100字范文 > 薄层油藏 thin reservoirs英语短句 例句大全

薄层油藏 thin reservoirs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-01 04:30:20


薄层油藏 thin reservoirs英语短句 例句大全

薄层油藏,thin reservoirs

1)thin reservoirs薄层油藏

1.Interlayer interference analysis of commingled production inthin reservoirs and its technical countermeasures;薄层油藏合采层间干扰分析及技术对策研究

2)thin interbed reservoir薄互层油藏

1.To direct modification and production potential tapping inthin interbed reservoir by interactive chart;利用交互图版法判断高产油层指导薄互层油藏调整挖潜

2.In order to improve the development response ofthin interbed reservoirs in Gao 1 area,secondary development scheme is studied in respects of reactivation of long shut-in wells and residual oil distribution.为提高高一区薄互层油藏的开发效果,开展了二次开发方式探索研究,主要进行了长停井复产效果分析以及剩余油分布规律研究,通过部署水平井实现井网加密调整,提高薄互层油藏采收率。


1.Forward simulation of viscoelastic wave equation in thin-interbedded reservoir model薄互层油藏模型黏弹性波方程正演模拟研究

2.Study on forward simulation of cross-hole seismic elastic wave equation for model of thin and alternating bed reservoir.薄互层油藏模型井间地震弹性波方程正演模拟研究


4.Reservoir Description and Remaining Oil Distribution Study of Thin-interbedded Reservoirs in Fault Block Shen 67 of Liaohe Oilfield;辽河油田沈67断块薄互层砂岩油藏描述及剩余油分布研究

5.The Study on the Residual Oil Distribution Regulation and Development Optimization of Remaining Potential Reserves in the Thin Interbedded Sand Reservoir in Fault Block Shen 67, Liaohe Oilfield;薄互层砂岩油藏(沈67断块)剩余油分布与挖潜优化研究

6.Study on redevelopment in the late stage of cyclic steam stimulation for thin-interbedded heavy oil reservoir薄互层稠油油藏蒸汽吞吐后期二次开发方式研究

7.Application of stratified stress method in massive hydraulic fracturing design分层地应力方法在薄互层低渗油藏大型压裂设计中的应用

8.A feasibility study of hot-water injection development for thin-interbedded reservoir with heavy oil: a case of Lower Interval of Du66 block in Shuguang oilfield,Liaohe area薄互层状普通稠油油藏注热水开发可行性研究——以辽河曙光油田杜66块下层系为例

9.Influence of the impervious interbeds on the drainage and oil production performance of the thin oil reservoir with bottom water隔夹层对薄层底水油藏排水采油动态影响研究

10.Research on the Selection Rules of the Thin and Heavy Oil Reservoir for the Application of Puff and Huff;薄层稠油油藏蒸汽吞吐开发筛选标准研究

11.Research on Producing Technology of Wangjiagang Thin Reservoir with Low Permeability and High Pour Point;王家岗油田薄层低渗高凝油藏开采技术研究

12.Research on screening of thin-bedded heavy oil reservoir with segmented steam flooding薄层稠油油藏水平井分段蒸汽驱筛选研究

13.A set of logging techniques to recognize thin oil layers in a low-resistivity and low-permeability reservoir and its application低阻低渗油藏薄油层测井识别技术及其应用

14.Application of thin bed processing technique in conductive formation of Jiangsu Oilfield薄层处理技术在江苏油田低阻油藏的应用

15.Practice and cognizance of horizontal well development of thick oil pool in shallow and thin layer浅薄层稠油油藏水平井开发实践与认识

16.Evaluation of Testing and Oil Extraction Tech for Thin Interbed and Heavy Oil in Du212 Block.杜212块薄互层超稠油试油试采技术评价

17.Research on Thin Formations of Oil and Gas Reservoir of River phase in Binnan Area;滨南地区河流相薄层油气藏滚动开发研究

18.Numeric simulation of horizontal well in low-amplitude and thin reservoir with edge and bottom Water低幅薄层边底水油藏水平井开发数值模拟研究


thin interbed reservoir薄互层油藏

1.To direct modification and production potential tapping inthin interbed reservoir by interactive chart;利用交互图版法判断高产油层指导薄互层油藏调整挖潜

2.In order to improve the development response ofthin interbed reservoirs in Gao 1 area,secondary development scheme is studied in respects of reactivation of long shut-in wells and residual oil distribution.为提高高一区薄互层油藏的开发效果,开展了二次开发方式探索研究,主要进行了长停井复产效果分析以及剩余油分布规律研究,通过部署水平井实现井网加密调整,提高薄互层油藏采收率。

3)ultra-thin reservoir超薄层油藏

4)heavy oil reservoir with thin interbed薄互层稠油油藏

5)thin and heavy oil reservoir薄层稠油油藏

1.Based on the problem that there is no detailed select rules of thethin and heavy oil reservoir for the application of puff and huff and the development situation of the mechanism, affect factors, economy bounds and the select ru.因此针对当前薄层稠油油藏缺少完善的蒸汽吞吐筛选标准的问题,本文在概括分析蒸汽吞吐开采稠油的机理、影响因素、经济界限和筛选标准研究现状的基础上,利用油藏工程方法和经济收支平衡法,分别建立了薄层稠油油藏的单井累积产油量、单井周期油气比和单井周期极限日产油经济界限指标计算公式;在此基础上利用油藏数值模拟方法分别研究了原油粘度、油层厚度、地层孔隙度、渗透率、含油饱和度、纯总比和油藏深度对薄层稠油油藏蒸汽吞吐开发效果的影响规律,并利用灰色关联方法对各因素的影响敏感度进行了分析;并以单井累积产油量经济界限指标为依据,对原油粘度、油层厚度等八个因素进行分组经济极限的研究,最终建立了包含这些因素在内的薄层稠油油藏蒸汽吞吐筛选标准;并据此对胜利油田陈373块油井进行了筛选,并在分析注汽参数影响规律的基础上,进行了注汽参数的优化设计,经现场实际应用,所筛选出的油井均取得了很好的蒸汽吞吐开发效果。

6)thin oil reservoir with bottom water薄层底水油藏

1.Visual studies on controlling water coning inthin oil reservoir with bottom water;薄层底水油藏底水锥进控制可视化研究

2.The research of the influence of the permeability of water/oil bed on drainage and production inthin oil reservoir with bottom water;薄层底水油藏油水层渗透率对排水采油动态影响研究


薄层棒色谱法分子式:CAS号:性质:又称棒色谱(rod chromatography)。在石英棒或石英管外壁上涂布一薄层物质作为固定相的薄层色谱法。
