100字范文 > 面板脱空 separation between concrete slab and cushion layer英语短句 例句大全

面板脱空 separation between concrete slab and cushion layer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-08 18:15:45


面板脱空 separation between concrete slab and cushion layer英语短句 例句大全

面板脱空,separation between concrete slab and cushion layer

1)separation between concrete slab and cushion layer面板脱空


1.Study on Analytical Method of the Void of Concrete Faced Rock-fill Dam;面板堆石坝面板脱空问题分析方法研究

2.Disengaging monitoring by temperature method for face slab rock-fill dams面板堆石坝面板脱空的温度法监测技术

3.Research on treatment technology by grouting at the bottom of slab about cement concrete pavement void板底压浆对水泥混凝土路面板脱空处治研究

4.Study on Analysis of Separation of Deck from Cushion of Concrete Face Rockfill Dam Considering Creep Effect;面板堆石坝考虑蠕变的面板脱空问题的分析研究

5.Numerical Simulation for the Void Evolution under Cement Concrete Pavement Slab水泥混凝土路面板脱空过程的数值模拟

6.Review on Methods of Identifying Foundation Void under Rigid Pavement Slab;刚性路面板下地基脱空判定方法综述

7.Experiment analysis on jacking grout of cement concrete pavement and slab void砼路面板底脱空压浆材料的试验分析

8.Void grade classification method of cement concrete pavement slab based on service life基于水泥混凝土路面脱空板使用寿命的脱空等级划分方法

9.The Analysis and Evaluation of Void Beneath Slab in CCP;水泥混凝土路面板下脱空状况的分析与评定

10.Study on Separation of Deck from Cushion of Concrete Face Rockfill Dam;面板堆石坝脱空状况分析及其防止措施研究

11.Mechanism and Mechanical Analysis of Void Beneath Cement Concrete Slabs;水泥混凝土路面板下脱空机理及其力学分析

12.Treating the cavity beneath cement concreat pavement slabs with grouting technique灌浆技术对水泥混凝土路面板底脱空的处治

13.The Study on Cavity Plate Treatment Methods of Old Cement Concrete Pavement旧水泥混凝土路面脱空板处治方法初探

14.The Research on Determination Method for Voids Beneath Cement Concrete Pavement at Home and Aboard国内外水泥路面板底脱空判别方法研究

15.Mechanical Simulation and Analysis of Void Beneath Cement Concrete Pavement Slab Based on ANSYS基于ANSYS的水泥路面板底脱空力学模拟分析

16.Key Treatment Technology of Void under Cement Concrete Pavement Slab水泥混凝土路面板底脱空处治的关键技术研究

17.Relationship between Voids Beneath Slab and the Load Transfer Efficiency;水泥混凝土路面板底脱空和接缝传荷能力的关系

18.Research on Determination Method and Treatment Technology for Voids Beneath Cement Concrete Pavement水泥混凝土路面板底脱空判别方法和处治技术研究


pavement suspending路面板脱空

1.The basic theory of the testing onpavement suspending using transient impulse are expatiated detailedly.论述了混凝土路面板板下脱空形成的机理和危害,介绍了现在广泛使用的两种脱空检测方法,即FW D落锤式弯沉仪检测法和GRP探地雷达检测法,着重阐述了利用瞬态冲击法进行路面板脱空检测的理论基础,并通过一模型试验进行脱空检测的模拟,其结果证明了该方法在理论、试验上是可行的;并在实际路面板上做了相应的试验,得出的结果和模型试验的结果相一致。

2.The existing methods of the testing onpavement suspending are introduced.本文介绍了有关混凝土路面板脱空检测的现有方法,着重阐述了利用瞬态冲击法进行路面板脱空检测的理论基础,并通过一模型试验进行脱空检测的模拟,其结果证明了该方法在理论、试验上是可行的;并在实际路面板上做了相应的试验,得出的结果和模型试验的结果相一致。

3)Voids of the rigid pavements slab刚性路面板脱空

4)plate outrunning搭板脱空

1.Consideringplate outrunning at bridge head of Jingzhu expressway,sleeve valve pipe grouting technology is put forward.结合京珠高速公路桥头搭板脱空实际情况,提出采用"袖阀管"灌浆技术进行处治。

2.To solve the phenomenon of highway bridgeplate outrunning and falling,it carries on the plasm pouring test by methods of uprightness and plane.为解决高速公路桥头搭板脱空下降现象,进行了竖直法和水平法的灌浆试验,试验过程中研究了两种方法的灌浆参数和工艺特点,试验结果说明这两种方法都可以有效解决桥头搭板脱空现象,并指出水平灌浆法是一种值得推广的新方法。

5)void beneath slab interior板中脱空

6)hollow under the corner of slab板角脱空


脱空1.丧葬所用或庙宇所供的偶像。因须脱出胎心﹐仅有中空的外壳﹐故名。 2.落空;没有着落;弄虚作假。
