface Deflections by Euler Equations跨声速机翼操纵面非定常气动力Euler方程计算

15.The calculated integral formulae of a class kind include higher orderbernoulli numbers and higher order euler numbers;一类包含高阶Bernoulli数和高阶Euler数的积分计算公式

16.Numerical Simulation Based on Euler-Lagrange Method of the Filling Process of the Foam Pattern;基于Euler-Lagrange的发泡成型射料过程的数值模拟

17.The Count Average Value of Optimal Error Term Which is Connected with Euler Function;优化的与Euler函数有关的误差项的算术均值

18.Convergence Characteristics of Preconditioned Euler Equations at Low Mach Numbers低马赫数流动中的预处理Euler方程的收敛特性


Euler NumberEuler数

1.On A Group of Congruence of Bernoulli Number andEuler Number;关于Bernoulli数与Euler数的一组同余式

2.Some congruences concerning Euler numbers;关于Euler数的一些同余式

3.In this paper, the 6-dimensional totally real minimal submanifolds in a complex projective space CP~6 are studied and ‖R‖~2 and‖R_(ij)‖~2 are calculated by the Euler number of 6-dimensional compact Riemann manifold and Green theorem.研究了复射影空间CP6中6维全实极小子流形,利用6维紧致黎曼流形的Euler数及Green定理,计算曲率张量R和Ricci张量Rij的模的平方,得到了数量曲率的拼挤常数,讨论了其局部结构。

3)Euler numbersEuler数

1.Some identities related toEuler numbers;与Euler数有关的一组恒等式

2.Congruences for higher orderEuler numbers;关于高阶Euler数的同余

3.The relations between Bernoulli numbers of higher order andEuler numbers of higher order;高阶Bernoulli数和高阶Euler数的关系

4)Euler functionEuler函数

1.On the sdution ofEuler function equation φ(x)=m;关于Euler函数方程φ(x)=m的解

2.An equation involving theEuler function;一个包含Euler函数的方程

3.An equation involving theEuler function and the Smarandache ceil function of k order and its positive integer solutions一个包含Euler函数及k阶Smarandache ceil函数的方程及其正整数解

5)Euler totient functionEuler函数

1.An equation concerningEuler totient function;关于Euler函数的一个方程

2.For any positive integers n,let φ(n) and S(n) denote theEuler totient function and the Smarandache function respectively.对于正整数n,设φ(n)和S(n)分别是Euler函数和Smarandache函数。

3.In this paper, using some elementary methods, we discuss an arithmetic functional equation containing the divisor function, the sum of divisors and theEuler totient function, All even integer solutions of the equation are given, This result solves a problem concerning the generalized perfect numbers.本文运用初等方法,讨论了一个含有约数函数、约数和函数与Euler函数的数论函数方程,给出了该方程的全部偶数解,并且解决了一个有关广义完全数的问题。

6)Euler"s functionEuler函数


Euler常数Euler常数Eider constantD月扮常数!D此ro圈州如It;加几epa noeTo,uoa。」由下列极限定义的数c: 。一、〔1十t+.…青一h小之0.577215仅训酬)…,L.Euler(1740)研究过,由于序列 ,+合+…+告一in(·+,)是单调递增的和上有界的,可知Euler常数存在.E己er常数的数论性质尚未研究;甚至还不知道(1988)它是否是有理数.月.只.R”p朋I.eB撰【补注】事实上,关系式 丫上一in;一。+。r上、 声犷龙”\XZ成立,见[Al],225.
