100字范文 > 发育模型 developmental model英语短句 例句大全

发育模型 developmental model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-08 17:34:27


发育模型 developmental model英语短句 例句大全

发育模型,developmental model

1)developmental model发育模型

1.It is important bases to establishdevelopmental model of plant for controlling the status of plant growth and development.植物发育模型为掌握植物生长发育状况提供理论依据。

2.Especially several representativedevelopmental models and learning methods were described in detail.较为全面地介绍了发育机器人的基本概念、核心思想和发展历程,重点剖析了几种典型的发育模型和学习方法。


1.Subcutaneous implantation of embryonic skin cells to construct a model of hair development in nude mice胚胎皮肤细胞裸鼠皮下移植构建毛发发育模型

2.Study on Greenhouse Microclimate and Simulation Model of Tomato Growth and Development in Southern China;南方温室小气候与番茄生长发育模型研究

3.Simulation on Growth and Development in FACE Rice;FACE水稻生长发育模拟模型研究

4.Simulation of Development and Growth of Greenhouse Muskmelon;温室网纹甜瓜生长发育模拟模型研究

5.Rice Apex Development and Organ Formation Model;水稻顶端发育与器官建成的模拟模型

6.Study of Dynamic Simulation Models in Medicago Ruthenica;扁蓿豆生长发育动态模拟模型的研究

7.Study on Greenhouse Fruit Cucumber Growth and Development Simulation Model温室水果黄瓜生长发育模拟模型研究

8.The Mathematical Model of Education and Economy Coordinated Development;教育与经济协调发展的数学模型研究

9.Development model of community sports in China in period of social transformation;社会转型期我国社区体育的发展模式

10.Ideas and Patterns in Developing New Vocational Higher Education in the Major of Traveling;发展新型旅游高职教育的理念与模式

11.Reaserch On the Area Planing the Model of Higher Education Development;区域规划型高等教育发展模式的探索

12.The Practical Problems of Models in Science Teaching;从模型教学引发的对科学教育的思考

13.Type and Mode of Developing Sports Intermediary Organs in China;我国体育中介机构发展的类型与模式

14.Service-type education system:the new mode of development in district higher education;服务型教育体系:区域高等教育发展的新模式

15.Study of Tobacco Growth and Development Dynamic Simulation Modeling System;烟草生长发育动态模拟模型系统(Tobacco-DSMS)的研究

16.Research on model of macro-regulation of China s postsecondary education expansion;中国高等教育规模发展宏观调控模型研究

17.FAHP comprehensive evaluation model of China"s sports market我国体育市场发展模式的FAHP综合评价模型

18.Implementation Program of Health Promotion Model for the Growth Spurting Adolescent of Different Growth Types;青春发育突增期不同发育类型学生健康促进模式的实施方案


distribution parameter model发育度模型

3)crop development model罪发育模型

4)hair development model毛发发育模型

5)growth and development model生长发育模型

6)developmental rate model发育速率模型


膀胱不发育与发育不全膀胱不发育与发育不全aplasia and agenesis of bladder膀胱不发育与发育不全均罕见。膀胱不发育常并发上尿路及其他系统严重畸形,故为死产或生后不久死亡。在女性有因输尿管直接开口于前庭、阴道,呈完全性尿失禁而存活者。膀胱发育不全也多因并发严重畸形于生后不久死亡,若有生存的病例则与双侧单一输尿管口异位问题相似。
