100字范文 > 防洪预案 flood control forecasting英语短句 例句大全

防洪预案 flood control forecasting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-01 19:51:33


防洪预案 flood control forecasting英语短句 例句大全

防洪预案,flood control forecasting

1)flood control forecasting防洪预案

1.Use Excel inflood control forecasting;Excel在防洪预案中的应用

2)Flood preventionp lan防洪方案


1.Research of Set Pair Analysis Method to Urban Flood Risk Assessment and Flood Control Program Optimization城市洪水风险评价与防洪方案优选的集对分析方法研究

2.The Plan Deliberation of Nanning Flood-control Works Sand River Dike Section Flood Prevention and Drains Waterlogged Land;南宁防洪堤沙江堤段防洪排涝方案可行性研究

3.Scenarios Comparison Research of the Prevent-flood Dams Effect on Floods in Xunjiang River Basin;浔江防洪堤对沿江洪水影响的多方案对比研究

4.Study on Programming Scheme for Flood Control in Nanxi River, Yongjia County;永嘉县楠溪江防洪工程规划方案研究

5.Research on optimization of flood control and disaster mitigation engineering schemes流域防洪减灾工程措施方案优选研究

6.Formation of the evaluation model for urban flood control planning projects城市防洪工程规划方案评判模型构建

7.Optimal Selection of Flood Control Plans of Reservoir and United Operation of Reservoirs and Baiyang Pond;水库防洪调度方案优选及库淀联合防洪调度问题的研究

8.Research on Optimizing Scheme of Flood Control and Waterlogging Prevention for the Jingling Thermal Power Plant南京金陵电厂防洪防涝方案优化的分析研究

9.0n approval, the flood prevention schemes shall be carried out by the local people"s governments concerned.防御洪水方案经批准后,有关地方人民政府必须执行。

10.Evaluation of flood control operation program based on extenics theory and its application基于可拓学理论的防洪调度方案评价研究与应用

11.Application of Fuzzy Optimization Neural Network Model in the Optimization of Urban Flood Control Planning模糊优选神经网络模型在城市防洪规划方案优选中的应用

bination of Landscape Rebuilding with Flood Control Project--Scheme Design of Jinling Science and Technology College Water System Rebuilding Project景观改造与防洪工程结合——金陵科技学院水系改造工程方案设计

13.Study on the causes and the prevention of soil erosion in Song Zhang retreat road engineering in the Chengxi Lake flood storage area城西湖蓄洪区宋张撤退道路工程水土流失原因及防治方案浅析

prehensive Assessment of Urban Flood Control Project Based on Multivariate Statistical Analysis基于多元统计分析的城市防洪规划方案综合评定

15.Emergency Flood Reconstruction Programme洪灾后紧急重建方案

16.Flood prevention schemes for the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Huai River and Hai River shall be formulated by the state flood control headquarters and submitted to the State Council for approval.长江、黄河、淮河、海河的防御洪水方案,由国家防汛指挥机构制定,报国务院批准;

17.Study on Risk Analysis and Calculation Method of Flood Regulation for Flood Control Projects防洪工程洪水调度风险分析及计算方法研究

18.Floodwater resources utilization based on flood forecast information of reservoir operation chart基于水库防洪预报调度图的洪水资源化方法


Flood preventionp lan防洪方案

3)preliminary project of flood洪水预案

4)forecast of flood control防洪预报

5)flood warning防洪预警

1.A 3-D simulation system forflood warning of Dongting Lake was developed, which displayed all terrain and building in and around this area.开发了洞庭湖防洪预警三维虚拟仿真平台,将整个洞庭湖区及周边场景在计算机中虚拟展现。

6)prevention and preparation plan防御预案


高射炮兵射击预案高射炮兵射击预案antiaircraft artillery fire schemegaoshePaobing sheiiyu’an高射炮兵射击预案(antiaireraft artillery firescheme)高射炮连、营作战前拟定的组织实施射击的方案。目的是使指挥员预先有对空情的分析、判断和射击方案,以便作战中能迅速、果断地处置情况。它是临空指挥的基本依据。主要内容包括:作战任务,对敌方航空兵可能使用机型、进人高度、主要来袭方向、攻击手段的判断,对不同情况的处置方案,集火射击、分火射击、转移火力的时机和协同动作的规定。预案要明确、具体、切实可行,要交给指战员讨论、充实,具体内容根据情况变化要适时调整、补充和修改。在作战中,当空中情况与射击预案的设想不相符合时,指挥员应在上级总的作战意图指导下机智、灵活、果断地处置。(牛兴昌)
